Chapter 0104 Naruto comes like a king to oppress Uchiha Sasuke!!

Konoha Village also has relevant records about Susanoo of the Uchiha clan. After all, since the second generation of Hokage, these information have been continuously improved.

Only the current Hokage is qualified to view these secret materials.

Therefore, Tsunade is considered someone who knows Susanoo relatively well among those present.

But in fact, Tsunade doesn’t have any way to break Susanoo, so she only knows how to break it with force.

“Go together”

“Go together”

“Go together”

“Uchiha Sasuke must not be allowed to take a step forward.”

The Jonin of Konoha rushed forward to resist Uchiha Sasuke’s Susanoo without caring about their own safety.

This is their home, how can they allow others to destroy it?


Uchiha Sasuke was angry when he looked at these Konoha ninjas who were rushing forward regardless of their own safety. The fourth form of Susanoo was not enough, and it was difficult to break through the blockade of so many people.

Uchiha Sasuke must use stronger The power completely destroyed Konoha!!

After opening the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, Uchiha Sasuke knew that Susanoo had another ultimate form, that is, the complete Susanoo.

But it is not yet completely released. That huge power.

But looking at the current situation, if you want to destroy Konoha, these people alone are enough to make Uchiha Sasuke drink a pot.

If you want to break the situation, you can only use the power of a higher level..

Suiyue, who was not far away from Chongwu, shouted:”Why do I feel that we are already weak!!”

“Oh my God! Isn’t it going to end like this??”

“Suigetsu, trust Sasuke.”

Jugo still firmly believed in Uchiha Sasuke and believed that Sasuke had a way to break the situation.

And Xiang Rin, who was protected by Suigetsu and Jugo, was even more frightened and trembling. She didn’t know what to do

?? Xiang Rin feels that things are not that simple, because under Xiang Rin’s perception, there is an amazing chakra hidden in Konoha Village. The aura of that person is the person who had a chance encounter last time.

Now. Sasuke can only be trusted.

Tsunade shouted loudly:”Everyone, get out of the way.”

The surrounding ninjas reacted very quickly and stepped aside to leave a clear space for Tsunade-sama.

Tsunade bit her right thumb and pressed it on the ground:”Psychic technique.”


A huge slug appeared in front of everyone.

Tsunade continued:”To minimize combat casualties, medical treatment is an indispensable part.”

“Split the slugs out!!”

“Go to every fighting Konoha ninja and help them”

“Okay, Tsunade-sama.”

The slug’s body began to split into countless small slug clones.

These clones all went to find the Konoha ninjas who were fighting to provide them with medical treatment and chakra recovery.

It can be said that Tsunade’s hand has reduced the Konoha ninja to the greatest extent. Casualties of Leaf Ninja!!

“It’s a boring little trick, is Konoha’s Hokage nothing more than this?!”

Uchiha Sasuke roared. He originally thought that the Hokage had any means.

He didn’t expect that he would just summon this kind of psychic beast with no fighting power!!

It was just ridiculous. This kind of useless Hokage should be destroyed together with Konoha. Drop!!

Sasuke Uchiha increased his pupil power output, and his eyes, the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, quickly rotated.

A bow and arrow with black flames formed, aimed at Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage, and launched directly.

The speed was so fast that many Konoha ninjas, He couldn’t even react.

Uchiha Sasuke’s attack had already been fired.

“Be careful, Hokage-sama.”

“Be careful, Hokage-sama.”

“Be careful, Hokage-sama.”

“Be careful, Hokage-sama.”

That’s why they appear to be very panicked at this moment. Lord Hokage is the anchor for all of them!!

If something happens to Lord Hokage, Konoha may be really in danger.

Although I believe in Lord Hokage’s strength, the other party Uchiha Sasuke’s attack power was not overshadowed.

Tsunade stared unswervingly at the black flamed bow and arrow launched.

She did not show any timidity, but was full of confidence.

The dignified Hokage of Konoha Village is not a The brats of the Uchiha clan can defeat it.

When the black flame bow and arrow were ten meters away from Tsunade, a space vortex appeared.

Swallowing the black flame bow and arrow whole!!

Many Konoha ninjas breathed a sigh of relief. Lord Hokage is okay. That’s it.

Uchiha Sasuke shifted his gaze to Kakashi and said:”It’s you again, Kakashi”

“It seems that if I don’t kill you first, you will ruin my business.”

“Sasuke, do you know what you are doing? If you continue, no one can save you.”

Kakashi said, panting heavily.

“hehe! save me? Even now, they are still preaching to me that it is all because of Konoha, everything is because of Konoha, and I will lose everything.”

Uchiha Sasuke is going crazy. He has been preaching to him, who can understand his feelings?

The Uchiha clan was exterminated because of Konoha, and Uchiha Itachi was also exterminated because of Konoha. And he became like that.

Even if he is like this now, it is not because of Konoha.

Therefore, only by completely destroying Konoha can we make up for the pain in Uchiha Sasuke’s heart.

Nara Shikaku said:”Kakashi, no need to continue talking nonsense to him”

“Uchiha Sasuke is now completely crazy. If he is left alone, he will definitely cause huge casualties to Konoha.”

“I know how to do it, don’t worry! Shikaku.”

Kakashi understood what Shikaku wanted to say.

Suddenly, a figure was running quickly under Susanoo’s feet.

This figure was really Sakura. If she wanted to attack Susanoo’s legs, she only needed to Susanoo was knocked down.

Then he could seize the opportunity to attack Sasuke.

However, how could Sakura’s actions be hidden from Sasuke Uchiha’s Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan?

Susanoo’s fist changed direction and punched Throw it at Sakura

“The art of mind turning.”

Ino has been waiting for the opportunity to attack in the distance, and now the opportunity is good, Ino launches a direct attack.

Because Uchiha Sasuke did not notice Ino, Ino was suddenly attacked by Ino.

Ino successfully entered the Uchiha After Sasuke’s spiritual consciousness was in the sea, he tried to control Uchiha Sasuke’s body.

In the sea of spiritual consciousness.

Uchiha Sasuke said:”It turns out to be you! Yamanaka Ino”

“Uchiha Sasuke, just go ahead and capture him! You are already under my control.”

Ino said with a victorious smile.

Being controlled by her Heart Turning Technique, she could basically declare victory in the battle.

If Uchiha Sasuke had deliberately guarded her, Ino might not have been able to successfully hit her so easily.

Uchiha Sasuke said with a sneer.:”hehe! Can a mere secret technique defeat the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan??”

“Who gave you confidence??”


Ino’s conscious body screamed in pain, and was enveloped by a huge pupil power. Ino suddenly fell into passivity.

If it continues, Ino’s head consciousness may be destroyed!!

So I want to keep my consciousness., could only quickly withdraw from Uchiha Sasuke’s sea of consciousness.

Uchiha Sasuke continued to exert pressure, and finally Ino couldn’t help but withdraw from Uchiha Sasuke’s sea of consciousness.

This process only took a moment!!

After Ino opened his eyes, his whole body He fell directly to the ground and lost his energy. If he had been a step later, it might have been really dangerous.

Choji quickly came over to support Ino and asked with concern:”Ino, are you okay?”

“Didn’t your Heart Turning Technique just hit Uchiha Suke? Why did you quit all of a sudden??”

“If it had been a step later, I might have become an idiot by now.”

Ino still can’t calm down and responded.


When Choji heard this, he also understood the seriousness of the matter. Even Ino’s successful sneak attack with the Heart Turn Technique was instantly broken by Uchiha Sasuke!!

It was really scary that Ino was almost seriously injured.

But even if Ino’s sneak attack failed, he still managed to stop Uchiha Sasuke for 0.1 seconds.

Shikamaru used the shadow binding technique to successfully link Sakura’s body and pull Sakura out.


Susanoo’s fist hit the ground hard, creating a crater on the ground. Sakura’s heart beat faster and she said:”What a danger!!”

“Thank you Shikamaru, if it wasn’t possible I would be hurt right now”

“Don’t say that, now Uchiha Sasuke is very strong, we must raise our spirits to deal with it without any relaxation.”

Maru responded meaningfully.

Sakura nodded. This is indeed the truth. The blue giant is simply suffocating.

“Damn bastard.”

Uchiha Sasuke roared loudly, and his eyes, the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, turned faster and faster.

For a moment, Susanoo seemed to be pulled by some kind of force.

“Sasuke-kun’s chakra has become colder again?”

As Sasuke’s teammate, Xiangren knows all about Sasuke’s series of changes.

Uchiha Sasuke’s clothes were fluttering in the wind.

A layer of blue armor kept appearing on Susanoo’s body, and his aura became more and more intense. The more terrifying it is.

Susanoo is getting closer and closer to his complete form.

“not good.”

Tsunade felt that Susanoo’s aura was constantly improving, and she quickly shouted:”Everyone, please move away.”

A sound of storm came suddenly.

Before Susanoo was fully formed, it hit Susanoo directly between the eyebrows, where Uchiha Sasuke was. Sasuke, who was outputting his pupil power, was also beaten. Caught off guard!!

Because this was Uchiha Sasuke’s first attempt to activate the complete Susanoo, but it was interrupted like this. It also caused Susanoo’s evolution to be forced to stop!!

The whole Susanoo’s brows were broken. The huge hole, if Susanoo’s ajna crystal was not very strong.

Now Uchiha Sasuke is definitely 100% injured.

Because Naruto’s attack was timed very accurately, it directly hit Uchiha Sasuke’s hands.

So Naruto This attack was considered a sneak attack.

Sakura said in shock:”That’s Naruto’s Wind Release Rasenshuriken!”?”

“It’s really Naruto coming here.”

Ino turned around and looked at Naruto walking over excitedly.

Hinata clasped her hands and looked at Naruto-kun with excitement.

Sure enough, at the critical moment, Naruto-kun will appear. Now Naruto-kun is in Hinata’s heart. A great hero.

Shikamaru said with a smile:”Naruto, this guy is really”

“Tsk, Naruto tricked him again.”

Ya pouted as he said, but in fact he admired Naruto very much in his heart because Naruto’s current strength is really very powerful.

Naruto turned on the dragon chakra sage mode, put his hands in his pockets and walked at a leisurely pace. Slowly walked over, looking down at everything with the attitude of a king coming.

Tsunade shook her head helplessly and said:”I wonder if Naruto, this guy, deliberately waited until now to take action.”

“You didn’t take action earlier, you didn’t take action later, and you waited until now to take action??”

“But we arrived in time.”

Although Naruto acted rather pretentious, Tsunade still admired Naruto’s performance. At least he was really strong and could save the situation at critical moments.


Uchiha Sasuke covered his eyes with his hands and said in pain.

Such a sudden interruption had a great impact on Uchiha Sasuke, and he still maintained the fourth form of Susanoo, which was extremely draining!!

Konoha’s ninjas, one after another made way for Naruto to come through unimpeded.

Because of Naruto’s various performances, he has conquered them.

“It seems that as a teacher, I am not too much of a failure, at least I have some successes.”

Kakashi, who was originally in pain, seemed to become proud when he saw Naruto.

Because no matter what, Naruto was one of the students brought out by Kakashi Hatake.

The better Naruto performed. If he is excellent, then as a teacher, his face must be brighter.

The Xiaoqiang who were at the same time as Naruto and the older generation of ninjas are now looking at Naruto. On the contrary, Suigetsu and Jugo can relax a little He took a breath and hid behind Uchiha Sasuke.

Xianglin had always been hiding behind them because she was not a combatant in the first place.

Naruto kept a faint smile on his lips from beginning to end.

Naruto said with a smile:”Sasuke! I see you are very brainless now!!”

“Don’t you think that you are invincible after getting the permanent eye power of Kaleidoscope??”

“So you came here to Konoha and wanted to show off your muscles??”

“You are really overestimating your capabilities, so you should hide in a corner of the ninja world that no one knows about, and practice for a hundred years before you appear in front of me.”

“Otherwise, you wouldn’t be good enough in front of me now.”

Naruto spoke calmly, but his ridicule to Uchiha Sasuke was definitely at the level of destruction.







“Naruto is absolutely right, that’s right!!”

“The Uchiha brat who overestimates his own abilities runs to humiliate himself.”

All the ninjas in Konoha also began to laugh.

The nervous mood just now disappeared without a trace with Naruto’s words after arriving on the battlefield. He could only laugh and ridicule Chiha Sasuke.

“Uzumaki Naruto, even if I give my life today, I will not kill you.”

Uchiha Sasuke was so angry that his eyes were bloodshot.

Only by killing Naruto Uzumaki can he vent the huge anger in his heart.


Naruto still put his hands in his pockets and responded with a smile:”Really?” Can you kill me so naturally??”

“Don’t let the Uchiha clan completely disappear from the ninja world in the end.”

“Now the only two people left in the ninja world are Uchiha Obito and you, Uchiha Sasuke.”

“Anyway, Uchiha Obito will definitely die in the end, so what about you, Sasuke?”

“Have you really realized what you’ve done??”

Naruto is constantly putting pressure on Uchiha Sasuke’s heart.

Forcing Uchiha Sasuke to have fear in his heart will form an invisible crushing force.


Uchiha Sasuke looked up to the sky and laughed and said:”Naruto, you have completely changed.”

“If your appearance and chakra aura hadn’t changed at all, I would have doubted whether you were Uzumaki Naruto.”

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