Chapter 427: I originally thought that Senju Tobirama was already invincible, but I didn’t expect anyone to be braver than him. Chapter 427: I originally thought that Senju Tobirama was already invincible, but I didn’t expect that there was anyone braver than him.

Chapter 427: I originally thought that Senju Tobirama was invincible, but I didn’t expect anyone to be braver than him. Uzumaki

Ashina was also a little speechless. He never expected that this guy could take away the Underworld Gate by force. This thing is not an ordinary ninja. Tool.

This is a tool dropped by the God of Death, comparable to the Six Paths Ninja Tool of Cloud Hidden Village.

But now it’s too late to say anything. The other party has already privatized Huangquan Gate. He is just a remnant, and the other party is the only child of the Uzumaki clan.

Right now, he had no choice at all. Do you want to embarrass the descendants of your own clan?

He is just a lingering memory left in the deep valley. As for the purpose, he himself couldn’t tell clearly. Maybe it was to guard the Underworld Gate, or maybe it was to wait for the arrival of a certain day.

“Alas, the Uzumaki clan can’t escape the destined disaster after all.” Uzumaki Ashina sighed, and had no intention of continuing to talk nonsense with Naruto.

After all, he has matured with age, and he can tell at a glance that Naruto is not a fuel-efficient lamp. They have been foxes for thousands of years, and they still call them Liao Zhai, so they simply say it bluntly.

“If there is hope, you can revive the Uzumaki clan, that would be the best.”

After saying that, Uzumaki Ashina’s figure gradually became illusory, and his voice became lower and lower. Finally, with a kind smile, it turned into a point of light and disappeared.

Along with the Uzumaki Ashina were the corpses in the deep valley. Naruto and Tenten looked at each other, and neither of them had the intention to go down immediately. They are not afraid of deception.

After a while, after confirming that nothing happened, the two slowly jumped off the rock wall.

“What is going on?” Tiantian asked. After knowing everything that happened, she was no longer afraid of this strange valley.

“It’s probably a last wish, something about spreading branches and spreading leaves.” Naruto’s eyes were subtle.

Inexplicably, every day I think of the lie I just told. It suddenly felt a little awkward to lie to the old clan leader about having two or three children, but fortunately Naruto didn’t mention it.

“Then you.” Tenten looked at Naruto.

“Me? What does his last wish have to do with me?” Naruto showed a matter-of-fact expression and shook his head. “It is very stupid to make unclear promises. I have no reason to be responsible for them.” ”

But. “Naruto, aren’t you a member of the Uzumaki clan?” She looked surprised.

“Yes, I am also a law-abiding villager of Konoha.” Naruto curled his lips, “Tiantian, you are too young, how can it be so easy to revive the clan?” ”

Murong Fu has been abstaining from sex for so many years, but he has never recovered. country.”

“Who is Murong Fu?” He was confused every day.

“A man.” He said vaguely, “Those are not important. We have to go out now. We can’t stay here forever.”

“Yeah.” Tenten is very smart and knows to listen to Naruto at this time. if.

He removed the corpses reincarnated from the dirty soil and stood in the clearing of the deep valley in a daze for a while. Then he looked at Tiantian, who was a little frightened by his gaze.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Tiantian, we can’t go back.” He suddenly asked.

“What?” Tiantian exclaimed, but soon realized that there was no way to go up this deep valley, and even if Konoha sent people to rescue them, they would not be found at all.

Because once you get down, you can’t get up.

Looking up at the darkness above his head, Tiantian suddenly broke into a cold sweat. If Naruto hadn’t taken away the Underworld Gate by force just now, they would have no hope of leaving here.

This deep valley itself is a sealing technique, sealing in the armies of the Kingdom of Water and the Kingdom of Thunder.

Previously, she thought Naruto was simply crazy. Lord Jiraiya had obviously warned him not to go near that door, and even the old man showed up to stop him.

But Naruto still stubbornly snatched the door away, and then the old man had to tell the truth.

“Isn’t the old man your clan leader?” Tiantian asked in surprise, “Why… why didn’t he lift the seal or even find a way for you?” ”

Clan leader?” Naruto raised an eyebrow, “The clan leader has the obligation to fight to the death to help you. Me?”

“But…” Tiantian had nothing to say.

Indeed, the patriarch is dead. Even when he died before the Kingdom of Whirlpool was destroyed, this place was just a remnant of his legacy, not his own.

“Now you know my good intentions, right? Tiantian.” Naruto patted Tiantian on the shoulder and said sincerely.

“I know, I’m sorry.” Tiantian blushed a little.

As soon as he finished speaking, Naruto added another sentence.

“I’ve known for a long time that that old guy has bad intentions. Who doesn’t say nice things? It’s thunder but no rain. He talks about strengthening the Uzumaki clan, but he won’t even give him a door.” ”

How can you become stronger? Do you rely on fishing?”

Tiantian : “.”

Now she feels that she still doesn’t understand the person in front of her. Over the years, her former friend has become more or less mature and stable.

For example, the unruly young man Neji has now become as gentle as jade. Shikamaru, who likes freedom, plunged into the heavy desk and Dingci got married.

But this person seems to have never changed much, and his original intention has not changed. Some things are really difficult to evaluate. Not even an orphan can do that kind of thing.

“What’s wrong? Tenten?” Naruto smiled at her.

“It’s okay, that clan leader is really hateful.” Tiantian forced out a smile, which was considered cute, “Then what should we do now?”

Ever since he fell on the island of the Whirlpool Kingdom, the words Tiantian has always said are, “Naruto, what should we do?”

Fukaya looked at the two of them silently as if they were alive. It’s like a dormant monster, waiting for the next hunting opportunity, which is terrifying.

“At this point, there is no other way but to open the door first,” he said.

“Open the door?” Tiantian raised his head subconsciously. The door originally embedded in the rock wall had disappeared, leaving an ugly scar.

Jiraiya warned them not to approach that door without permission.

“What others say may not be right. Even the lustful immortal doesn’t understand what this door is.” Naruto explained, “Maybe he doesn’t understand it as well as we do.” “There is no other

way now but to take the risk and try it.” Give it a try.” Tiantian nodded.

Following the method given by the old clan leader, Naruto understood the situation and immediately released the Underworld Sect. The Huangquan Gate, which is five or six meters high, is quite shocking to see.

Immediately, Naruto cut his finger with a kunai and wiped the blood on the door. Perhaps sensing the blood of the descendants of the Uzumaki clan, the Underworld Gate creaked as if it came to life.


The golden light wanders over the pattern on the door, like a surging gold-hoarding carp.

Tiantian looked at the door nervously, clenching her hands tightly. She had already experienced the danger of this door. Even though Naruto looked confident, she still wasn’t sure if the door would open.

Even if the door is opened, what is behind it? Could it be another desert island, or even a more dangerous place?

Just when Tian Tian was feeling uneasy, the door clicked and opened a gap.


Naruto, who was opening the door, had a complicated expression on his face, not because of how difficult it was to open the door. But I finally understood why the old patriarch had a complicated expression when he saw him taking away the Underworld Gate.

It was an expression of shock with a hint of relief, as if he was afraid that his offspring would be extinct, but also afraid that his offspring would be too rebellious, especially if his offspring were suspected of having yellow hair.

As soon as he got started, Naruto discovered that the Underworld Sect was indeed against the heavens and could actually choose coordinates freely. The only drawback is that it is not precise and may cause accidents sometimes.

He first located Konoha and planned to open the door directly.

But at a casual glance, my eyes accidentally saw a symbol with a sun pattern on it. Almost with a thought, the sun symbol lit up instantly.

Seeing this, Naruto’s eyelids twitched and he thought to himself.

“What good thing is this? No, you have to try.”

At the same time, strange phenomena appeared in the sky above Kumogakure, Sunagakure, and all the shinobi villages. Golden clouds circled in the sky and formed a ring.

It was as if a door had opened in the sky, and something was about to fall from the sky. This sight immediately alarmed the senior officials of the major ninja villages, and they all put down their work.


“What is that?” Samyi squinted his eyes slightly, looking at the golden ring that suddenly appeared in the sky, and had a vague feeling.

“I don’t know, maybe it’s some kind of recruitment.” The two Yumu people leaned against the window and said in a neutral tone, “Let’s take a look first and then talk about it. What’s the hurry?” ”

I’m not in a hurry. The one who’s in a hurry should be Lord Raikage. Shoulder It’s so sore.” Samyi pressed his shoulder and said lazily.

“Really? If your shoulders are sore, just wear lightweight underwear. Stop complaining here.” Yumu glanced at her, “After all, we are all traitors.” ”

You don’t have to worry about that kind of thing. Just take care of yourself. That’s all.” Samyi’s expression changed, and after saying that, he turned around and left.


“Temari-sama! There seems to be a golden ring in the sky outside!” A girl was lying on the window of the office, turned to look at Temari and shouted in surprise.

“Heaven?” Temari put down the document in her hand and rubbed her eyes. She thought it was another girl’s prank but didn’t take it seriously. She turned her head and glanced at the window.

The windows of the Kingdom of Wind have been blocked by wind and sand all year round. Only the window for the girl’s eyes is bright. It was obviously specially painted to see the scenery.

This is a type of glass that can be brushed from the inside to the outside, and is only equipped in the Kazekage Building. Temari glanced over and couldn’t see the strange thing outside, so she said with a smile.

“I saw it, it’s so spectacular.”

“It’s true! I didn’t lie to you, Kazekage-sama! Kazekage-sama is out!” The girl turned around and shouted anxiously.

“Gaara?” Temari frowned upon hearing this, and immediately stood up and walked quickly to the window, “What happened outside?”

Outside the Kazekage Building, Gaara stepped on the sand base and rose directly into the air. Carrying a gourd behind his back, he crossed his arms and looked at the golden halo with a solemn expression.

There were only a few Sunagakure ninjas at the bottom. It was already the limit to gather these few people in a short time. The shrill sirens echoed over Sunagakure Village.

“Damn it, what the hell is that?” Kankuro sat on the roof, carrying the scrap puppet he picked up from Scorpion, and gritted his teeth.

After Scorpion’s death, those puppets were immediately bought back by Sand Hidden Village. After all, the ninja world is not all about fighting and killing, but there are also human beings.

These Gundam figures are useless if they are left in the hands of others. It is better to exchange them for money and let Sunagakure recycle them, so as to maximize the benefits.


Kurotsuchi, the future leg shadow, stood on the heights of Iwagakure Village with his hands on his hips, a confident smile on his face. Looking at the golden halo appearing in the sky in the distance, he grinned slightly.

“Is it finally here? You bastard of Kirigakure!” “Hey! What are you doing!” The old man Onoki was very angry with his granddaughter. He looked at the red color flying in the wind above, “Come down quickly!”

“Allah, allah .

, Old man, you are too nervous.” Kurotsuchi put his hands on his hips and turned back confidently, “Even if there are enemies, I can take care of them all!” ”

Crazy! Someone come and get her down!”

“Hahaha, old man, You are too cowardly. Hey, why not just abdicate!”


“Then what is that?” Chojuro looked at the golden ring-shaped clouds appearing in the gray sky, and he suddenly stuttered, “Quick! Inform Mizukage-sama!”

“Choujuro, don’t panic.” A charming voice said Appearing, Terumi Mei’s figure suddenly appeared by the window with a smile on her face.

“Mizukage-sama! That!”

“I saw it. This is just a small problem. Chojuro, you have to be braver.” Terumi Mei stared at Chojuro, making him blush and lower his head.

Terumi Mei’s eyes narrowed, she was wearing a sleeveless blue dress and smiled happily.

“This is no longer the period when the Fourth Mizukage was in power, and Kirigakure is not as weak as before. Even if there is an enemy invasion, as a commander, you need to remain calm.”


“Huh? In the sky?” Kakashi glanced lazily outside, and his pupils suddenly dilated slightly, “What is that? How does it look like a door?”

Kakashi immediately thought of the door Jiraiya said, but then he thought I think it’s ridiculous, I’m afraid this is just a strange sight.

On the roof, the ANBU ninjas all raised their heads and looked at the slowly rotating golden ring clouds in the sky.

On the other side, in the darkness under the deep valley.

“Naruto! What’s wrong?” Tiantian couldn’t help but ask when he saw Naruto hadn’t moved for a long time.

“It’s okay, I almost forgot how to use this thing just now, but now I remember it.” Naruto responded, with a wonderful expression on his face.

I thought mmp, this is how this golden sun is used to locate all Ninja Villages. Nima, this is the time to drop a nuclear bomb. The Kingdom of Whirlpool plans to drag all the ninja villages with it.

Naruto couldn’t stop thinking, he thought that the second generation Senju Tobirama was already invincible, but he didn’t expect anyone to be braver than him. Whose general is this?

He finally understood now why the old patriarch seemed to be coquettishly trying to help a big girl get into the sedan chair. At that time, Naruto thought that Uzumaki Ashina doubted his bloodline, but now he understands.

Emotional whirlpool Ashina is still hiding this trick in the underworld. No wonder her face changed after hearing that she was from Konoha, as if her wife had run into someone else’s bed.

Damn it, the strategic vision of the old patriarch is exactly the same as the second generation Senju Tobirama’s teleporter to locate Kumogakure. Naruto suddenly felt strange, and now he finally knew where the inspiration for Senju Tobirama’s teleporter came from.

What a bunch of war lunatics, each one more brave than the other.

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