
And Chiyo has been staring at Scorpion from beginning to end, and Scorpion also spends most of the time looking at Chiyo.

Suddenly Scorpion said:”Deidara, go and fight somewhere else.”

Deidara was stunned, but he didn’t object and responded:”Okay! Senior Scorpion.”

A small clay bird was thrown from the palm of his hand.

“Click!”The clay bird expanded instantly and turned into a bird more than two meters long.

Deidara glanced at Gaara’s body and curled up the tail of the clay bird.

Then he said:”That yellow-haired boy over there, there is If you can, come after me, otherwise the consequences of this corpse will be hard to say!!”

Dilac jumped up, and then the clay bird flew outside.

Naruto immediately chased after him without saying a word.

Kakashi saw the situation in front of him and immediately ordered:”Sakura, be careful here, I’ll go Help Naruto.”

Just when Sakura was about to speak, Naruto’s voice came from a distance:”Kakashi-sensei, please stay and deal with that person together!””

At the same time, Kakashi, who had just started to catch up, was forced to stop.

Since Naruto has already spoken to deal with the guy who took Gaara away alone, can Kakashi still not give himself face as a student? Is that??

The answer must be to give face.

Scorpion looked at the opponent and there were three people, one of whom was Grandma Chiyo. It seemed that this time it was a bit tricky.

At the same time, Deidara saw on the other side that only Uzumaki Naruto was chasing Come up?……………………

“A guy who overestimates his capabilities.”In Deidara’s view, this Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki is a bit arrogant.

Chiyo asked:”Is it feasible to let you Konoha Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki deal with the person who defeated Gaara?”

Chiyo was a little confused. After all, he learned from the meeting that Uzumaki Naruto’s strength is at the Jonin level.

But it is still a bit too reluctant to deal with a strong Kage level.

And Sakura replied confidently:”Grandma Chiyo, Don’t worry! Naruto knows sage mode”

“Immortal mode?”Chiyo was stunned, and then thought of the information about the Sage Mode.

In the files of the Sand Ninja Village, it was recorded that the first Hokage of Konoha Village, Senju Hashirama, knew the Sage Mode.

Although I don’t know if it was Senju Hashirama’s. Sage mode.

But the power is probably not bad.

The little girls in Konoha were so confident in Uzumaki Naruto, Chiyo didn’t continue talking.

Sakura knew that she shouldn’t leak information about Naruto, but this was encouragement Morale is also to combat the enemy called Scorpion in front of us.

“Let’s resolve the battle as quickly as possible so we can go over and support Naruto as soon as possible.”Kakashi opened his forehead protector to reveal the three Magatama Sharingan.

Scorpion looked at Kakashi’s exposed Sharingan and said,”Is it the same Sharingan as Uchiha Itachi? interesting.”

Naruto is chasing Deidara through trees one after another.

Naruto didn’t let Kakashi follow, otherwise it might be like the original scene, when he used the MangekyÅ� Sharingan on the way to deal with Deidara. eyes, resulting in coma……………………

After that, Yamato, who planted trees, became the leading jounin of the seventh team, and at the same time, Sai Nebe joined the seventh team.

Deidara, who was flying on a clay bird in the sky, did not speed up and throw away the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

“This distance should be about the same, I will cripple you here, the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki.”There was a certain distance from Senior Scorpion, and Deidara was about to start attacking.

He held a handful of clay with one hand and threw it into his mouth.

Finally, he spat out dozens of small clay spiders:”Take the move! Bastard Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.”

Throwed all these clay spiders down.

When Naruto saw dozens of small clay spiders, it was already too late

“go to hell! Click!” Deidara roared with his seal.

In an instant, dozens of small clay spiders exploded together.




Seeing the jungle that was blown into ruins, Deidara sneered:”Haha! Did you think it was so awesome? ?”

“It seems like nothing more than that!!”

Originally, Deidara thought that someone who dared to say such big words must have some strength.

What happened? Now he was killed by him in one move? He was even worse than the one-tailed Jinchuuriki.

However, when the smoke from the explosion dissipated , Deidara saw the intact Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki standing there…………………….


“I should have hit the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki just now, why didn’t it have any effect?”

Deidara can’t understand. Just now, he was 100% sure that he successfully hit the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki. Now the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki appears in front of him intact? What’s going on? Why was

Naruto fine just now? It was because of the explosion. On this occasion.

He just used the Nine Lama Mode to protect his body! So it was just a momentary thing, and Deidara didn’t notice it.

Naruto formed a seal:”Shadow Clone Technique.””

Ten shadow clones appeared, and Naruto asked two of them to run in two different directions.

Eight of them were left to fight.

The eight shadow clones grabbed their feet and flew up one by one, approaching Deidara..

And the real Naruto closed his eyes and clapped his hands, and the surrounding natural abilities quickly gathered.

In just a few seconds, Deidara also destroyed Naruto’s eight shadow clones.

And mocked:”A boring trick.”

When Deidara finished saying this, his eyes were stunned:”Have you undergone some kind of form change?”……………………………………………………………………

PS: The new book is about to set sail. Please give me flowers, tickets, and all kinds of data support. Thank you!……………………………………………………………………

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