Urti is drunk, and Antune thinks he’s a doctor?

Antune is also very convinced, do you think you are an old bustard?

In the future, don’t introduce the service blindly!

“Lord Antun, the navy is menacing.”

Ulti held the binoculars, and the little face that was still unruly before was like a basin of cold water poured down, gradually becoming dignified.

She saw Admiral Akainu, as well as Admiral Yellow Ape.

In addition to this, there are dense admirals, most of them vice admirals and rear admirals.

With such a luxurious lineup, even if Kaido comes, it is difficult to escape defeat today.

“Or… We retreat?! ”

Don’t look at Ulti’s usual whistle, this time actually provoked.

She is arrogant and arrogant, but it does not mean that she is stupid!

“I also want to retreat, is the key navy willing?”

The task is to take Nicole Robin, which has been completed, and Anturn does not want to stay in the Chambord Islands to delay time.

On the side of the navy, the anger has been violent to the extreme.

“Borusalino, Sakaski… We must get our hands on the fishman princess, and Antun, the crazy madman, kill him at all costs! ”

The thunderous voice of the Warring States came from the other side of the phone worm.

The yellow ape held up his eyes, his eyes were full of surprise, and he squinted his mouth: “Hmm… Marshal of the Warring States, what did that guy do that hurt the heavens and make you angry like this? ”

“You don’t inquire about things on the road!”

The Sengoku who was far away at the headquarters of the Navy snorted, and the five old stars called five minutes ago and scolded him.

Word has spread that Anturn slaughtered Draco and made female Draco slaves.

Sengoku, who has always looked at Draco unhappy, was happy to learn the news.

This group of rampant guys, not only for humans, but also for him, the marshal of the navy, often calls and drinks, it needs to be rectified by lawless thugs.

However, after only three seconds of happiness, Sengoku realized that something was wrong, Draco had been abused, and it was the navy who was responsible for wiping the drum.

Sure enough, the five old stars immediately called, and there was an incompetent fury against the Warring States, and the spit stars were about to spew out from the phone worm.

Ten minutes of call time, nine minutes and fifty seconds of angry warring nations, the rest of the time for the navy to kill Antun.

The Warring States were bitter in their hearts, and they could only vent their full anger on the yellow ape and the red dog.

“You kid gave me less hanging, the mission failed… You don’t want to have a vacation in a year! ”

“And Sakaski, tell him… When the mission failed, I arranged for him to burn the boiler! ”


After scolding the two angrily, Sengoku hung up the phone.

“It shouldn’t be green, how is the anger so big.”

The yellow ape secretly slandered in his heart, and the red dog on the side was also calm.

Unlike the yellow ape, he has no complicated ideas.

It’s just that the source of the scolding is attributed to the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

“The rest of the pirates don’t care for the time being, give me all my strength to storm the Hundred Beast Pirate Group!!”

With a wave of his hand, nearly thirty warships marched in unison, approaching the Chambord Islands dock.


The huge shampoo trembled violently, and the ground was filled with smoke.

The whole island suddenly sank a lot.

Antun transformed into apostolic mode, and his huge body was so pressed that the Chambord Islands were shaking.

He was too big for the Chambord Islands to carry his limbs, and they all submerged in the water.

In recent times, Antune has been binge eating and drinking.

His weight soared from 150,000 tons to 200,000 tons.

“How did the Chambord Islands get bigger?”

“That’s Antun’s apostle mode, right?”

“It’s scary, the first time I saw a turtle carrying a volcano!”

“Hmph… Our lineup of double generals, this guy still dares to go head-to-head? ”

“There will be another legendary prisoner in Advance City.”


On the naval side, although they shocked Antun’s huge body, they were still very confident in their strength.

After all, there are two generals joining forces, not to mention Antun, Roger must also admit it when he comes.

“With such a large body, you can hit the target with any attack.”

The yellow ape muttered to himself and laughed lewdly again.

He soared into the air, his body as dazzling as the sun.

The two hands condense into a brilliant sparkle, shining on the entire Chambord Islands.

“It’s coming, it’s coming… It’s Mr. Borusalino’s big move!! ”


“Is it eight-foot qionggouyu!”


As if victory was in hand, the navy shouted.

Such a powerful move, isn’t that a live target to firmly hold Antun?


The next moment, the flash bombs that covered the sky poured down like a rainstorm, and even the sky turned golden.

Antune raised his glans and burped nonchalantly.

Nor resisting, lazily lying on the ground.

Come on, whip the turtle master well.

Recently, the turtle master has been a little itchy!


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