"Is your friend in there?"

Dainsleb also heard something from Paimon's words.

"That's right, we must have run too fast just now, Jiang Xun didn't catch up!"

Paimeng's tone was somewhat self-blaming.

In her opinion, the other party was just an ordinary person, and he got lost because he followed them in.

I just don't know what his current situation is.


Hearing this, Dainsleb looked inside the ruins.

The dark space exuded an ominous atmosphere.

" My goal is also the ruins. If you want to go in and find him, I can accompany you."

Dainsleb said lightly

"Really? That's great!"

Paimon's face immediately showed a smile.

With Dainsleib by his side, there shouldn't be any problems this time.

"Well, let's go"

Ying also nodded.

Although she felt that Jiang Xun was not simple, it was just a feeling.

What if the other party was just an ordinary person who happened to have strange abilities?

Teyvat is very large, and what she has touched is just the tip of the iceberg.

After making the decision, the three of them walked towards the interior of the ruins together.

Due to the experience of the previous exploration, Ying took the lead and led the way.

Soon they arrived at the location of the strange upside-down statue.

"Hey, where is the statue?"

Paimon rubbed his eyes and wondered if it was his illusion.

But the fact was that the statue was indeed gone.

" The breath of the abyss is very faint, but it does exist"

Dainsleb said to himself

" Is it possible that the monster took the statue away?"

Ying asked Dainsleib.

This is not impossible. With the other party's magical space gate, it is fully capable of doing this.

" It is possible that they can indeed carry away huge things quietly."

"They.....who is it?";

" We'll talk about it some other time. We should leave now. Judging from the situation, your friend will not be in the ruins anymore."

" However, if you really want to find him, you can start from the statue you mentioned. Maybe you can find information about your friend."

Dainsleib said calmly

" This....All right"......

At night

, the stars shine brightly, and the night wind brings a sweet scent.

Deep into people's dreams.

On the big tree in the wind, the green bard is leisurely drinking wine.


" Hey, are you drinking!"


A space door suddenly appeared next to Wendy, and then a sinister voice came from the other side of the door.

The sudden noise scared a certain wind god.

The wine in his hand was thrown away in fear.

Wendy felt that the voice was inexplicably familiar in addition to being frightened.

" Jiang Xun?";

"It's me"


Suddenly, as if sensing something,

Wendy's expression suddenly became much more serious.

"The power of the abyss, how could you....."

The emergence of this power evoked some bad memories for him.

It was the annihilation war he personally participated in five hundred years ago.

It was also that war.

Old friends died or changed.

But he couldn't say it yet. This feeling was very uncomfortable.

At this time, Jiang Xun's figure also walked out from behind the door.

However, he was holding a figure in his hand.

It was the Apostle of the Abyss.

However, unlike the arrogant one before.

At this time, it can be said that it breathes in more than it exhales.

The limbs drooped weakly, completely losing strength.

"You know this, right?"

Jiang Xun threw the Abyss Apostle in his hand and threw it directly on the ground.

" People from the Abyss Cult....Where did you catch them from? They are always very cautious, and even I find it difficult to catch them."

Wendy said in surprise.

He certainly knew about the Abyss Cult, a group of people who wanted to revive Kanreya and fight against the law of nature.

They were usually very careful, so he couldn't catch them.

" He hit me in the face"

Jiang Xun shrugged and replied.

Wendy:? ?.......The situation at that time......

" Wendy, this guy, drank so much that he couldn't even control his own statue?"

After Jiang Xun saw the two people leave, he looked at the statue in front of him and marveled.

It is said that the power of God cannot be offended, but this statement does not apply to Wendy at all! How can he drink leisurely after his house was robbed?

" Forget it, give him a hand"

"However, how can I bring it back?"

Jiang Xun thought

" The gate of the abyss, open!" The abyss apostle on the other side opened the door impatiently after finding that he had regained control of his body. He walked out directly. Then, he saw Jiang Xun who had discovered a new world. Jiang Xun: Got it. Apostle: Sent it.


" Then I used it to bring your statue back with me"

Jiang Xun said as he pulled the huge statue out of the door and slowly placed it on the ground.

" You are quite resourceful."

Wendy looked at the lost and recovered statue with a slight twitch in his mouth.

Although the statue still exuded a strange light in the dark night

, it was easy for him to purify the abyss aura on it.

After all, this was Mondstadt.

" You can solve the problem of the statue yourself"

Jiang Xun waved his hand.

He didn't want to get too involved in this matter. He was just helping out this time.

He also believed that the other party must have a way

"Well, thank you very much"

" The abyss will eventually come!"

Just as the two were talking, a powerful force suddenly erupted from the abyss apostle lying on the ground.

The dark force spread into the air.

The grass at its center was visible to the naked eye.���The Abyss

Apostle's body was rapidly expanding.

" Not good"

Wendy saw the other party's purpose at a glance.

He immediately took out the harp to stop it.

The power released after the death of the demon will cause damage and impact on a large area of the environment.

Although the opponent is far inferior to the demon.

But he has the power of the abyss.

Even if this power leaks a little, it will have a significant impact on the ecology of Teyvat.

Wendy plucked the strings, and the power of the wind quickly condensed around the apostle of the abyss.

Gradually formed a wind shield.

The opponent has already started to self-destruct at this time, and killing it will not help.

This is done to minimize the impact.

" My Lord Prince, I will go first!"

Before the explosion, it did not forget to shout to show its loyalty.

" Although you are very inspiring"

" But unfortunately, you and everything about you should not appear on this continent"

Jiang Xun's voice came faintly.

The Word of Truth was activated.

Once again, the law was set in motion.

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