In Naruto, Building the Strongest Hidden Mist Village

Chapter 160 Today, blood stains Hinata.

An invisible shadow has gradually covered the entire Konoha, and all the ninjas are vaguely aware of it.

Hinata was naturally included.

However, when they submitted the information to the clan leader's desk, there was only a strange silence.

I don't know how long it took, but it was the time when the moonlight just poured into the Hyuga clan's land.

The various members of the Hyuga tribe, who were secretly on guard and ready to dispatch at any time, received a summons from Hyuga Hizashi.

It is extremely urgent and cannot be refused.

Not that no one had doubts about this.

However, when "Hyuuga Hinatsu" revealed his forehead without the caged bird, and used the curse seal of the caged bird to make several disobedient Hyuga members kneel down in front of him, all doubts disappeared.

As for other clans.

They have lost the motivation to explore the current situation.

They were just following "Hyuga Hiashi's orders"

Anyway, even if the sky falls, there will be a lot of separated families standing in front of them.

If one day even the separation of families cannot stop the enemy.

So what's the use of their efforts?

Therefore, they did not doubt the authenticity and source of the news at all, and they also helped Hinata Hizatsu to urge the family separation that had not yet started.

The Hyuga family is a serious and old-fashioned family.

Therefore, after the Zong family took action, all the branch families followed suit.

Soon, almost all the Hyuga clan members gathered together.

Just as the outside world was turbulent, the Hinata family fell into an eerie silence.

A pair of white eyes stared at "Hyuuga Hinashi" who was sitting on top.

They didn't see anything inappropriate.


There is no difference between Hyuga Hizashi and Hyuga Hizashi.

They were just born a few seconds earlier and the other a few seconds later.


This is why I want to kill you all and sweep you into the dustbin of history.

Hinata Hizashi was as determined as stone and had already made up his mind.


Hinata Hizashi, the actor who plays Hyuga Hizashi, looked at the branch families and clan families below that were gradually becoming complete, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Next, I want to announce something. After that, I will not interfere with whatever decision you make."

Hinata Hizashi stood up slowly.

"What decision."

Some clan elders couldn't help but ask questions.

There were also expressions of dissatisfaction on some faces.

"Rizu, how could you not discuss this with us?"

"My fault."

Hinata and Hizashi kept getting closer.

"I stayed in that place for a long time, and finally understood a truth."

"What place, what reason?"

The elders of the clan are still as undisciplined as before, but some branch families are already secretly on guard.

"The place I went to is..."

Hinata Hizashi lengthened his voice and closed the distance.

"I can't tell you yet."

"But I can tell you what I learned."


The elders of the Hyuga clan finally noticed something was wrong with Rizu.

"Rou Fist is used to kill people!"

As soon as the words fell, the fists started to blow.

At the same time, there is a pair of angry ears and white eyes blooming on the cheeks!

When he punched out, there was no softness like the soft punch in the past, only a trace of imperceptible light blue ripples.


Amidst the howling wind, his fist hit his cheek.

Blood sprayed everywhere, heads exploded, and that was it.

"Is it you, a waste like you, who has made my life so dull in the past few decades?"

"Why do you stand on my head?"

Hinata Hizu calmly raised his head and looked at the dumbfounded Hyuga clan members in front of him.

"Separate and retreat."

"The Zong family is dead."

"protect me!"

A shrill voice came from the throat of the clan elder.

The branch families subconsciously swarmed up

No matter what the Hyuga Hizashi in front of him is.

They all have to obey the orders of the clan elders.

"I said, back off!"

Hinata and Hizashi form a seal with both hands.

Caged bird!

The three or four Hyuga members who were close to him immediately had their heads exploded and fell to the ground.

"Who are you!"

One of the clan elders' eyes turned red and he asked, not wanting to be a fool who died in confusion.

There were also clan elders who knew they had to fight and charged forward.

There are also clan elders who are as timid as mice and rush out the door.

Bang bang.

Fists and shadows intertwined.

Hinata and Hizashi faced three or four people at the same time without falling behind.

At the same time, blue light flashed on his fist.

Click click click.

Bone fractures.

The elders of the clan were in pain and their bodies were shaken.


The blade slipped out of Hinata Hizashi's sleeve and cut his neck.

"Who are you."

The clan elder who stayed where he was was still trembling and questioning.

But before the elders of the clan, who had quietly rushed out the door, had time to show their proud expressions, in the blink of an eye, they were silent.


The door opened by the clan elder just now closed instantly.

All fell into silence.

It seems that there are murderous beasts in the invisible night.

The separated families dare not move.

Because of the caged bird.

At such a close distance, as long as Hinata Hizashi thought, all the branch families could fall into the control of the caged bird.

Everyone here knows how painful it is.

Therefore, they had no intention of resisting at all.

How sad.

This is my past.

This is who I used to be.

Hinata Hizashi felt a trace of compassion in his heart, and immediately returned to his original iron stone.

These damn bugs.

He should be sent to the Pure Land!

Raise your hand.

Kill the remaining Zong family.

There was still some expression left on their faces.

He seems to be still asking.

Who is it?

Why do you want to kill us.

"I'm Hinata Hizashi."

Hinata Hizashi raised his head and said this to the split family in front of him. It was unclear whether he had to stand there because of the caged bird, or whether he didn't want to rescue him at all.

"Hinata, Hizashi?"

Standing at the front, the Hinata branch, who seemed to be the most elite and could hear the most clearly, couldn't help but open his mouth.

"Are you, Lord Hyuuga Hizashi?"

"it's me."

How can it be.

Many people exclaimed

Hinata Hizashi turned around again and sat back in the main seat. At this moment, it seemed that a ninja from the Hyuga branch had seen the opportunity and was about to escape.


They rush out the door.


The door was rolled shut.

Blood sprayed on the door.

During the battle just now, the Hyuga clan members who had opened their eyes couldn't bear to close their eyes.


No one ran away as long as he rolled his eyes.

Because they knew that there was an extremely powerful chakra outside the door.

"I said I won't force you, everyone has the right to make a choice.

Hinata Hizashi's voice was very calm, but there was no room for denial.

"But don't leave until you make your choice."

"Listen to me, don't leave, you will die."

The whole hall was silent.

"I'm Hinata Hizashi. The reason why I don't have that thing on my forehead is because."

"There is a person who has the ability to erase that curse mark."


Almost instantly.

The entire Hyuga clan was in a state of uproar.

Uncaging the bird?

What an impossible word.

Everyone here is accustomed to the life of a slave or not.

They all invariably dreamed of a life where they were also members of the clan and there was no caged bird above their heads.

Now, the opportunity to choose has been placed in front of them.

As they expected, Hinata Hizashi's next sentence was.

"Everyone, as long as you join me, I can remove the caged bird mark from your heads."

Soon, silence fell again.

There is always a gap between dreams and reality.

Most of them are used to this kind of life.


In this world, there are always some people who are unwilling to be inferior to others and live a mediocre life.

So, they raised their hands.

"Hizashi-sama, we are willing to follow you!"

The roar that symbolized freedom pulled everyone back in an instant.

They saw the blood flowing in front of them again.

There, reminding them.

Hinata Hizashi is no longer the elder who could be entrusted with everything in the past.

He is now that lord's subordinate.

As for that lord.

It must be Naoki Kaguya!


The man who stood at the top of the world during the Third Ninja War, Kaguya Naoki.

They absolutely cannot resist.


Could that be the chakra.

Many people were horrified.

Or because of the fear of that person, or the desire for freedom.

Soon, many people raised their hands.

No one resisted.

It's not like no one attacked out of loyalty to Konoha.

However, the confinement of the caged bird made all attacks come to nothing.

What a good dog.

Hinata Hizashi couldn't help but think sarcastically.

When the commotion gradually subsided, the number of people who raised their hands gradually became all.

Hinata Hizashi nodded with satisfaction.

Now that he is Kirigakure's Hinata, he naturally has to consider Kirigakure.

People, the more the better.

As for the issue of loyalty, that is not what he has to consider now.

Anyway, maybe the guy who seems loyal now is actually Konoha's loyal dog?

What's more, he doesn't have any backup measures.

His help in solving the caged bird in their ears would not be in vain.

Everyone must complete certain tasks before they can be qualified to solve the caged bird.

Inside the door, Hinata Hizashi looked majestic.

Outside the door, Kaguya Naoki stood quietly, looking at everything behind the door, smiling and forming seals.

Today, Hinata falls into the trap.

"Shisui, Nagato, let's go!"

The three of them disappeared.

Not long after they left, the previously closed door opened, and Hinata Hizashi walked out.

Behind them, there were a large number of members of the Hyuga branch.

"Lord Naoki."

Hinata bowed respectfully to Hizashi.

Behind him, countless people with blank eyes knelt down.

Those who pursue freedom will kneel.

Because only by kneeling can you be free.

Boneless people will kneel, because if they don't kneel, they will die.

Those who have bones to hide will also kneel.

They want to get up some day in the future.

The picture shows the poor dagger.

What they didn't know was that what was standing in front of them was just a clone.

"Let's go."

Hinata Hizashi walked straight to the door.

"Wait, Hizashi-sama, are you going to walk out like this?"

"of course not."

Hinata Hizashi smiled.

"Naoki-sama, we want it."


Kaguya Naoki laughed.

"Wait for a firework."



"Kushina, hold on."

In the delivery room, several female doctors surrounded Kyuukina, who was sweating profusely, exhausted, and very weak.

On the periphery of the delivery room, in addition to the surrounded root ninjas and the ANBU ninjas headed by Kakashi, there was also Namikaze Minato.

The most critical time has come.

No one is allowed to slack off.

Except Namikaze Minato.

No one asks what a disabled person can do.

No one cares what a disabled person is doing.

This was a kind of indifference, a kind of indifference that the former Konoha hero was least accustomed to.

Namikaze Minato was used to it, maybe he didn't care, but at this moment, he looked at the door, very worried.

But in the end he could do nothing.

I can only watch.


Silently praying that everything goes well.


At this moment, a virtual whirlpool suddenly appeared in front of him, while other ninjas were still in a daze.

Almost subconsciously, out of the instinct of fighting, he had already reacted and was about to take out a kunai to fight the enemy.


When he was about to rise, his legs told him what state you were in now.

He quickly turned his head to look at the root ninja, begging them to save him.



Just when some root ninjas were also forming seals quickly, preparing to deal with the invading enemy.

The other root ninjas who were still sticking to their posts and being serious and responsible suddenly raised their kunai and plunged it into their companions beside them.

At the same time as the blood spurted out, most of the ninjas died in vain before they had time to fight back.

What's happening here.

Minato felt a little cold inside.

He looked at Kakashi.

Kakashi relied on his body's instinct to barely escape from the butcher's knife.

He rushed towards himself.

Kakashi rushed towards Namikaze Minato.

Soon, soon.

That was Minato-sensei, one of the few people he still cared about.

When he escaped from a desperate situation and saw Teacher Minato facing the mysterious masked man, Kakashi rushed over desperately.

If even the teacher dies.

Then his future life is simply unimaginable!

Uchiha Obito looked at the white-haired figure rushing over with a mocking expression.


You are still like this, nothing can stop you, nothing can be done.

Uchiha Obito raised the kunai.

Instead of thrusting into his teacher, he swung towards the delivery room behind him.

Kakashi, you can't stop this.

And my teacher.

Namikaze Minato, live in guilt for the rest of your life, you deserve it.

Who told you not to save Lin?


The kunai was wrapped with a detonating talisman and flung towards the room behind him.

Flames rose up, accompanied by screams and cries that all entered Namikaze Minato's ears.




How could this be?

Ku Yukina.

Minato was on the verge of collapse.

There are not many things worthy of his nostalgia, and Kyukina is one of them.

If only she too.

Minato didn't care and was about to rush in.

If Ku Yukina dies too, then life will be meaningless.


Uchiha Obito didn't stop him, he wanted to watch Namikaze Minato cry in despair.

However, he was still very angry.

Now, do you know how to save him?

Now, you know, try your best?

Where were you when Lin died?

Minato rushed in.

Lines of red chakra struggled to crawl out of Kyukina's stomach.

That is, the power of Nine Tails!

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