Feeling the admiring gazes from all around,

Jiang Xun grinned.

After this, he would be covered with a layer of mystery in their eyes.

Even if Lei Dianzhen was not like the common people, he would be more or less interested in him.

As long as this effect was achieved, his goal this time would be achieved.

Jiang Xun turned his gaze to the other party secretly.

Through observation, he could see that there was indeed some surprise on the other party's face.

But he soon returned to normal.

"Okay everyone, I will stay in Inazuma for now. I will share my thoughts from time to time. You are welcome to come and see me."

Jiang Xun did not continue the conversation.

It is not appropriate to reveal too much when meeting for the first time.

Excessive disclosure will only make others lose interest. Only by maintaining a proper sense of mystery can it last long.

After Jiang Xun finished speaking, he did not stay and turned away.

Seeing the main person leave, everyone turned their attention back to the god beside them.

Although the Great Palace is friendly to the people, it is not seen every day.

Only in���During the day, the other party will appear in people's sight.

After all, as the leader of a country, she doesn't have so much time to relax.

Zhen also retracted his wait-and-see gaze and turned to integrate into the people.......

" Tsk, so cautious"

On a quiet street, Jiang Xun breathed a sigh of relief.

He felt that the scrutinizing eyes in the dark no longer appeared on him.

Jiang Xun breathed a sigh of relief.

Just after he left, he felt that there was a sharp gaze staring at him in the dark.

Like ice, cold but calm.

The other party's gaze also gave Jiang Xun some pressure.

Because the one staring at him in the dark was not someone else.

It was Lei Movie

" No wonder I didn't see her just now, it turns out she was secretly the sixth one!"

Jiang Xun complained.

But think about it, at this time, Lei Yingying is still a real shadow warrior, so it is impossible for him to appear in public.

Even the people of Inazuma didn't know that the God of Thunder Baal actually had a sister

" Do you think there is something wrong with me?"

Jiang Xun looked at his clothes that were out of tune with this era.

He also had some guesses as to why she noticed him.

After all, anyone would think that he was dressed strangely, let alone a shadow warrior who secretly protected Inazuma.

Alchemical Creation

Jiang Xun thought about it, and then performed alchemy. He randomly found a few clothes of this era as templates.

Then he used alchemy to create it.

Now that he is here, he might as well do as the local customs do. After all, this era is not so open yet.

Then he walked towards the house he had already found.......

The next day.

The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

It was so strong that it could not be completely dissipated even in one night.

It seems that there were indeed too many fireworks set off last night.

Although the smell of fireworks was strong in the air, it did not affect the daily life of the people of Inazuma at all.

Maybe for them, this smell would not have much impact.

They should have gotten used to it.

After Jiang Xun used a small magic to remove the smell of gunpowder from his side, he successfully entered the eyes of the people of Inazuma last night.

Although the clothes had changed at this time, the mask on his face did not change.

There were still many people who recognized him.

Because his image last night was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, many people came forward to talk to him.

After Jiang Xun shared some things, many people came up to talk.

Some asked about the fireworks plan for the next year, and some asked him to tell those stories again.

Although some people came to ask questions, most of them still wanted to listen to him talk about things they had never heard of.

Whether it was academic or knowledge, they were not picky.

After all, how could ordinary people in this era have so many problems?

As long as they could eat and drink enough, it would be fine.

Gradually, the existence of Jiang Xun was spread.

Many people came here because of his reputation.

However, Jiang Xun found that something was wrong.

How did he become a storyteller?

However, Jiang Xun didn't know that his interactions with the people of Inazuma were seen by Lei Dianzhen.

As a god who loves the people, she is naturally very concerned about the affairs of the people.

Even if she doesn't appear often, she still has her own ways to understand the affairs of the people.

Jiang Xun's existence naturally can't be hidden from her.

" Ying, do you think there is something wrong with him?"

On the table of the castle tower,

Raiden Zhen asked his sister who was kneeling beside him softly.

" I have been observing him recently, and apart from wearing a mask all the time, I haven't noticed anything wrong."

Ying replied calmly.

In addition to practicing martial arts these days, she still paid attention to Jiang Xun.

This is really what she was asked to do.

" I see, maybe there is a wound on his face, I understand."

" If there is no problem, stop monitoring others. This is not good."

Zhen answered softly.

The reason why she asked Ying to monitor Jiang Xun was because his appearance was too abrupt.

Whether it was clothing or ideas, they did not seem to belong to this era, and there were some things that even she did not understand very well.

This made her subconsciously think of that godless country.


A country running at full speed.

She knew that this country did not worship God and had been developing science and technology with all its strength.

Both technological and cultural development were far ahead of the other seven countries.

It was precisely because of this that Jiang Xun's appearance made her guard up.

Tianli seemed to have been paying attention to this country, and recently, that person seemed to have made a move.

She had a hunch that something big would happen in the future.

At this juncture, some necessary precautions must be taken.


Ying nodded gently upon hearing this.

She believed that true decisions would basically be implemented unconditionally.

" However, I heard that he seems to know a lot of beautiful scenery and stories. I would like to go and listen to them if I have the chance."

The topic changed.

The serious atmosphere just now disappeared instantly.

The tone became light again.

This change without any sign made Ying, who was still a little dull, unable to react for a while.

Even though she had experienced it many times before.......

" In the end, they all turned into light, entered the giant's body, and finally defeated the ruler of darkness"

" It's so scary. I didn't expect there would be such a scary monster besides Inazuma"

"Yes, that must be the powerful demon in the sea"

Everyone started talking at once.

But"Jiang Xun" just looked at the people below calmly.

He said nothing.

"Okay, that’s all for today’s sharing session. See you tomorrow."

Jiang Xun said calmly.

Then he left here directly.

Although he was still not satisfied.

But the people present did not make trouble.

Because this was the rule set by Jiang Xun.

After the session was over, it would not continue.

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