Chapter 0117 Heavy particle mode impact…open the eye of the moon!!

However, when the old man stopped his hand, Naruto already felt that someone was watching him, but it only disappeared in an instant.

At the critical moment, Naruto didn’t want to be distracted too much and worry about these things!!

The old figure officially used the spirit body of the Six Paths Sage Otsutsuki Hagororomo to survive for thousands of years.

In the void, the Immortal of Six Paths said lightly:”It seems that there is a problem with the reincarnation of Asura in this life.”

“Mother, there is a high chance that she will be resurrected.”

“At this point, the fate can only rest on Indra’s reincarnation.”

When the Immortal of the Six Paths said this, he fell into deep thought.

The Immortal of the Six Paths has always been interested in Asura and not Indra. He did not expect that this time the fate of the ninja world will be placed on the reincarnation of Indra. Maybe It’s fate!

But the descendant named Uzumaki Naruto may push the ninja world to an incalculable era.

That is not the result that the Sage of Six Paths wants!!

Even if it is the reincarnation of Asura in this life, since it appears What a surprise!

The Sage of Six Paths will not allow such a being to appear, as it will affect the rules and plans of the ninja world he has set.

If there are no accidents in the reincarnation of Asura in this life, the Sage of Six Paths plans to resurrect his mother Kaguya. occasion.

The power of Indra’s reincarnation was transmitted to Asura, allowing them to suppress their mother Kaguya and become the savior of the ninja world.

But it backfired!

Maybe, the Sage of Six Paths thought that he might have to take action himself in the end. In the cave, Uchiha Obito said:”Uchiha Sasuke, are you ready??”

“Think clearly about the consequences. Once you start implanting Hashirama cells, there is no way back.”

“Everything depends on your own destiny”

“let’s start! As long as I gain strength, nothing else matters.”

Uchiha Sasuke has nothing that he cares about now.

There is only one thing that he can care about, and that is to gain strength, to gain enough power to defeat Uzumaki Naruto.

Now there is only one thing, becoming an Uchiha The obsession in Sasuke’s heart.

The eyes under the mask of Uchiha Obito are looking at Uchiha Sasuke. Whether it succeeds or not is his own business. While

Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Sasuke are busy preparing to implant Hashirama cells Time!!

Black Zetsu is not idle here.

If Uchiha Obito is not busy with Uchiha Sasuke’s affairs, Black Zetsu will not dare to take action because he is afraid of being noticed.

A hidden place.

Control Nagato’s body Black Zetsu smiled and said:”Obito Uchiha is really good at hiding! I hid the other reincarnation eye here.”

“Nagato, you got your money’s worth.”

Black Zetsu picked up the Rinnegan Eye with his left hand, pointed his right hand at his right eye and dug out the eye.

At the same time, he put the Rinnegan Eye on it.

Nagato’s legs were white Zetsu clone prosthetics, so the Uzumaki clan added weak Hashirama cells Combined, they have very strong recovery power.

Therefore, when the Rinnegan Eye was installed, smoke soon came out of the right eye, which was a sign of rapid recovery. In the Land of Snow,

Nine-Tailed Naruto degenerated from the three-headed and six-armed form into his original ordinary form. This indicates that all the natural energy in his body has been absorbed.

Naruto frowned during the Blood Continuation Fusion Ceremony and said:”Damn it, I never thought it would be so difficult to break into the Blood Continuation Snare Realm!!”

“Damn it, I thought chakra should be enough, but I didn’t expect such a tricky situation to arise!!”

Now Naruto is limited to the realm between the peak of the Six Paths level and the Blood Continuation Snare.

In Naruto’s words, it is half a step to the Blood Continuation Snare realm, but this is not the real Blood Continuation Snare realm at all!!

And Kyuubi Ming The chakra on the human side has been exhausted, and there is basically no chakra left. It cannot support Naruto to rush into the realm of blood continuation snare. If Naruto wants to rush into the realm of blood continuation snare, he needs at least one more The total chakra of the complete Nine-Tails and half of the Nine-Tails is enough.

Damn it, at this critical moment, there is no way to quickly find the huge chakra energy body.

Is this the end?

Once it stops, In the future, if you want to break into the realm of Blood Continuation Snare, it will not be so easy.

This is what Naruto can predict, but Naruto doesn’t want to give up just like that. After all the previous efforts are wasted, trying to start again will often be unsatisfactory.

At this moment, Naruto People’s minds are working rapidly, constantly looking for ways to break the situation!!

Orochimaru in the distance also said worriedly:”Things are in trouble, Naruto-kun has encountered a difficult problem.”

“I have done so much preparation and budgeting in advance, but problems still arise.”

“It seems that even if you are careful with your budget, there is no way to achieve 100% perfection.”

“Depending on the situation, a huge amount of chakra energy is needed, but the most common ones with huge chakra energy are tailed beasts.”

When Orochimaru said this, he also felt that something unexpected might happen.

Naruto also found that the realm was getting more and more consolidated. If it was completely consolidated, then once the realm was completely fixed, it would be really fixed. Want to improve? I don’t know if I have to wait until the year of the monkey.

Whether there is a chance is another matter. It may be said that once you succeed, you will reach a new level! If you fail, you may fail for the rest of your life.

If you don’t enter the realm of blood continuation, you will It will always be equal to the Six Paths level. Even if it is half a step to the realm of Blood Continuation Snare, it will still belong to the Six Paths level. There is no second life leap in life, so this is the reason why Naruto does not want to give up.

Suddenly Naruto and Nine-Tailed Naruto, both Consciousness” The two people in the two bodies looked at each other.

It seems that some kind of determination has been made.

Because of this decision, it may eventually lead to the death of Nine-Tailed Naruto, which is equivalent to Naruto indirectly losing another body.

However, at this critical moment, there was no room for Naruto to hesitate.

He must make up his mind and sprint forward. As long as he succeeds, the sky is wide for Naruto to fly.

Orochimaru’s eyes lit up, and when he saw Naruto-kun’s expression, Orochimaru knew that Naruto-kun had found a way to break the situation.

As expected of Naruto-kun!!

Even in the face of difficulties, he can still quickly break through the situation. He is worthy of his assistance.

“here we go.”

As soon as Naruto finished speaking, the fox on the side of Nine-Tailed Naruto clapped his hands. Even though the chakra is about to bottom out now.

But there is still a special move that can break the game!!

Nine-tailed Naruto roared:”Heavy particle mode is on.”

Boom… boom!!

With a loud noise, it exploded!

Nine-tailed Naruto, who already had little chakra, instantly burst out into sky-high chakra flames. The half-step blood-continuing snare realm that was already about to be fixed instantly received a large amount of chakra. Carat impact.

In an instant, he rushed to the Blood Continuation Snare realm again.

Naruto also understood the consequences of doing so. The price was that Nine-Tailed Naruto would die!!

But as long as he could achieve the Blood Continuation Snare realm, everything would be worth it.

As a large amount of chakra pours in, Naruto’s aura becomes stronger and deeper.

The time for Nine-Tailed Naruto to burn the heavy particle mode is very short, and Naruto must use this short time to rush in in one breath Only the realm of Blood Continuation Snare is enough.

Therefore, Nine-Tailed Naruto’s reckless output, Naruto also desperately absorbed it.

Time passed by one second.

Two minutes later, Nine-Tailed Naruto was already as skinny as a stick.

Click! Suddenly inside Naruto’s body It was as if a restriction was broken!!

A ray of light shot straight into the sky.

The land of snow, the rainbow ice wall.

Naruto stared blankly at the seven-color rainbow that intersected with his own chakra and then projected it out and extended all the way to the sky. His face full of surprises

“This… simply!?”

Although he guessed that his attack on the ‘Blood Successor Snare’ would inevitably cause a strange phenomenon and he could not completely cover it up, he never thought that it would be such an exaggerated strange thing!

“Wouldn’t this be widely announced to the entire ninja world?”

Naruto, who has always been low-key and pragmatic, was really not used to this kind of situation, and instinctively wanted to cover it up.

But soon he shook his head and chuckled, and gradually withdrew his gaze.

From this moment on, he has He is no longer an ordinary human being limited by his body and spirit, and troubled by his lifespan.

After surviving the final fourth stage of the ‘Blood Successor Fusion Ceremony’, he has successfully entered the threshold of the ‘Blood Successor Snare’.

After Kaguya Otsutsuki, he is the second true ‘Blood Successor Snare’ in the ninja world.

In essence, he is stronger than the ‘Six Paths Sage’ who has briefly entered this realm.

So even if Naruto is just now After promotion, even if the chakra lost in the ceremony has not been restored in the body.

Even if the ability of the ‘Blood Successor Snare’ has not been completely mastered, you are still not afraid of anyone in the ninja world!

Therefore, from this moment on, across the ninja world, The gorgeous rainbow is no longer a vision that reveals his strength or position, but a beautiful scenery for him to enjoy!

Naruto no longer needs to cover up, let alone worry about anything!

Because the offense and defense are changing, there is no need to worry anymore It’s him!

Dong Dong…

And at this moment, accompanied by a heartbeat beating sound, the slit between Naruto’s eyebrows suddenly opened, revealing the Rinnegan Eye with nine magatama..

Naruto then moved his gaze upwards, and suddenly, in the field of vision of his endless eyes, he finally saw clearly the scarlet”Eye of the Moon” between his eyebrows.”

This time the Blood Continuation Snare Realm not only gave Naruto the extremely powerful reincarnation eye, but also opened the Eye of the Moon.

His yellow hair also turned into white hair.

It is probably said that the current Naruto is not from the Otsutsuki clan. No one would believe it, because Naruto at this moment is the Otsutsuki clan.


Just as Naruto was about to carefully observe the scarlet ‘Eye of the Moon’ that opened between his eyebrows, a sudden sound came from under his feet. A crisp cracking sound


Naruto frowned and quickly looked down, and his expression immediately changed.

He saw that on the altar composed of the ‘Grel Mine’ under his feet, spider web-like cracks suddenly appeared.

And they expanded rapidly in just a blink of an eye., spread all over the entire altar.

Immediately afterwards, the originally bright green ‘Grael Stone’ quickly dimmed, as if it had exhausted its chakra, completely losing its previous luster. Slowly squatting down, Naruto He reached out and picked up a piece of ‘Grael’s Stone’ that was broken out from the altar.

But he never thought about holding it in his hand with a little force, the dim and dull Gray’s Stone

“It broke into fine crumbs and scattered with the wind.”


Naruto frowned immediately, such a hard Grayl Stone turned into powder.

However, at this moment, the entire Greer vein beneath his feet served as an altar.

“It collapsed!!”

Countless pieces of rubble fell from the sky fortress. Before they could hit the ground, just when they were blown by the cold wind, these Greer Stones instantly disintegrated.

It seemed that they had completely decayed and turned into pieces that were blown by the wind. The ‘Grel Mine’ that was used as an altar was the core of the blood continuation fusion ceremony after the reconstruction. With its unexpected collapse, the balance of the entire blood continuation fusion ceremony was instantly destroyed, and the blood continuation fusion ceremony also followed. It overturned and scattered around.

Floating in the air.

The broken parts looked completely decayed, as if they had experienced tens of thousands of years of time erosion!

Naruto quickly looked around and found that it was originally full of green, like The fairyland-like ‘Rainbow Ice Wall’ has completely lost the breath of life at this moment.

The lakes have dried up, the green grass has died, and even the originally fertile soil has lost its vitality, and there is deathly silence all around!

At this time, Naruto found Orochimaru fainted and died On the ground, as if dead, Naruto immediately fired a chakra into Orochimaru’s body.

Naruto knew that Orochimaru was very tough and would not die easily. Why Orochimaru was like this? In the final analysis, it was because of Naruto relationship!!

So Orochimaru inevitably won the bid.

In the process of the birth of the ‘Blood Successor Snare’, all life around him still became the target of being plundered. Even if Naruto himself did not have this intention, he could not change this. Reality.

After realizing this, Naruto’s expression became complicated.

Then he moved his gaze to the distance, looking at the snowfield outside the barrier, and found that all the snow on the snowfield had melted. The desolate and withered land surface was revealed. It was a complete dead silence. With Naruto’s eyesight now, he could not see the end.

It was as if the entire polar snowfield had turned into a lifeless desert during Naruto’s ritual.!

“Is this… the Blood Succession Snare?”

Looking at the scene in front of him, Naruto suddenly had a deeper understanding of the ‘Blood Successor Snare’.

The birth of a ‘Blood Succession Snare’ means the loss of countless lives. This is the most important thing for energy and vitality. Direct and the most cruel plunder!

The reason why the Otsutsuki clan keeps traveling through the universe is to plunder the energy of the earth veins on planets.

And the natural energy in the earth veins of each planet is limited. Once the natural energy in the earth veins is sucked dry, the entire planet will fall into withering and become a desolate Death Star. The Ninja World is undoubtedly a special planet in the universe.

The energy of the earth veins here is huge enough. That’s why the Otsutsuki clan focused on this place thousands of years ago and sent Otsutsuki Kaguya to plant the sacred tree.

It can be said that without the rebellion of the Six Paths Sage brothers, under the continuous absorption of the sacred tree.

Even the ninja world This kind of planet with relatively large earth energy may not be able to escape the fate of withering.

The rebellion of the Six Paths Sage brothers against their mother Kaguya and the division of the sacred tree not only stopped the process of withering in the ninja world, but also caused the ninja world to wither. The world got a breather and gained a short recovery.

However, Naruto’s promotion to the ‘Blood Continuation Snare Realm’ obviously broke some balance. At this moment, Naruto could clearly feel that the veins of the ninja world were affected by his own ritual.

This is based on’ The decay at the center of the rainbow ice wall is spreading to all sides. As for how far this dead decay will spread, even Naruto is hard to predict now.

But there is one thing that Naruto is very sure of. That’s what every planet can support

“The”Blood Continuation Snare Realm” is limited.

Although the ninja world has been cultivated for thousands of years after the birth of Kaguya, the”Blood Continuation Snare Realm”.

But judging from Naruto’s ritual this time, if there is another similar ritual, the ninja world may be completely withered, because there are limits to the ninja world.

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