In Naruto, Building the Strongest Hidden Mist Village

Chapter 180 Meeting. Perhaps I should live in hell forever

The White Snake Immortal is gone.

Although he was still very dissatisfied with Kaguya Naoki's approach of arriving and leaving at the drop of a hat, he held a grudge in his heart, and he also thought that one day, sooner or later, he would make this extremely arrogant guy look good.

However, he can't beat it now.

Of course, decades from now, when Kaguya Naoki is old, it is unlikely that he will be able to beat him.

In fact, judging from the terrifying vitality in him and the extent of his exploration of the immortal mode, whether he will grow old or not is one thing.

If you can't beat them, you can only cooperate.

Of course, the most important factor that prompted him to cooperate was that he really saw the possibility of taking his immortal body further from Kaguya Naoki.

Thousands of years.

There has never been a clear possibility like this that would allow him to go further.

Regardless of not being able to fight, he really wants to cooperate with Kaguya Naoki so that he can reach a higher level.

Face thing.

Let's find a chance to take revenge later.

The White Snake Immortal left and never looked back.

Of course, he was afraid that if he turned around again, Kaguya Naoki would forcefully extort something from him.

At that time, he could only sneer and threaten a few more times, and finally had to agree, which was too ugly.

"How about it, Orochimaru, the partner I found for you should be able to take your research further."


Orochimaru laughed a few times.

"No, no, no, Lord Naoki, this is a step forward for the project you entrusted to me. As for the path I want to take, I hope that, Lord Naoki, you can provide me with more information after I complete this project." More resources."


"Don't be too good at taking advantage of it, Orochimaru. You can also use the promotional products of the Cursed Seal. How can it be beneficial to your dream of immortality to a certain extent?"

The smile on Orochimaru's face grew stronger at first, and then immediately disappeared, leaving only a hint of pain.

"But, Naoki-sama, what's the use of a little bit of natural energy that I need?"

"As for relying on the power of the curse seal to let me embark on the road to eternal life, I don't think you are so naive."

"Why don't you want to use the power of the curse seal to improve your ability to perceive natural energy, so that you can successfully master the immortal mode that you were unable to master before?"

"In immortal mode."

Orochimaru looked thoughtful.

"How can Immortal Mode make me immortal?"

"It's just a possibility of eternal life."

"Since you haven't mastered the method to successfully immortalize yourself yet, why not try the immortal mode and master natural energy to see if you can successfully find a new method."

"I see."

"I will try my best."

"Of course it's more than that."

"In fact, very soon, I will give you new materials, new materials that will allow you to explore the extremes of life."

Orochimaru showed a fanatical expression.

"Then, Master Naoki, wait to share eternal life with me."

"Eternal life?"

Kaguya Naoki's face showed a look of contemplation.


Orochimaru didn't take Kaguya Naoki's words of avoidance to heart.

No one can refuse eternal life.


At this moment, a white smoke suddenly appeared in the Mizukage office building.

Kaguya Naoki looked at the familiar scroll pattern and his eyes narrowed.

"See you later. Now, I have to make the last and most important preparation before the war begins."

Kaguya Naoki said a meaningless sentence and flew straight to the entrance of the village.

A few people were left looking at each other, not knowing what was going on, so they had no choice but to sit and wait for Kaguya Naoki's good news.

However, they still don't understand who or what Naoki Kaguya regards as the most important preparation before the war?


"haven't seen you for a long time."

"Well, it's probably been a long time since we met as neutrals or friends."

Kaguya Naoki stood at the top of the tree, looking condescendingly at Uchiha Obito.

Uchiha Obito looked up at Naoki Kaguya unfurling his robes. Looking at his superior posture, he no longer had the toughness and iron-bloodedness of the past.

It's not like in the past where we would fight to the death whenever we met.

He just accepted it all calmly and spoke in a hoarse voice.

"Lin, are you really still alive?"


"I want to see her."


"Isn't there anything you ask me to do?"

"Or, what price do I have to pay to be able to see Lin?"

Uchiha Obito was a little surprised.

He didn't think Kaguya Naoki was a plucky guy.

"No, nothing."

"I'm not pitying you as a chess piece and letting go."

"It's because, it seems that for so long, you haven't actually made any threats to me, or caused me to suffer any losses."

"Most of the time, I seem to have used your plan to get what I want. Since the two of us have been working together for so long, why can't I let you meet Lin."

Uchiha Obito was a little silent.

This bastard.

He always looks so arrogant and self-righteous.


He seemed to be telling the truth.

I don't think I really got any advantage from Kaguya Naoki, but I've been tortured by this guy?

A nameless evil fire just stirred in my heart, and then it disappeared immediately.

He now has only one thought, one idea, that is to see Lin.

Other than that, nothing is important, nothing is worth considering.

"Then, how can I see Lin?"

"Maybe, maybe, you go to the hospital by yourself, find a girl who looks most familiar to you, and then you can see Lin."

"She should be working now, a little busy, reminiscing about the past, wait until she gets off work."

"I know."

Obito couldn't suppress some emotions in his heart, and interrupted Kaguya Naoki's words.

"In that case, then you go first."

"Afterwards, I will go to the Mizukage Building in person to talk to you about the future."


Kaguya Naoki got the answer, no longer lingered, turned around and left.

Only Uchiha Obito looked at the gradually red sky, and once again silently raised his feet and walked towards the direction of the Hidden Mist Village.

Then, he was about to approach the Kirigakure Hospital with ease.

And just at this moment, he saw a familiar head of white hair outside the Kirigakure Hospital.

Idiot Kakashi.

What are you looking at.

Are you looking at Lin too?

Uchiha Obito hesitated even more.

Being in the absolute netherworld, he really didn't dare to walk into the beauty of the past.

He really didn't dare to get close to the people who brought him beauty in the past.

He really didn't want them to know that he was like this now.

He hesitated, but as Kakashi walked into the hospital and disappeared, the desire to see Lin still overwhelmed that hesitation, and he walked into Kirigakure with his head held high.

A muffled thunder suddenly sounded in the sky.




Raindrops fell.

Drip, drip.

I don't know if it was the muffled thunder that broke his mind, or because the drops of water woke him up.


Uchiha Obito stopped again.

A cold and bloodthirsty killer, who could never take a step forward before seeing Lin's last step.

"Hello, do you need any help?"

"Come with me."




"I'm leaving."

"You haven't seen the doctor yet, come first."


"No, I'm leaving."

"But I, I, forget it."

In the end, Obito couldn't get over the stubborn nurse and followed her into the building.

It's too conspicuous.

Let's go in with him first.

Otherwise, it's not good to be seen by Lin.

If Lin finds out, she will definitely recognize me.

Obito entered the hospital, drove away the nurse, and got one step closer to Lin.

But he had made the final decision.


Really gone.

Go meet Kaguya Naoki, see what he thinks of the future world, and finally fight for Lin's beautiful life. After atonement, go see her again!

Obito clenched his fists, raised his head, and suddenly saw the familiar white hair again.

At the same time, there were yellow hair and red hair.


Mrs. Kuyukina.

Teacher's child.


Why are you here?

Obito immediately lowered his head to prevent them from recognizing him. His ears pricked up quietly to catch their conversation.

"Kakashi, you've come to Kirigakure too!"

"You must come to my house tonight. Your teacher and I will make you an absolutely perfect dinner!"

"Ah, really, Kushina, we should enjoy that kind of ultimate dinner ourselves. Don't let Kakashi have a good taste."

Kushina rolled her eyes at Minato.

Pushed hard.

To the surprise of Kakashi and Uchiha Obito, Namikaze Minato stood firmly.

This is.

"This is?"

Obito and Kakashi asked at the same time.

At this time, Kushina raised her head slightly proudly.

"Of course it's the credit of Naoki-sama. Although Minato is still the sinner who hinders Kirigakure, he still treated Minato."

At this point, she couldn't help but smile.

"As you can see, Minato is recovering well now. Maybe he will be the Minato teacher you are familiar with in the future?"

"Well, in that case."

Kakashi suddenly didn't know what to say.

Obito is still alive.

Rin is also alive.

Minato teacher is getting better.

The teacher's child is also born.

It can be seen with the naked eye that true peace will also be achieved with the efforts of Kaguya Naoki.

The future will be beautiful.

Even if Obito has not come back yet.


I will try hard.

I will try to bring Obito back.

Hatake Kakashi clenched his fists tightly.

I will.

Gradually let go of his fists, not showing his emotions on his face at all.

Kakashi smiled.

"In that case, teacher, I must visit your home."

"Ah, in that case, come, Kakashi."

Minato looked at Kakashi with sympathy and sighed.

In order to make a reasonable diet for the future little Naruto, Kushina is practicing diligently every day.

As for the results of the practice.

Minato suppressed all the dull pain in his abdomen.

I can only say that since Kakashi makes such decisions every day.

Then I wish Kakashi good luck.

Kushina did not notice the deep meaning of Minato's words.

She just clapped her hands and shook her head.

"It's a pity that there is no Rin and Obito, otherwise it would be perfect."

After coming to Kirigakure, Kushina rarely showed a trace of nostalgia.

At that time, before the war broke out, it was the time she missed the most and wanted to go back the most.

Of course, it's not bad now.

After all the hardships, there is happiness.


Still alive.


How can I tell this news to you, the teacher.

After all, Obito did it to you.

It should be a misunderstanding.

I will try my best to bring Obito back to us.


Kakashi was about to speak.

At this time, a familiar voice exploded from his ears.

A voice that Kakashi, Kushina, and Obito, who was listening silently, were all very familiar with.

This voice made the latter sit up straight.


It's really Lin.

Lin is really alive.

Two tears could not help but fall from his eyes, even the one that only had the eye socket left, tears flowed out.

After experiencing the extreme pain of loss, he saw Lin again.

These were tears of joy.

"Maybe, I can go to the banquet with you."




Kuxingna suddenly put away her joking expression and looked at the figure who could vaguely feel the posture of an old friend even with a mask.

That kind of hair decoration was taught to Lin by Kuxingna!

"You are."

"You can't say it here."

"But tonight, Naoki-sama allows me to confess everything."

"Is that so!"

The joy on Kuxingna's face became even stronger, so much so that the whole person wanted to jump up.

"If that's the case, then you must come to my house as a guest."


Minato had just guessed the identity of the person in front of him and showed a warm smile, but then he was frightened by Kushina's suddenly high voice.


"Go, go, get ready!"

"Don't you see what time it is now?"

Kushina raised her fist, very impatient, Minato agreed with a wry smile.

Hatake Kakashi looked at the scene in front of him, and glanced at Lin who was covering her mouth and laughing, and was slightly startled.

While the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, he couldn't help but think of Obito.

Where are you, Obito?

"It's a pity that Obito is not here, otherwise, it would be another perfect moment."

Kushina shook her head.

"Naruto's inspection should be completed, we'll leave first."

"Well, teacher, goodbye."

Kakashi came back to his senses.

"Wow wow wow."

"Naruto, it's mommy, please stop crying."

"This is daddy, this is Kakashi, your brother."

"And this sister."

"Why are you still crying, Naruto, please stop crying, I want to punch him, Naruto, mommy begs you to stop crying, please be quiet."

The voice gradually disappeared from Obito's ears, and the whole corridor was left with all kinds of passers-by who passed by him and had nothing to do with him.

Obito wore a mask, and his heart was dead.

I really seem to be a bastard.

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