
Don’t look at the squirrel looking like death, when the shadow of death approached, he still flashed away in amusement.


With a loud bang, the entire island began to crack widely.

The island that has stood for countless years is as brittle as an eggshell, falling apart piece by piece.

The power rocks hidden deep underground are all exposed to sunlight.

Click… Click… Click…

Some of the kinetic rocks affected by the impact have ruptured.


The squirrel’s face is white, and the power rock will explode when it comes into contact with oxygen.


Just when he was desperate, Antune rushed to the island, his mouth wide open, revealing a mouth full of fangs.

Poof, poof, poof!

Not to mention the power rock on the ground, even the hard rock on the ground has been swallowed up.

“Blow you up!”

The squirrel was shocked and cursed secretly at the same time, ordinary people avoided the power rock, this madman actually ate it as a snack.

Bang bang!!

In the mouth of the blood basin, a series of explosions sounded, and Antun’s huge body trembled.

His broad body is also like a specimen motionless.

“Why don’t you move, is it… He’s dead? ”

The squirrel was overjoyed, if this is really the case, wouldn’t it be a great achievement?

Don’t look at Antun’s bounty of only 200 million Baileys, but the apostle form is the strongest demon fruit of the animal line and phantom beast species, and the navy’s assessment of his future is no weaker than the threat of the four emperors.

Hiccup hiccup ~~~~

Suddenly, Antun’s mouth opened, and a choking black smoke came out, followed by a hiccup.

The corner of the squirrel’s mouth twitched, dare to feel that this Nima is full?

Why didn’t you move just now? Eighty percent are too lazy to move.

“Blast me?!”

After drinking and eating, Antune looked at the squirrel contemptuously, “Forgot what my nickname is?” Flame Devourer! ”

“The flames after the explosion of the power rock are my energy!!”

“Idiot, show me clearly!!”


On Antun’s huge head, strips of green tendons appeared, as thick as thighs.

Boom… Boom… Boom….

The volcano carried on his back began to erupt again, and a large amount of magma poured down, occupying the entire back of Antun.

Purr, goo, goo!

The squirrel swallowed wildly and whispered to himself, “This guy… Wouldn’t you be planning to use magma to burn the entire island to the ground? ”

“Superficial and ignorant!!”

Antune heard the sneer, he really wanted to destroy this island, relying on his huge body to sink it.

He is like a black hole, devouring energy forever, just to “hatch” his own children!

“Roar, roar, roar… Roar, roar, roar… Roar

, roar…”

In the midst of the constantly erupting volcanoes, there was a hysterical roar, deafening, like thunder.

The squirrel snorted, Nima… Antun carrying a volcano on his back is outrageous enough.

Listen to this movement, how can there be living creatures in the volcano?

This is crazy!!


Another hot magma eruption, soared into the air for hundreds of meters, and all of them fell in an instant.

The squirrel was so frightened that he fell backwards one after another, even if he was already wrapped in armed color domineering, and was devoured by this thing, it was a dead end.



Magma falls, and the earth shakes non-stop.

A monstrous fire ignited on the ground, and in the midst of that flame, there was a burly body.

The height is bloated, almost seven meters or so.

Looking at the blurred silhouette, the squirrel can be 100% sure that it is not human.

“Come out and say hello, Devourer.”

Antune watched with relief that this was his first “child”.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The monster called the Devouring Demon stepped out of the flames, revealing its hideous body.

“This, this, this, this… What is this?! ”

The squirrel stuttered when he spoke, and he was also well-informed, and it was the first time he had encountered such an ugly monster.

The head and limbs are blue, the abdomen is beige, and the armpits of the arms have cheek-like pimples.

Bang bang bang!!

The Devouring Demon beat his chest like King Kong, and his mouth was full of fangs and howled.

The squirrel watched vigilantly, saw the opportunity, and slashed down.

A fierce and huge slash roared away.


The Devouring Demon’s abdomen was sturdy and stabbed, but his defense was like Antune, rough surface, leaving no scars.

“Why are the defenses so powerful? Freak!! ”

The squirrel cursed, and Fang Cai’s slashing blow fused with armed color domineering, which was almost his strongest move.

As a result, people devouring demon fart did not.


The Devouring Demon suddenly roared, and the ground trembled.

His big mouth, more terrifying than a shark, opened up, and golden flames spewed out.

The power is so strong that even the rocks are mercilessly melted.

The squirrel’s pupils shrank suddenly: “Shaving! ”

He instantly retreated to 100 meters and dodged the fatal blow again.


The squirrel gasped vigorously and said to himself: “It seems that this monster looks like Antun, the attack power is strong enough, but the speed… There is hope! ”

“Idiot stuff.”

Antune didn’t bother to take care of the squirrel, and swallowed it with a vigorous search for power rock, and immediately this guy would regret it.

That’s right… The devourer was just the first child he hatched.

In the future, Antune will form his own monster army!


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immediately preemptive(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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