In Naruto, Building the Strongest Hidden Mist Village

Chapter 173: Tsunade's Experience: A giant ship that cuts through the wind and waves

"Yes, I am Lord Orochimaru's subordinate."

"Kabuto Yakushi."

Kabuto Yakushi pushed up his glasses slightly and looked at the densely packed Konoha ninjas in front of him. No matter how calm and indifferent his nature was, he still had some complicated emotions when facing this scene.

Unexpectedly, it was only one night.

One night, Danzo Shimura, the sharp sword that originally hung over his head, died, and the roots of Konoha were uprooted and no longer organized.

The high mountain Konoha, which was originally insurmountable in his eyes, was driven into the mortal world overnight. If Kirigakure hadn't taken action, the country would have been almost destroyed.

And Kirigakure, who he was forced to join unwillingly, was forced to become Orochimaru's assistant, but it gave him the right to talk to these previously insurmountable mountains on an equal footing.

Kabuto Yakushi straightened his back.

Now, he represents Lord Orochimaru.

Likewise, on behalf of Kaguya Naoki-sama.

Unconsciously, a condescending feeling burst out from him.

How could Tsunade, who has been in a high position for a long time and has an insight into people's hearts, not notice it.

"Kabuto Yakushi."

Such an arrogant expression.

Tsunade frowned secretly.

In the past, only Konoha was qualified to show this kind of superior contempt for the small countries by the ninjas of the big countries.

As the granddaughter of Senju Hashirama, she had experienced Konoha's heyday, so she was naturally familiar with this feeling.

Therefore, she was viscerally resistant and disgusted.

He didn't even want Konoha's shinobi to come to this land and accept this kind of contempt.

But, just like what Jiraiya said.

Times have changed.

No matter how hard you try, you can't stop the wheel of Konoha being completely fused.

Under the rolling current, even if Tsunade tried to stop it, she would be crushed to pieces.

It's just a heartache, only people know it.

Tsunade's face darkened, and Kakashi Hatake noticed all this keenly.

He didn't want this trip to be full of twists and turns.

He just wanted to see Lin and Obito as soon as possible.

Hatake Kakashi took the initiative to take a step forward, and at the same time Uchiha Itachi also took the initiative to step out.

The two looked at each other, and Uchiha Itachi saw the opportunity and stopped, letting Kakashi take the initiative to stand at the front.

"So, Kirigakure's ninja, Kirigakure couldn't have sent you to take a look at our Konoha ninjas."

"of course not."

Kabuto Yakushi put away the complexity in his eyes.

"It's just that since we are going to visit, how can we not be accompanied by Kirigakure's ninjas?"

"I'm a tour guide."

Although they heard an unfamiliar term from Yaoshi Dou, they were as smart as they could easily understand it all.

Everyone couldn't help but look forward to the journey again.

Kirigakure, what changes happened to make them so powerful now.

Everyone wanted to know the answer, including Tsunade.

"In that case, let's lead the way."

Kabuto Yakushi nodded slightly, and Konoha and his party followed him to a rather large port.

I saw here not only the small boats that used to sail with Kirigakure, but also huge ships.

The ninjas from the Konoha Ninja School couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw the giant ships.

They were in the interior, and even if they saw ships, they were just sailing along the rivers.

Where have you seen such a giant ship that can sail across the ocean?


This move can make these children scream, so that Kakashi and other jounin and chuunin will not be too surprised.

These people all treated him with indifference.

Kirigakure was one of Konoha's main targets in the past, so how could they not understand Kirigakure's water transportation system?

In the past, when the fog was most closed, there were such large ships.

Although it is still slightly insufficient compared to these ships, Kirigakure has grown a lot after all.

Even if the boat is bigger and taller, so what?

Just when Tsunade and the others began to take in the scenery around them, the children cheered again.

The ship is moving!

Look, which one is the fastest!

Around the children, except for Kabuto Yakushi, there were still only ninjas from Konoha, so these people were still relaxed and would not hesitate to vent their inner emotions.

Tsunade listened to the children's shouts and looked up.

At this time, just as the sun was about to set, on the distant horizon, filled with golden light and red clouds, a huge ship was cutting through the water!

The sparkling golden light split into two.

From a distance, it looks like that big ship is splitting the entire sea, no, the entire sun.

With such a magnificent scenery, it’s no wonder, no!

Tsunade's eyes tightened.

He whispered to Kakashi beside him.

"Is this ship too fast?"

"too fast."

Kakashi came back to his senses and looked over. Although his tone was still calm, it did not mean that he was absolutely calm.

That ship is really ridiculously fast.

It's the wind!

Tsunade received an affirmative answer and observed carefully for a moment. After noticing that the sail was full of rudder, she felt slightly enlightened.

It's not some strange black technology, but because of the weather.


Tsunade stretched out her hand, testing the wind in the air.

No ripples.

The air was not circulating rapidly.

Is it because it's on the sea?

She looked carefully at the ripples in the sea and frowned.

It shouldn't be.

It’s just a small ripple, there’s no way it’s going to be strong wind!

Then, where did the wind on that ship come from?

Not only that.

If this ship can be mass-produced, the speed at which Kirigakure can transport troops will be far beyond their imagination.

Perhaps it will take less than a day to transport all the countless troops!

Tsunade gritted her teeth slightly, and soon, the ships on the sea gave her the answer.

Perhaps at this moment, it was the peak period, or simply wanted to show them, in short, countless ships on the sea were breaking through the wind and waves, which was very spectacular.

Tsunade was silent.

She could think of a big gap between Konoha and Kirigakure.

I thought it was just Kaguya Naoki.

In terms of troops, they Konoha can absolutely crush!

Not only because of Kirigakure's elite military policy, but more importantly, there is the natural barrier of the ocean.

As long as there is this natural barrier, Kirigakure's speed of transporting troops will not be fast. If the transport of troops is restricted, it will be difficult for Kirigakure's army to gain a quantitative advantage on this continent.

Without a quantitative advantage, the quality advantage is also very weak or non-existent.

Their Konoha troops will definitely have an absolute advantage on this continent!

But from now on, maybe the speed of the Kirigakure ninjas from Kirigakure to the Land of Fire is faster than that of the ninjas from Konoha to the front line.

The so-called advantage can be put aside for the time being.

"Everyone, let's go."

Kabuto Yakushi looked at everyone and spoke.

His mission was originally just to take these Konoha ninjas to Kirigakure.

However, since he is now a Kirigakure ninja, it is not difficult to show the strength of the Kirigakure appropriately.

Kabuto Yakushi is very happy.

"Are we going to take those sailing ships?"

Kabuto Yakushi nodded slightly.

Tsunade also perked up.

Since Konoha has reached this point and assumed the role of leader, he can't be as lazy as before. He must work hard and record what he sees and hears.

Tsunade thought so, walked on the battleship, and after settling all the ninjas and children, he was about to secretly inquire.

However, she discovered that several Mist Ninjas who did not have sufficient chakra suddenly walked in front of the sailing warship.

She formed seals with her hands and exhaled gently.

The entire giant ship suddenly gained unparalleled propulsion and rushed towards the Mist Village at a rapid speed.

This is the secret of the warship's fast flight!

Using the wind escape of the wind escape ninja, the entire warship is pushed forward at a high speed!

You know, although the wind escape of the wind escape ninja is not significant in terms of destructive power.

However, if it is only used to propel the sail, the terrifying propulsion force is quite amazing!

They definitely can't hold on for too long.

Tsunade narrowed her eyes slightly, trying to find out the limit of this group of wind escape ninjas.

However, it didn't take long for her to find out that, in theory, these ninjas can push the warship indefinitely.

The reason is very simple.

She quickly learned the wind escape of these ninjas.

And then quickly analyzed the principle of this wind escape.

It stripped away all the chaotic destructive power of the wind escape in the past and converted it all into propulsion!

You know, the reason why the wind escape was so powerful in the past was because of the chaotic chakra in it. Now that it has become such a wind escape ninjutsu, it naturally does not require too much consumption.

If it is an ordinary jonin, you can even recover while exhaling, acting as a perpetual motion machine.

Why is Kirigakure so rich and generous that it is willing to let these ninjas come here to engage in such activities.

Tsunade was very puzzled.

However, after she looked carefully, she soon realized.

The ninjas in front of her who were used to propel the ship were either disabled or too weak.

That kind of weak talent, even becoming a genin is a luxury, is too suitable for such a job.


Can ninjas have other jobs besides fighting and killing?

Tsunade was slightly stunned.

She couldn't help but look at these Kirigakure ninjas.

On their faces, there was also impatience and fatigue from working for a long time.

There was just no familiar killing, blood, and coldness belonging to ninjas.

No feeling of ninjas?

Tsunade is a smart person, and she quickly thought of what this meant.

Her heart was moved.

She couldn't help but recall the decisions of many people in the past.

Uchiha Shisui resolutely decided to join Kirigakure.

Jiraiya chose to follow Kirigakure into a new era after Konoha had almost no chance of saving it.

There was also the disciple of Jiraiya who followed Kaguya Naoki.

And Orochimaru.

And the proof of Kirigakure's strength now.

Tsunade became more and more curious about Kirigakure on the other side of the sea.

She wanted to know what Kirigakure in Kirigakure looked like.

She began to observe everything on the road more carefully.

Not only her, most of the ninjas from Konoha fell into a strange silence.

Those children were simple, but because of the appearance of Kirigakure ninjas, the emotion called tension spread infinitely in their hearts, and naturally they would not speak easily.

And those adults were a little complicated, but in the end they were just a little shocked by the scene in front of them.

Because the snake head who delivered the scroll of information about Orochimaru appeared on this ship and communicated very familiarly with the Mingjiao Pharmacist Kabuto, who was most likely Orochimaru's assistant or disciple.

Not long ago, Lord Orochimaru, who was still respected by them, not only joined Kirigakure, but also enthusiastically accepted disciples in Kirigakure, and lived in Kirigakure with peace of mind, no, very stable.

This shock from the heart was really unbearable for them.

They couldn't help but cast their eyes on some ninjas with white eyes, these guys who had clearly joined Kaguya Naoki.

And Uchiha.

These guys were eager to join Kaguya Naoki as soon as possible.

However, they soon had no time to take care of this matter.

Because, after receiving the scroll, Kabuto Yakushi quickly stood up and walked to the side of Uchiha Itachi.

Kabuto Yakushi smiled and handed over the scroll.

"Mr. Uchiha Itachi, one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, this is a gift from Lord Orochimaru. Please accept it."

"Lord Orochimaru, I have been looking forward to your arrival for a long time."

Uchiha Itachi's body suddenly shook, and he felt a chill in his heart when he saw the ulterior motives of Kabuto Yakushi.

Everything Orochimaru did was no longer a secret in Konoha.

He was looking forward to me?

Uchiha Itachi silently erased the word "expectation".

Is it coveting, longing?

No, no, no.

Uchiha Itachi quickly suppressed this thought.

He is now one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, how could he be used as an experimental material by Orochimaru.

No matter how you think about it, it's impossible.

However, despite this, Uchiha Itachi still cheered up and thought about how to deal with Orochimaru.

"You little brat."

Tsunade suddenly spoke, interrupting Uchiha Itachi's thinking, and he looked over.

Tsunade was frowning and looking at Kabuto Yakushi.

"Don't think you can easily threaten our Konoha ninjas, bastard. If you do this again, don't think I won't dare to attack you in Kirigakure's territory, bastard!"

Kabuto Yakushi swallowed silently.

He knew Tsunade might really do this.


Although he couldn't fight back with his fists, he could still use other ways to break this guy's defense.

Kabuto Yakushi touched the frame of his glasses slightly.

"Tsunade-sama, I didn't expect to see you like this even after leaving Konoha for a few years. I really miss you."


Tsunade asked as expected.

"Yes, Konoha, the hometown I miss so much."

"Are you a Konoha ninja?"

"Of course."

"Are you a ninja who was bewitched to Kirigakure by Orochimaru?"


"Then who are you?"

"I just joined Kirigakure voluntarily after lurking in Kirigakure for a long time."

Tsunade was silent.

At the same time, some of Konoha's ninjas were even more silent.

They knew that Kirigakure had ulterior motives from the beginning, and they also used various bonds and concerns to strengthen their defenses before setting off.

However, when Kabuto Yakushi, a former Konoha ninja, appeared in front of them openly and casually pointed out the fact that he voluntarily surrendered to Kirigakure, they still felt a wave of depression and uneasiness from the bottom of their hearts.

They wouldn't be unable to resist and surrender to that place, right?

Probably not.

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