Shukaku, let’s be friends

Shukaku was inside Chen Feng’s body, roaring angrily.

A huge iron door trapped Shukaku inside Chen Feng’s body.

This sealing technique was learned by Chen Feng from the Uzumaki clan when he was on a mission.

Looking back on this scene now, Shukaku still feels angry.

Apart from being angry, he was also a little happy.

Chen Feng did not completely seal it.

Let it condense into a small figure like it is now, and feel the light and temperature of this world.

It can speak through this little body.

Can move.

Can use ninjutsu.

Maybe even sleep.

Although this small body can only exert 30% of its strength.

However, this feeling of freedom is rare and precious.

Shukaku still remembers the first day it was sealed by Chen Feng, the night when it discovered that it could condense into a small body and move freely.

At that time.

He stood on the table in Chen Feng’s room.

Chen Feng sat in front of him.

Looking at him with a smile on his face.

He slowly extended his palm to it and stopped in front of it: “Shukaku, my name is Chen Feng. We will be friends from now on. Please give me some advice and shake my hand.”

Little Shukaku said with a straight face and lowered his head. He said in a deep voice, “Is Fenfu dead?”

“Yes, Fenfu passed away.”

Xiao Shukaku concentrated for a moment.

The tail suddenly twitched.

He threw it hard at Chen Feng’s palm.

There was a flash of blood.

Chen Feng’s palm was torn with a bloody streak.

Blood dripped onto the table.

Chen Feng’s blood was solidified on little Shukaku’s tail.

Little Shukaku’s eyes showed a fierce light: “Except for sharing blessings, I will not be friends with any Jinchuuriki!”

The words fell.

Little Shukaku’s figure flashed.

Already broken out of the window.

“I’m finally free…” Little Shukaku’s surprised voice echoed through Sunagakure Village.

The words are not finished yet.

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Little Shukaku’s voice stopped abruptly.

Chen Feng’s room.

A kunai appeared in his hand.

Stab towards the heart fiercely.

A swish sound.

Blood flows.

The kunai pierced the skin, but before it could pierce the heart, it was tightly bound by a layer of sand.

“Are you crazy!” Little Shukaku appeared on the table in front of Chen Feng again.

A pair of eyes widened.

Staring at Chen Feng very angrily.

“Failure to be your friend means that my life is a failure. This painful feeling makes me lose the courage to live.” Chen Feng said seriously.

The words fell.

The two fingers on Chen Feng’s palm were immediately grasped tightly by Xiao Shuhe’s two hands.

“Your name is Chen Feng, right? We are friends now! In the future…please give me more advice!!!” Little Shukaku gritted his teeth and glared at Chen Feng.

In the days that followed, Xiao Shukaku discovered that Chen Feng, a Jinchuuriki, except for the fact that he had a serious suicidal tendency, which made him distressed, was pretty good to get along with him the rest of the time.

Chen Feng took it to the river to fish.

Little Shukaku sat aside angrily, not participating at all.

Chen Feng happily showed it the fish he caught.

Little Shukaku looked at Chen Feng and lay down to sleep.

The crispy aroma of grilled fish wafted into little Shukaku’s dream.

After Xiao Shukaku regained consciousness, he immediately pounced on Chen Feng.

But I only got a pair of fish bones with strong fragrance.

The fish meat had already entered Chen Feng’s stomach.

Little Shukaku immediately urged Chen Feng to catch another fish and make grilled fish for it.

As soon as Chen Feng’s fish took the bait, little Shukaku couldn’t wait to pounce on it.

The fish were scared away.

A swish sound.

A stone hit little Shukaku on the head.

Chen Feng said fiercely on the bank: “Go to sleep well and don’t affect my fishing!”

Little Shuhe didn’t want to sleep.

It had a stinky face and sat down beside Chen Feng to wait.

That day, little Shukaku had a bulging belly after eating five pieces of grilled fish. He sat on Chen Feng’s lap and had a rare chat with Chen Feng for a while.

The sky darkened.

Chen Feng recalled some scenes in his mind and sighed: “I miss the days of fishing with Madara Uchiha.” “Have

you ever fished with Madara Uchiha? Stop bragging!”

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