In Naruto, Building the Strongest Hidden Mist Village

Chapter 166: With one strike, the Nine-Tailed Fox fell like a mountain.

I can’t.


Kaguya Naoki looked at the raging flames of war in Konoha Village and the Tailed Beast Ball that seemed to be about to fall.

Now is the best time for me to take action.

Corpse Vein·Dance of the Wire Flower.

Go to hell, go to hell.

Jiraiya, who has always been calm and composed and always maintained his demeanor when facing the enemy, was a little irritable today.


The Seven-Tails is not an ordinary ninja. Relying on Jiraiya’s power, it is almost impossible to get rid of him in a short time.

Already suppressed.

Jiraiya’s mouth curled up slightly.

Hold on a little longer, soon, the Seven-Tails will be completely sealed.


There were waves of fearful shouts from behind Jiraiya.

Jiraiya immediately looked back.


Not good.

How come the Nine-Tails has reached this position.

Could it be that the old man has already.

Calm down, calm down, maybe the old man has already escaped.

I must go back immediately.


Tailed Beast Ball!

Jiraiya couldn't help but show a look of pity.

He knew it was too late.

And even if he was in time, what would happen?

That was the Tailed Beast Ball, an absolutely irresistible force. If it fell into the center of the village, how many casualties would it cause?


Maybe from today on, there is no need to consider the issue of casualties. It is a luxury to hope that Konoha will continue to exist.

Damn you, the bastards from Iwagakure, Kumogakure, and Takigakure, I will definitely kill all of you!

Jiraiya burst out with iron-blooded murderous intent.

He was ready for the destruction of Konoha.

In the future, he would desperately wipe out all the bastards who attacked Konoha one by one!



The sound of the wind?

Jiraiya had turned around, but he was still very sensitive to the situation of Konoha behind him.

Did he hear the sound of the wind?

The sound of tearing wind?

Jiraiya looked back.

Then, he saw the extremely familiar light blue ice mirror and the extremely familiar white jade skeleton.

The skeleton, which looked like a knife and a sword, expanded into a sword that was hundreds of meters long and as big as a mountain in just a blink of an eye after it was swung out. Or a knife?

Or a tripod?

Just when Jiraiya was still struggling with this question in his heart, everything he saw in his peripheral vision made him open his mouth immediately.

The skeleton swung down.

It was like a mountain falling.

It was like the sky falling.

Under the attack of the skeleton, the Tailed Beast Ball exploded in the sky, making a stirring sound and storm.


This was absolutely terrifying fireworks.

A mushroom cloud exploded right above Konoha Village.

Everyone couldn't help but raise their heads and cover their eyes.

Then, when they were able to break free from the fear of this power and tried to open their eyes, they suddenly discovered.

In the entire territory of Konoha Village, countless buildings were destroyed by the shock of the aftermath.

Splashing debris, injured people.

Save people quickly!

The Konoha ninja came to his senses and immediately participated in the rescue.

When they were rescuing, they still couldn't help but look up at the aftermath in the air that had not completely dissipated.

They couldn't imagine what a doomsday scene would be if such a tailed beast ball fell on Konoha!

Still moving, the skeleton is still moving.

Someone shouted, and many Konoha ninjas' eyes gathered again.

The skeleton still didn't stop, and was about to bombard the Nine-Tails.

Is it really possible?

The ninjas of Konoha couldn't help but stop and look at everything in front of them.

Although they all knew that it was a ninja from Kirigakure and was their absolute enemy, they still couldn't help but look forward to it.

Because the Nine-Tails' tailed beast ball had already posed a definite threat of death to them, but Kaguya Naoki didn't.

People always have a fluke mentality.


The skeleton chopped on the Nine-Tails' head, and the momentum stagnated. Obviously, the Nine-Tails had blocked the blow with his claws.


After the skeleton destroyed the most terrifying blow in the world, what could it use to deal with the tailed beast.

Do you really think the tailed beast is made of mud?


A Konoha ninja pointed to the dark sky in surprise.

Everyone looked up.

The bones that seemed to support a day were not the limit.

Under the injection of Kaguya Naoki's chakra, the mountain was still getting bigger and heavier!

The most important thing was.

A faint gray was wrapped around the bones.

Just when the gray reached the top of the Nine-Tails' finger, the Nine-Tails, which was still able to resist, seemed to be hit by something suddenly.

All defenses disappeared.


The Nine-Tails fell heavily on the ground outside the Konoha Village with an indescribable sharp hiss.

The giant skeleton was still there, as if it wanted to teach the Nine-Tails more lessons!

The mountain pressed down the Nine-Tails' huge body on the land of Konoha.

The Nine-Tails tried desperately to lift its body up, and Kaguya Naoki never let go of the skeleton.

Bang, bang, bang!

Every struggle of the Nine-Tails was like a meteorite falling to the ground, bringing a huge impact.

The whole land was shaking like crazy.

It was like an earthquake!


Even though the civilians and ninjas of Konoha were staggering under the attack, they couldn't wait to let out their cheers.

Even the dumbest guy can see that the Nine-Tails is defeated, completely defeated!


Jiraiya clenched his hands and looked at the Seven-Tails that was still flying in the sky but was tightly entangled outside the village.

As long as I can try to catch it.

Wait, who is that.

Jiraiya tried to open his eyes wide and looked at the figure moving in the air. He felt that it looked familiar.

Is it Nagato?

It's Nagato!

Jiraiya suddenly became excited. Nagato is his disciple, and he is also a ninja who has the Samsara Eye and can fly. As long as he can make a move, the Seven-Tails will be captured easily.

Nagato, make a move.

Jiraiya smiled. In this way, the attack on Konoha should be able to dissipate.

Soon, this expression turned gloomy again.

Did Nagato really completely surrender to Kirigakure?

What am I thinking?

Jiraiya exhaled again.

The future of Konoha has become uncertain. Maybe he will surrender to that guy Kaguya Naoki. Why should I blame my disciple?

At this point, Jiraiya's thoughts came to his head and he rushed forward.

What he had to do now was to take down the Seven-Tails as soon as possible! ——

"What's going on!? Why is there a flying ninja approaching the Seven-Tails?"

"Scouting squad, I want all his information."

The Iwagakure jonin stared at the rampaging Nine-Tails while watching the Seven-Tails' battle, worried.

"Report to the jonin, there is no information about him."

"How is it possible! How could such a flying ninja suddenly appear!"

The Iwagakure ninja was extremely furious, and the battle had reached the white-hot stage. Although destroying Konoha and completely taking Konoha into his pocket was no longer an unimaginable thing.

But what if?

"Not good, jonin, look at that."

"Is that Kaguya Naoki?"

The Iwagakure jonin suddenly stood up, and from his perspective that was enough to overlook the entire battlefield, the abruptly appearing ice mirror was quite conspicuous.

That was a technique that no ninja in charge of intelligence in the entire ninja world would not recognize, an ice mirror placed in the sky.

In the entire ninja world, there is only one person who can place the ice mirror in the air, and that is Kaguya Naoki!

Only Kaguya Naoki can do this.

For some reason, the Iwagakure jonin panicked.

No way.

Kaguya Naoki won't make a move, right?

He won't make a move, right?

A bad feeling emerged in the Iwagakure ninja's heart.

That's not right.

The ninja who controls the tailed beast should be Uchiha Shisui of Kirigakure, he can't be.

He really made a move!

And it was against the Nine-Tails!

The Iwagakure ninja was furious.

If there is anyone in the world who can stop the Nine-Tails, there is no doubt that the Tsuchikage is one of them, and the other one is Kaguya Naoki!

"Scouts, continue to scout immediately, the confrontation between Kaguya Naoki and the Nine-Tails!"

"Captain! No need to scout! Look!"

The ninja of the scout team widened his eyes, trembling all over and pointing to the sword mountain that was still extremely huge and magnificent even at this distance.

At this moment, it was rushing down at an astonishing speed, slashing at the Tailed Beast Ball.

The Tailed Beast Ball, which represented absolute power, was actually detonated in advance under the slash of the blade!

The terrifying shock wave and the aftermath obscured all the sight of the Iwagakure ninjas, and even the distorted light in it made them close their eyes.

But even so, the Iwagakure jonins still couldn't help but be furious.

So how could a Tailed Beast Ball be chopped and blown up for no reason?

We all heard that the Nine-Tails is the strongest tailed beast, so how could the condensed Tailed Beast Ball be so vulnerable!

From this point of view, doesn't it mean that Kaguya Naoki has the possibility of suppressing the Nine-Tails?

No, no.

The Iwagakure ninjas were as anxious as ants on a hot pot. At this critical moment, no mistakes were allowed.

"Look, jonin, look!"

The dust had just dispersed, and the distorted mist brought by the shock wave had completely dissipated. The ninjas of the reconnaissance team saw another scene that shocked him absolutely.

The blade did not stop, and pressed straight down towards the Nine-Tails.


There were two mountains.

One was white and the other was red.

The collision of the two mountains should have been like Mars hitting the Earth, evenly matched.

But unexpectedly, it was simply crushing!

The white mountain fell on the Nine-Tails, causing a huge wound.

The terrifying roar and the dust splashed by the Nine-Tails' pain caught everyone's eyes.

At this time, the Nine-Tails, which no longer relied on the body's instinct to restrain the chakra, finally made all the perceptive ninjas feel that in the center of the dust, a terrifying chakra emitted an unparalleled wave.

It was really terrifying.

The Iwagakure ninjas couldn't help swallowing their saliva, and then they looked at the white bones again.

If such a terrifying chakra was completely suppressed, then how terrifying was the power on this bone?

And that person.

The Iwagakure ninjas looked at the man with the huge bone sword, the man who pressed down from the sky.

The man who almost turned the night into day.

The Fourth Mizukage, Kaguya Naoki.

"Did he really try his best?"

The Iwagakure jonin showed a desperate look.

"Not good."

"Tailed Beast!"

The Iwagakure jonin was originally confident of victory, thinking that it would not be a big deal even if the tailed beast fell into Konoha's hands for a short time.

But now.

If Kaguya Naoki wanted to insert himself into their war with Konoha, there would be no possibility of victory.

Obviously, none of the Iwagakure ninjas who were able to participate in this war were cowards, and they all thought of the key to the problem.

"Why not, attack him!"

"Find a way to frame Konoha and stir up the storm again."

The Iwagakure jonin's face suddenly changed, and he was no longer as calm as before.

"Absolutely not. He has the Byakugan, and now we must immediately take back the control of the tailed beast."

"Go, go!"

While directing the Iwagakure ninjas to continue their actions, the Iwagakure jonin couldn't help but look at the ninja who was still standing on the body of the Nine-Tails, wanting to record everything in his mind.

He wanted to remember all of this so that he could hand it over to the Tsuchikage, who would make the most correct judgment.


It's really confusing.

Wouldn't a weak and destroyed Konoha be good for everyone?

Why did Kaguya Naoki make such a choice?

What did he want? ——

"Retreat, retreat!"

"Don't fight any more."

The Kumogakure ninjas were still charging towards the Konoha position with high morale because of the existence of the Seven-Tails and the Nine-Tails.

But when they saw the white skeletons that suddenly appeared in the sky and the man named Invincible, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, they still had considerable expectations for the Nine-Tails.

The strongest tailed beast, the most terrifying tailed beast ball, might allow Kaguya Naoki to understand what the strongest weapon is.


This expectation was soon completely broken again.

Kaguya Naoki's white skeleton completely broke the tailed beast ball and pressed it down.

Is it really that simple?

That's the Nine-Tails!

No, no, no!

And the Two-Tails!

The commander of Kumogakure was sweating coldly.

If the Two-Tails were abandoned here, their future wars would be at a disadvantage again.

Go find the two-tailed beast! ——

As the Nine-tailed beast's struggle became weaker and weaker, more eyes turned from the initial shock to gradually calming down.

Here comes the question, and everyone wants to know.

Why did the Mizukage of Kirigakure sneak into Konoha and get a new life from Konoha, which was about to die?

What is his purpose?

Is he a reinforcement who temporarily stands on the side of Konoha for some reason, or does he have his own interests and is a third-party force that is forced to appear because of the sudden actions of Kumogakure and Iwagakure?

At this time, no Konoha ninja dared to regard Kaguya Naoki, who suddenly appeared here, as a friendly army.

Even Jiraiya, who had many interactions with Kaguya Naoki, could not determine the specific intention of the other party.

However, since Nagato appeared here.

At least one thing is certain, Kaguya Naoki will never do anything to betray peace.

At least on the surface.

After all, Nagato is not a person who will take action for personal gains.

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