"Captain, where are we going to go today? I think...."Ouch!" The armored soldier was slapped in the face by the leading warrior before he could finish his words. The huge palm like a palm leaf fan hit his head, making him dizzy." What cool and carefree, we have always been performing official duties!"

The leading warrior said seriously, his tone was sonorous, and he seemed to be very disgusted with the other party's behavior just said, but his eyes that kept hinting betrayed him.

The beaten soldier now understood why the leader wanted to reward him with a big bag.

For a moment, he didn't care about the pain and nodded quickly, which dispelled the strange looks of the people around him.

Seeing that the crowd's attention was not on him and others, the warrior breathed a sigh of relief.

""How many times have I told you, kid, how can you say such a thing openly?"

The leading warrior said to the soldier who just let the cat out of the bag with some dissatisfaction.

This made the other party feel scared. If their private affairs were reported to the higher-ups, they would be punished with the name of Kujo-sama.���Adults are bound to suffer the consequences.

"Sorry, Captain, I will pay more attention next time!"

The man replied quickly

"Okay, if you don't learn your lesson next time, I won't let you off easily."

" Well, I want to eat something different today, so let's go there"

The samurai nodded, and then led a group of people behind him to the sushi restaurant.

The owner of the sushi restaurant saw a group of armored samurai walking towards his shop, and his expression instantly became ugly.

At this time, he was constantly thinking about how to reduce his losses.

The other shop owners were glad that they did not"win the prize"

"Excuse me, what did they do to make you so disgusted?"

At this time, a soft voice came, and the bosses who were gathered together shifted their gaze.

Where the voice came from, they saw a woman wearing a unique Inazuma costume, with beautiful purple hair casually draped behind her, but it was a pity that she was wearing a mask on her face.

However, the woman's question was soon answered.

"Miss, you don't know, this group of people is really too much!"

This sentence instantly resonated with all the bosses present, and they couldn't help but tell what happened in the past few days.

During the conversation, the bosses also told their grievances. It turned out that the beginning of these things started from the struggle in front of the Thousand-Handed White-Eye Statue.

Since the blond foreigner ran away, General Lei Dian ordered him to be included in the Eye Hunting Order, so there were personnel specifically responsible for the search.

However, after failing to find any clues for a long time, in order not to do useless work, Tianling Fengxing only left a few teams to search, and the rest were engaged in other work.

And these few teams left behind were the source of the disaster.

Because they had no intention of looking for anyone, but instead went around for free, wandering around various shops in the name of looking for people.

Some of them often stayed for a long time, which seriously affected their business. What is the first reaction of ordinary people when they see law enforcement officers?

I believe that most people will choose to stay away, so the boss had to take out some things to entertain them, in the hope that they would leave quickly.

"Why don't you choose to report it?"

The woman was silent for a while, then asked with some doubt

"Alas, Miss, it’s not that we don’t want to, but we don’t dare."

"Yes, since the lockdown was issued, there is much less we can do. If the report is successful, it will be fine, but if it fails and they hold a grudge against us, then we will have a hard time living in the future."......

Listening to everyone's complaints, the woman seemed a little moved, but then there was no further news.

" I wonder which family this young lady is from, could you help us reflect it?"

Seeing that the other party did not respond, one of the bosses could not help but ask.

The reason why they explained to the other party was because they saw the luxurious clothes on the other party.

Although the style is different from the current one, it is more like the style of Inazuma in ancient times, but it is said that things are precious because they are rare, and this kind of clothes is obviously high-end goods.

Otherwise, the treasure-stealing group would not have to risk being caught to search for antiques all over the world.

This is not something that small vendors like them can afford, which is why they believe that the other party is extraordinary. The reason why they patiently explained is to hope that this young lady can be kind and help them reflect it.

" Sorry, I don't have any family."

The woman shook her head and replied.

Her answer made everyone's face darken. They thought that the other party's answer was a disguised rejection. After this result, everyone had no desire to continue chatting.

With this time, it is better to think about how to make yourself live better.

Seeing them leave disappointed, a trace of pity flashed in the eyes behind the mask of the woman.

But it finally turned into a sigh, and then her eyes looked at the towering castle tower around.

" Ying, when will you come out of this?"

Zhen thought helplessly.

She didn't expect that during the five hundred years when she was away from Inazuma, her sister still couldn't come out of this, which was exactly the opposite of her own thoughts.

"However, fortunately, the traveler and the little guys in the community are also working hard for this."

" Then let me help you"

Zhen did not intend to meet Ying and persuade her to change. This method could certainly achieve the goal directly.

But it did not work at all. Ying still did not realize what she had overlooked. The wishes of mortals must be conveyed to the gods by mortals in person.

Although he would not show up directly, Zhen could help them secretly. For example, in the incident just now, I believe that the group of children in the community would definitely show up.

" It just so happens that I also took this opportunity to see what changes have happened to Inazuma over the years. I hope....The places he visited can be preserved"

For five hundred years, she had only one thing in mind, to find the precious memories that she had lost in her mind and regarded as treasures.

Although she still paid attention to the people of Inazuma, she could not come out in person because of the special nature of the war five hundred years ago and some accidents.

If she could not help it, it would likely cause more serious consequences.

Fortunately, there is a turning point now.

" I hope the traveler will succeed"......

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