The scene changed.

It was that familiar feeling again, although the vision might be a little blurry at the beginning.

But now he is no longer afraid. He just closed his eyes and silently counted five numbers in his mind.






Open your eyes!


Jiang Xun just opened his eyes and found that there was a man's face in front of him.

The other person's face was still very close to him.

Jiang Xun was really scared.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

The man was wearing a standard armor, which looked like what the soldiers of Tianling Fengxing wore.

He looked at Jiang Xun with a vigilant look on his face.

He was ready for battle.

His eyes kept moving around Jiang Xun. If the other party made any dangerous moves, he would subdue him immediately.

" You may not believe it, but I was here when I opened my eyes"

Jiang Xun answered very sincerely.

But the other party obviously didn't believe it.

" Go, go, don't hang around the castle tower unless you have something to do, and don't cause trouble for the Lord of the Imperial Palace."

Then Jiang Xun was directly driven out of the castle tower.

Jiang Xun did not resist.

However, during this period, he had been observing the surrounding scenes.

He found that it was almost the same as before the time travel, but there were some differences.

Generally speaking, the style of the houses at this time is different from before.

It seems that he has indeed returned to Inazuma five hundred years ago.

Jiang Xun thought as he walked on the street.

The dress of the pedestrians around him further confirmed this. After confirming the time, Jiang Xun should consider how to complete the task given by the system.

According to the usual situation, he should save Raiden Zhen.

Let her survive the war in Kanreya, which should be considered as the mission completed.

But before that, Jiang Xun felt that he needed to gain the other party's trust first.

Otherwise, if he showed up rashly, it would inevitably arouse the other party's suspicion.

"However, how can this be done?"

Jiang Xun now had a new question.

How can he get close to her without arousing suspicion?

"Hey, my friend, you don't look like a local from the family, right?"

Jiang Xun was thinking when he was interrupted by a voice.

He looked up and saw a young man looking at him with a smile.

Jiang Xun was a little confused, but he was soon attracted by the striking red horns on the other person's head.

" Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. I just saw that you are not dressed like a local and you frowned just now, so I think you might be in trouble."

Seeing Jiang Xun's gaze towards his horns, the man with the red horns quickly waved his hands and explained:

"Haha, don't worry, I'm just a little curious"

Jiang Xun smiled and then explained

"Huh, so that's how it is, that's good, I'm from the ghost tribe, I like to make friends with humans"

The man explained carelessly after hearing this.

He looked very happy.

"By the way, you must be in some trouble, can you tell me about it? Maybe I can help you."

The ghost clan youth continued.

He seemed very enthusiastic.

If ordinary people encountered such a situation, they would be more or less on guard.

After all, a person who meets you for the first time comes up and says he wants to help you.

It is more or less a bit of a smack of adultery.

But Jiang Xun is different. He has no worries at all.

Although he does not have a single Mora on him, if the other party wants to treat him to shopping, then go for a free meal.

Maybe he can even take the opportunity to get some start-up capital.

Looting kidnappers? It's not like he has never done it before.

He is already familiar with it.

However, such things are rare after all. At least this time Jiang Xun was not lucky enough to encounter it.

" I am a theologian from Liyue, and I want to know all the stories of the gods. I finally came to Inazuma, so I want to know about Inazuma's God of Thunder."

" I was just wondering where to start"

Jiang Xun created a new identity for himself right away. He was more skillful than the female owner of a certain Yanshang Teahouse.

Because in this era, identity verification was not strictly checked.

Moreover, he was a foreigner, how could they check it?

Did he have to go back to Liyue to collect evidence?

During this period, the seven countries were not very closely connected, and there was not much communication between them.

It was quite troublesome to travel back and forth.

People like Jiang Xun who were multinationals were as rare as rare animals.

Naturally, there would be no special agency to confirm it.

I don't know if it was the buff bonus of the peaceful appearance, or if the other party had never thought about the authenticity of this matter at all.

He nodded directly

" So that's how it is, hahahaha!";

"You know?";

" Don't know...."


Then why are you laughing?

As if sensing the hostility in Jiang Xun's eyes, the man from Red Horn quickly explained

" I really don’t know about the affairs of the Grand Master, but you can ask yourself."

Jiang Xun was confused after hearing this.

The look in the guy's eyes just now made him want to eat him up.

If I could get in, why would I need to ask you?

Jiang Xun then told the other person what he had just encountered.

But what he got in return was still a burst of laughter.

Damn, I really want to do it!

" Sorry, I can't help it. It's also my fault that I didn't explain it to you clearly."

" The castle tower is where the Ogosho works, so people are not allowed to enter or leave at will."

" But as long as it is not near the castle tower"

Before Jiang Xun could ask any questions, the other party spoke again:"I don't know what the gods in your country are like, but the Lord of the Imperial Palace does not have the arrogance of a ruler."

" She would also join us in any festivals we held. The fireworks festival is just around the corner, so if you are lucky, you might have a chance to ask her in person."

The man from the red horn explained the whole story very clearly.

From his words, Jiang Xun could roughly understand that the Lord of the Great Palace was a friendly demon god.

This was completely different from the puppet that came later.

Jiang Xun then nodded pretentiously.

" Well, it sounds like the gods in your country are really close to the people."

As he spoke, a plan gradually formed in his mind.

"Yes, that's what the Lord Ogosho said!"

The man responded excitedly after hearing this.

He seemed proud that his god could make Jiang Xun feel this way.

"Thank you for your help. This is a thank you gift."

Jiang Xun said and then put a talisman in the other person's hand

"What is this?"

The man was a little confused. He didn't know what the yellow paper with strange words on it was used for.

But he had a hunch that this seemingly ordinary piece of paper in his hand had a great effect.

" This is....."Where is the person?"

He was about to ask, but when he looked up, he found that the Liyue person had disappeared.

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