In Naruto, Building the Strongest Hidden Mist Village

Chapter 139 Farewell, cultist, the Seven Ninja Sword returns to its place

Bang bang bang, Shisui gently knocked on the door.

As soon as the sound came in, Minato stood up and moved extremely quickly.

It still took a while to get to the door. The purpose is to conceal the strength. Although there are no restrictions when you are in Kirigakure, you still have to be careful.



Minato opened the door, his expression changed, and he quickly looked behind the two of them.

The shadowy Kirigakure ninjas did not hide their figures.

There's even ANBU.

Seeing this scene, Minato was not surprised but happy.

Doesn't it mean that there is such a scene that you have the opportunity to return home?

He suppressed his excitement and spoke out.

"So Shisui, teacher, have some conditions been reached?"

"we can."

The moonlight poured into the room, hit Kirigakure's forehead protector, and reflected into Minato's eyes, causing his pupils to shrink slightly.

Only then did he see Zhisui's forehead clearly.

I swallowed all the words in my mouth, and my whole body was stunned inside.

"Shisui, this is you."

Minato's tone became complicated.

"Are you going to defect to Kirigakure?"

"Minato-sama, I have made a choice."

Zhishui couldn't help lowering his head, feeling a trace of shame in his heart.

It would be fine if it were anyone else, but he had to face Lord Minato.

"My choice is to join Kirigakure and see the new era."

A new era?

Minato looked at Shisui, his eyes flickering, but why was there no turmoil in his heart?

For a moment, I had mixed feelings.

In the end, there was only one voice left in my heart.

Since Shisui has already made his choice.

Why bother him?

So, help him, Minato, help him make up his mind once and for all.

Namikaze Minato smiled warmly.

"Zhisui, since you have made your choice and found your future direction, why do you show such an expression?"

"Work hard and come on."


Shisui raised his head and looked at Lord Minato who could still look at him with such a calm expression even in the face of a traitor, feeling only grateful in his heart.

"I will."

Shisui's eyes were firm.

"From now on, I will never look as cowardly as I do today."

Jiraiya leaned against the door and window and watched quietly without stopping.

Today, they were not the only ones whose moods fluctuated.

Even he, Jiraiya.

"Minato-sama, why don't you join Kirigakure as well."

"Here, not only will I not bear the humiliation of defeat and Danzo's slander, but I will also be able to do so."

"You little brat, do you really care about me?"

Jiraiya gave up his previous thoughts and spoke angrily.

"Kid, it's okay to reminisce and say goodbye, but don't say anything outrageous."

"I'm sorry, Jiraiya-dono."

Shisui opened his kaleidoscope eyes and pointed at his Kirigakure forehead protector.

"This is Kirigakure Village, I can say whatever I want."

"You little brat."

Seeing that the two were showing signs of fighting again, the Kirigakure ninjas outside the door began to gather together, and Minato quickly stopped them.

"Shisui, sensei."

"It doesn't have to be this way."

Minato smiled and shook his head.

"I will not join Kirigakure. This is also my choice. Shisui, you shouldn't make it difficult for me."

"of course not."

Shisui glanced at Jiraiya pointedly.

"I will never use my own logic to force others to do things they don't like like some ninjas in Konoha."

Minato smiled awkwardly.

Shisui ended the topic and suddenly bowed solemnly.

"Lord Minato, I don't know when we will see you again in the future, but I will definitely say goodbye!"


Minato looked at Shisui and his mood became bad.

Shisui was about to tell him the news that Minato could return home, but quickly gave up the idea.

He stepped aside to make room for Jiraiya, who would announce the good news that Namikaze Minato could return to the village.

Jiraiya took a few steps forward and smiled.

"Minato, I have good news for you, absolutely good news."

Going home?

Minato still had his suspicions, and he still cooperated and waited for the teacher.

"What is it, teacher?"

Jiraiya nodded with satisfaction, very seriously.

"You can go back."

Even though he was well prepared, his emotions were still mixed to the point where he was speechless.

"Teacher, me."

"No need to say more."

Jiraiya just turned and looked at the moon.

"It's time to reunite."

Minato nodded, and after a long time, he spoke to Shisui beside him in a complicated tone.

"Thank you Naoki Kaguya for me."


"Hizashi, I came here specially to say goodbye to you this time."

"Next time, I should see you in Konoha."

Kaguya Naoki sat cross-legged on the opposite side of Hinata Hizashi, seemingly calm, but there was a hint of fire in his eyes.

The next time we see each other, it will be Hinata and Konoha.


Hinata Hizashi straightened his body and looked solemn.

"Naoki-sama, the next time we meet, you are going to ask me to split Hinata."


"Then what am I going to do?"

Hinata Hizashi suddenly felt nervous.

Anyone would be nervous when doing such a big thing.

"Tell them the fact that I escaped from the cage?"

"Biding the moment."

Kaguya Naoki gently placed the teacup on the table.

"Hizashi, don't be so nervous. Don't act rashly until the right time comes. Just enjoy your life with Neji."

"When the time comes, I'll tell you how to do it."

"Mr. Naoki made me laugh."

Hizashi smiled awkwardly, and seeing Naoki Kaguya about to stand up, he quickly revealed the hidden words in his heart.

"Naoki-sama, if you split Hinata, can you not hurt my brother's life?"

"Although I hate the clan, he is my brother."

After saying that, Hizashi looked at Kaguya Naoki, feeling uneasy while waiting for a reply.


Kaguya Naoki spoke firmly.

"In the future, you will be the head of the Hyuga clan of Kirigakure, and you can do whatever you want with the Hyuga clan."

"Including those clan members, and your brother, Hyuga Hizashi."

Hinata Hizashi breathed a sigh of relief and bowed gratefully.

"Lord Naoki, please believe me. I will definitely give you satisfactory results in the future."

Kaguya Naoki smiled and nodded, and his figure disappeared from the spot.

The next day, the sun was shining, Minato Namikaze was in full swing, and the sun was changing, Jiraiya and the three disappeared in Kirigakure Village.

At the same time, an Uchiha tribesman officially joined the Kirigakure Village.



Just when Kaguya Naoki had been immersed in dealing with political affairs for a long time, and Terumi Mei and the Sandaime Mizukage both nodded with satisfaction, the voice of an ANBU ninja suddenly came from outside the door.

"Come in."

The ANBU ninja hurriedly opened the door and solemnly placed a scroll in front of Naoki.

"Mizukage-sama, this is the matter of the Akatsuki Organization and the Country of Rain that you specifically ordered to focus on."

Kaguya Naoki immediately put down the pen in his hand and opened it solemnly.

After reading carefully.

"Didn't they pay attention to the several messages that reminded the Akatsuki organization?"

"not at all."

The ANBU ninja shook his head.

"Not only that, these warnings also caused the Konoha ninja to focus on us, and we lost a lot of troops."

The ANBU ninja's heart was beating wildly.

Ever since the Yondaime stepped onto the stage, they have been crushing Konoha. If they lose troops and generals now, wouldn't they be held accountable?

"Go down."

Kaguya Naoki waved his hand and didn't care.

The ANBU ninja let out a long breath, feeling even more grateful.

Kaguya Naoki looked at the information in his hand again and studied it carefully.

Although Kirigakure ANBU can be said to be among the best in the world.

But the Third Ninja War had already severely damaged this force.

What's more, the roots of Konoha have never participated in the Ninja War, and their preserved strength exceeds that of Kirigakure ANBU.

On the battlefield of the Land of Rain, Kirigakure's Anbu were retreating steadily, and the Akatsuki organization would inevitably fall into the trap of history.

It's better for me to go there myself.

"Ming, I probably have to go out again."

"Let my bone clone handle the affairs next."

"Go Naoki."

Terumi Mei just nodded and then paused.

"Naoki, have you forgotten that you still have three apprentices?"

"How about you teach them something before leaving?"

Kaguya Naoki showed an awkward smile, he had really completely forgotten about those people.

"Of course I want to teach, so let's go first."

After Kaguya Naoki said this, he immediately appeared in the training ground.

If he guessed correctly, those people should be here.

"Gui Deng Man Yue, these knives are not suitable for me!"

Zabuza looked at the swords with disgust.

"None of these are worthy of my lord's iron-blooded killing nature."

"Do you want love?"

Gui Deng Man Yue grunted dissatisfiedly, and quickly clenched the two swords in his hands.

Except for this knife, other knives are really looked down upon.

"I want Master Juuzang's beheading sword."

Zabuza said in an urn voice.

Kito Mangetsu ignored Zabuza's voice and said to Kisame.

"Kissame-sama, pick a sword."

However, Kisame also frowned.

"There's nothing I want among these."

"Why do you think I have the nerve to hold this double sword?"

Gui Deng Man Yue sighed and was about to seal the knife into the scroll again.

But a gentle voice suddenly came from the dense forest behind him.

"Man Yue, take it."

Just when the three of them looked back, Naoki Kaguya suddenly appeared among the three of them.

"I have overlooked this point. If the three of you can have enough powerful ninja swords, you should be able to reach a higher level."

"Furthermore, we, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of Kirigakure, should not give up our title."

"Yes, Master Naoki."

Man Yue listened and quickly agreed.

He very much hopes that the Seven Ninja Swordsmen can regain their past glory.

"The decapitating sword, Samehada, is now in the hands of Fugu Oni ​​and Juzo respectively."

"The Pufferfish Ghost has begun to handle the village's political affairs and no longer participates in the war. Juzo, on the other hand, still needs to continue to hold the beheading sword."

The hope Zabuza had in his eyes because of Kaguya Naoki's first half sentence dissipated, and turned into deep disappointment.

"In that case, I'll take it upon myself to let Kisame take the Samehada."

"If you don't want to kill me, how about using Explosive Sword and Spray?"

Zabuza was full of reluctance.

"How about using the Mist Hidden Assassination Technique to get to the enemy's side, and then using the explosive characteristics of the Exploding Blade·Flying Foam to completely kill the enemy?"

Zabuza accepted it reluctantly.

But since it was Naoki who made this suggestion.

Zabuza still smiled.

"For the full moon, use the double swords·Flying Flounder."

"There is another teammate on the way."

"Now, let me teach you the Flying Thunder God Technique."

New teammate?

Flying Thunder God!

The pupils of several people shrank slightly because of the three words "new teammate", and then they were attracted by Flying Thunder God.

This ninjutsu that made a big splash in the Third Ninja World War was naturally very tempting to them.

"Watch carefully and learn well."

Kaguya Naoki condensed chakra and formed a black mark in his hand.

"The first step is to form a mark through chakra."

"The second step is to sense this mark."

"The third step is to use chakra to teleport yourself to the space of this mark."

"The fourth step is to learn how to use chakra so that your body can be in perfect condition after teleportation."

"This is Flying Thunder God."

Kaguya Naoki looked at the few people in front of him who were obviously confused, and didn't say much, but took out a few scrolls from behind.

"This is my understanding of Flying Thunder God."

"You guys should work hard as soon as possible. I will be here with you all this afternoon."

"Yes, Master Naoki!"

Even Kisame, who usually has no emotional fluctuations, began to flip through the scrolls in a hurry.

Amid the sound of flipping books, Kaguya Naoki looked at the forest not far away.

"Come here, there is nothing to be afraid of, just come and listen."

Tat tap.

Shisui stepped on the branches and fell to the ground.

"Master Mizukage."

The three people behind Kaguya Naoki also broke away from the scrolls at this time and looked at their new teammates seriously.

The kid from Konoha?

The three of them were all shocked, and then they were all delighted.

These days, rumors have been spreading, and the whole Kirigakure knows that Shisui has a pair of eyes of the Shura of the Ninja World, and his future is limitless.

Of course, the key to the three of them is not the future, but the combat power.

The stronger the ninja joins the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, the more difficult tasks they can get in the future.

In this way, they can prove their value to Master Naoki!

"This is your new teammate."

"Uchiha of Kirigakure, Uchiha Shisui."

The three of them nodded in unison.

"Okay, you three can introduce each other later."

Kaguya Naoki interrupted everything and took out another scroll from nowhere.

"Come on, Shisui."

"You can learn it too."

"Can I do it too?"

Shisui felt a little unbelievable.

He is a traitorous ninja in Konoha, and it will never be his turn.

"Of course."

Kaguya Naoki said silently in his heart.

I know your Shisui's temper.

Since you have chosen to join Kirigakure, you will never be easily shaken.

"Come and learn."

Seeing that Shisui was still hesitant, Kaguya Naoki forcefully stuffed the scroll into his hands.

Shisui showed gratitude, and was secretly shocked by Naoki's broad mind.

The other three looked at the scene in front of them, first with cold eyes to warn Uchiha Shisui, and then looked at Naoki with admiration.

This is the Mizukage, with such a broad mind.

"Go on."

As time went by, the talented people gradually figured out the basic theory.

If there were problems in practice, Kaguya Naoki could solve them in time. After solving the general direction, he left a bone clone.

Looking forward to your transformation.

Next, the destination is the Land of Rain, the Akatsuki organization.

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