"I see, I should thank that friend."

After listening to Ying's explanation, Thomas nodded.

"Haha, of course, this does not affect my gratitude for your help. I will treat you to hot pot when the time comes!"

Thoma continued.

After all, if the other party had not rescued him in time, his God's Eye might have been gone.

He has always been clear about gratitude and resentment.

" Hey, that's a deal!"

When hearing about hot pot, Paimeng stood up and spoke again.

When it comes to food, she is definitely indispensable.

"By the way, Ying, what do you think Jiang Xun's identity is?"

After solving his own food problem,

Paimeng also had the energy to think about other things.

He immediately led the topic to Jiang Xun.

" Not sure, but I think Zhongli should know something"

Ying expressed her thoughts.

She believed that Jiang Xun must know Zhongli.

" Then we can go to Zhongli and ask him next time we go back to Liyue"

Ying nodded after hearing this.

She didn't want to spend too much time thinking about this.

After all, there were too many stories in Liyue, and she didn't know a lot of things.......

" Boss, check out!;

"Here they come!"

In a shop that is doing a booming business, many people come and go.

Every seat is full enough to prove how popular the food in this shop is.

Jiang Xun was sitting in a corner drinking tea quietly.

He looked around from time to time.

He found that many soldiers from the Tianling Fengxing were also coming and going in this shop.

"It seems that the time is almost up,"

Jiang Xun said to himself.

Then he stood up and went to the cashier to settle the bill.

It has been about ten days since the last execution.

Jiang Xun witnessed what happened in these days.

At the beginning, Tianling Fengxing entered a large-scale defense stage.

Almost no corner was left unattended.

However, this state only lasted for a few days.

The search efficiency dropped a lot.

Until now, it has returned to the previous alert level.

This can be seen from the fact that some soldiers of Tianling Fengxing slacked off during work and went to eat hot pot.

After all, they are human beings, unlike General Lei Dian, who will not get tired, nor will his emotions control his behavior.

It is impossible to maintain high-intensity work all the time.

As a person who used to be close to Dekarapian.

Jiang Xun naturally has a thorough understanding of this kind of lip service.

To put it bluntly, it is still the puppets who don't know how to govern the country and can only do things according to that set of instructions.......

After these thoughts,

Jiang Xun was ready to proceed with the next plan.......

" Miss, this is the situation recently"

" Okay, I understand. Thank you for your hard work."

In the Mulou Tea Room, the white-haired girl said to the person half-kneeling in front of her

" No, I will take my leave first."

After the man finished speaking, his figure flashed and disappeared directly in front of him.

This scene scared Paimeng and Ying.

" Hehe, Paimon, Traveler and Thomas, you should have heard it too."

" It seems that the Tianling Fengxing has relaxed his search for you. You just need to be careful when you go out. There shouldn't be any problems."

Kamisato Ayaka's gentle words spread to everyone's ears.

Everyone present couldn't help but smile.

" Great, now we can finally go out. Staying here all the time is boring!"

Paimeng immediately expressed his dissatisfaction.

In the past few days, due to the strict search outside, they have been staying in the tea room and have not left.

For these active people, it is very difficult.

" To celebrate, let's have hotpot tonight. I'll go buy some groceries."

Thoma's words instantly ignited the atmosphere, and even the usually gentle Miss Kamisato couldn't help but agree.

" not as good as.....How about adding me?"

A sinister voice suddenly appeared in the room.

Everyone present was startled instantly.

Especially Paimon, who flew directly behind Ying and grabbed her hair tightly.

" Hiss, it hurts, be gentle!"

The pain from the scalp made Ying couldn't help but speak out.

Otherwise, let's eat Paimeng tonight?

"Haha, hello everyone"

Seeing that his joke was successful, Jiang Xun stopped pretending. He greeted the people present normally.

Sure enough, after hearing the greeting, Paimeng flew out from behind Ying. He looked angrily at the smiling guy in front of him.

Now looking at this handsome face, he felt that he deserved a beating.

"Hey, Jiang Xun, you did this on purpose, didn't you?"

Paimeng put his hands on his waist, his words were full of dissatisfaction.

"Haha, I'm just kidding to lighten the mood because I'm afraid you guys are too bored these days."

Jiang Xun spread his hands and said, ignoring Paimeng who was already stamping his feet in anger.

"Are you Mr. Jiang Xun?"

Shinri Ayaka stepped forward and adjusted the atmosphere.

" I am Jiang Xun, hello"

"Thank you Mr. Jiang Xun for helping my housekeeping officer"

" No need to thank me, I did this for a purpose"

Jiang Xun waved his hand and said straight to the point.

He was not a great saint, how could he save people for no reason?

" Of course, I don't know what you want, but if I can do it, I will try my best to repay this favor."

Shenli Linghua is a smart person, she naturally understands what Jiang Xun means.

But she didn't expect that the other party would be so straightforward.

" There's no rush for this. You guys are going to eat hotpot, how about adding me in?"

Jiang Xun said with a smile

" Of course, just add one more set of bowls and chopsticks"

Kamisato Ayaka also smiled and replied.

Every move revealed the temperament of a lady from a noble family.

Although she didn't know why Jiang Xun did this, it was okay to agree to it anyway.

Not to mention that the other party helped Thomas.

Just because he was a friend of the traveler and had the suspected strength to fight against the general was enough for her to pay great attention.

The Kamisato family was able to reach this point, and the way they behaved was also very important.

They would not let go of any power that might bring benefits to themselves.

"Okay, thank you very much"

Jiang Xun nodded

"Hey, Jiang Xun, are you testing Linghua? Why do you have to say it while eating hot pot?"

After Kamisato Linghua and Thomas left, Paimon asked Jiang Xun quietly.

After Ying told her that Jiang Xun could fight against General Lei Dian, his status in her eyes rose to the same level as Zhongli.

And his abnormal behavior is likely to contain some deep meaning that he is not aware of.

Jiang Xun:?

"What test?"

Jiang Xun asked in a somewhat curious manner

" Did you deliberately wait until dinner time to test Linghua's patience?"


" I just think that chatting while eating hot pot is the right thing to do"



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