Gaara, you are not alone


Gaara turned around.

Looking at Yashamaru in front of him.

Yashamaru squatted in front of Gaara.

Refreshing smile.

His eyes curled up when he smiled.

Very nice.

“Gaara, you are not alone, you are with me. Every island is embraced by the sea, and every star is intersected by the Milky Way. Even if your brother hates you, your sister hates you, and your father is isolated You, you are despised by everyone in the village chief, but in my eyes, you deserve all the good things.”


Gaara’s eyes trembled.

There was light in his eyes.

He threw himself into Yashamaru’s arms.

Her small cheek rubbed against Yashamaru’s chest.

He hugged Yashamaru tightly.

“It’s no big deal.”

Yashamaru smiled gently.

He gently stroked Gaara’s back.

Comforting my emotions of love.

He smiled gently and said, “As long as the sky remains where it is, cats still like to eat fish, and you can still get angry at me, then it won’t be a big deal in this world.” “Uncle…” Gaara said with a hint of emotion in his


. Crying tone.

He hugged Yashamaru hard.

As if he was afraid that Yashamaru would leave him.

He held onto Yashamaru’s clothes tightly.

He was about to say something to Yashamaru.

But suddenly I felt.

On his back, Yashamaru stroked the palm of his back with great force.

Gaara looked up.


The smiling Yashamaru’s face changed rapidly.

The yellow hair blends into the body.

The skin becomes as yellow as sand.

His face turned to sand.

The arms turn to sand.

The clothes on his body also turned into sand at this moment.

There was a bang.

Yashamaru’s body completely turned into sand and scattered all over the ground.

The next second.

The sand scattered on the ground turned into deeper and firmer sand.

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Become more.


Rapidly condensed.

Shukaku, who was more than twenty meters tall, suddenly appeared in front of Gaara.

Gaara’s eyes widened.


“Gaara, you finally fell asleep! Hahahaha!”

Shukaku roared at Gaara.

The sound was deafening.


Lift your feet high.

He stepped hard towards Gaara.

Gaara’s two eyeballs were bloodshot.

The heartbeat is extremely fast.

Want to escape.

But he found that his body could not move.

All he could do was watch Shukaku’s huge feet slamming towards him.

In the midst of all kinds of fear.

Gaara suddenly stopped struggling.

He took a deep breath: “Please kill me, Shukaku…”

The boundless dark space was filled with Shukaku’s roaring voice.

Gaara stood there.

The heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

He watched helplessly as Shukaku’s huge feet were about to step on him.

But at the moment Shukaku’s sole was about to step on Gaara’s head.

Time seems to be suspended.

Shukaku’s ferocious face froze.

The movement also stopped.

The roar disappeared.

In the boundless dark space, Chiyo’s old voice echoed: “Gaara! Are you sleeping? When you wake up, you must not sleep! Otherwise Konoha will use the ninja sealed by the four elephants. Before they arrive, Shukaku will break free from the seal in your body!”

Gaara felt his body shaking violently.

The next second.

Gaara raised his head sharply.

Open your eyes and look around.

My head was covered in sweat.

“Grandma Chiyo!” Gaara’s eyes fell on Chiyo in front of him, and he murmured subconsciously.

“Gaara, please hold on!”

Chiyo saw that Gaara was awake.

I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The tense expressions on the surrounding faces finally relaxed.

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