"Thank you!"

Seeing Jiang Xun agree, Miss Keqing was happy.

This was indeed a great help to her.

" The traveler is now at the Adventurer's Guild. You can go find her."

" I have something else to do, so I won’t go with you"

Keqing finished her explanation at a very fast speed and left in a hurry.

What a busy person!

Jiang Xun stroked his chin.

"By the way, do you want to go together?"

Jiang Xun asked Diekarapian beside him.

But the latter shook his head.

" I want to study Liyue’s cuisine"

Diekarapian took out a book while talking.

It seemed to be a book introducing Liyue cuisine. Diekaraapian showed great interest in the book.

To be more precise, he was interested in the cuisine inside.


Jiang Xun walked directly towards the Adventurer's Association after he finished speaking.

After passing through several alleys, he soon arrived near the Adventurer's Association.

From this place, he could see the location of the Adventurer's Association.

With his eyesight, he could clearly see that there was a girl with golden hair wearing strange clothes standing in front of Catherine, and a creature floating in the sky.

As a former traveler, Jiang Xun naturally knew the other party.

In addition to Ye Tiandi, he was the only one who could use multiple elements.

Although he basically didn't use it when he was traveling in the big world......

"Hello, are you the traveler Keqing mentioned?"

Jiang Xun approached Ying and said hello.

After all, the other party didn't know him, and rashly revealing her information would inevitably arouse suspicion.

"Who are you?"

Ying asked doubtfully

" I am Keqing, I am here to assist you"

Jiang Xun replied

" So you are the expert that Keqing mentioned?!"

Paimon said with an expression that said I have seen through everything.

" Expert? I guess so. My name is Jiang Xun"

Jiang Xun was a little speechless. He didn't think he was an expert.

Those few times were just coincidences.

It was as if he was once an insider.

But he was too lazy to explain.

"Hello, my name is Paimeng, and she is Ying. We are best friends!"

Paimeng introduced to Jiang Xun. After listening to Paimeng's introduction,

Ying also nodded to Jiang Xun.

The three of them officially met.

" Let's go without further ado. The reward this time is very generous, and we will definitely be able to buy a lot of delicious food!"

Paimeng urged impatiently.

Many delicious foods have already appeared in her mind.

Ying looked at Jiang Xun with an apologetic look.

It seemed that she was apologizing for Paimeng's somewhat rude behavior. Jiang Xun smiled and said it was okay.......As expected of Paimon, he really said what he meant.

Wind, guide me to the ruins where the treasure-stealing group gathered.

After leaving Liyue Harbor, Jiang Xun said to himself.

As soon as he finished speaking, a hidden green light appeared in front of his eyes.

It was the wind element.

" By the way, Jiang Xun, where should we go next?"

Paimeng also realized this problem and asked quickly.

Even she found that she didn't know where to go next.

Jiang Xun smiled when he heard this.

I thought this guy who was full of food on his mind would not ask this question

" Next, just follow me"

Jiang Xun replied in a pretentious manner, looking like an old charlatan.......He didn't know where the location was.

He just followed the instructions given by the Word of Truth.

However, Jiang Xun had a hunch that they were getting closer and closer to the target point.

Because from his perspective, the power of the wind was getting stronger and stronger, which was obviously reminding him of this matter.

"Oh, okay, but don't lie to us, or I will...I'm going to give you an ugly nickname!"

Paimon's"threat" that he thought was vicious seemed a little cute to Jiang Xun.

But Jiang Xun didn't refute it.

Instead, he smiled and made promises.

This behavior made Fei, the little thing in the sky, satisfied.

Because when he said similar words before, no one cooperated with her like Jiang Xun did.

"Hehe, I believe you!"

Paimeng couldn't help but puff out his chest and said proudly.

However, although Paimeng was easy to fool, Ying, who was very sensitive to the original position beside him, found something unusual.

She could also feel that there was a wind element in front of her that was constantly guiding Jiang Xun.

And as time went on, the power of this wind was still increasing.

Although this change could be hidden from Paimeng, she still noticed it.

The next step was to carefully observe Jiang Xun in front of her, trying to find the Eye of God on the other party.

But in the end, nothing was found.

This shocked her a little.

Without the Eye of God, how could he see the flow of the wind?

If the other party had not been recommended by Keqing, she might have drawn her sword.

Jiang Xun naturally felt the gaze behind him.

But he didn't care.

Because the destination is just ahead

" You two, here we are"

Jiang Xun's calm voice came, pulling the two people's attention back to reality from their own imagination.

After a moment of hesitation, both of them looked forward.

They saw that many members of the treasure-stealing group had gathered at a relic that looked very old.

They were looking around the relic, as if they were waiting for something.

"Wow, look, it's the treasure-stealing group, what are they doing?"

Paimon expressed her doubts at the right time.

But no one answered her.

Jiang Xun's eyes were shining, and his sight had passed through the ruins and reached its depths.

In his vision, the entire ruins were filled with power he had never seen before.

Dark, deep, and full of aggression.

It was somewhat similar to the power contained in Durin's blood before.

This was definitely not the power of Teyvat.

Although Ying could not see through the ruins, in her sight, the outer layer of the ruins seemed to be shrouded by a dark power.

This ruins is indeed related to the Abyss Cult!

"Hey, what are you looking at?"

Paimon saw that the two were staring at the direction of the ruins.

He was confused for a moment.

He also turned his eyes in that direction.

But he didn't see anything.

" Well, nothing much, but we should have found the right place"

Jiang Xun then retracted his gaze and said with a smile

" So many people from the treasure-stealing group gathered here, and it's obvious that they are not doing anything good!"

Paimon saw that someone finally paid attention to him, and then he also expressed his opinion.

Nonsense, a group of tomb robbers gathered together, are they holding a charity party?

" Well, I want to go in and take a look"

Ying, who had been silent all this time, spoke up now.

There was a voice in her heart urging her to go into the ruins and take a look.

She always felt that she would encounter something.

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