The turmoil in the Hidden Cloud Village will continue for some time.

Scorpion has returned to his secret base, and he is in a good mood looking at the scrolls and people he brought back.

After all, this time he has gained a lot. Not only did he get what he wanted, but he also unexpectedly gained a good person.


As for why he brought Sackcloth back, it is naturally because of Sackcloth's value.

As the secretary of the Fourth Raikage Ai, Sackcloth knows a lot of secrets, and more importantly, he is a management talent.

In other words.

The person who actually manages the big and small things in the Hidden Cloud Village is the elegant lady in front of him, not the reckless Fourth Raikage Ai.

The character of the Fourth Raikage Ai destined him to find it difficult to control his temper to manage the big and small things in the village, and Sackcloth played this role.

Scorpion is now lacking such a role.

He doesn't have so much time to deal with trivial matters.

Such as resource scheduling and some boring things.

These things will only waste his energy in vain, but he can't avoid them.

He���In addition to this Ma Buyi, there is another option in his eyes, which is Nara Shikaku.

But compared to an ugly old man, it is obviously more pleasant to use a female secretary with a great figure and excellent temperament.

It happened that this time, Scorpion took Ma Buyi away.

For the Ma Buyi brought back,

Scorpion first checked her body to see if there were any secret sealing techniques to prevent the Hidden Cloud Village from placing any restrictions on her. After confirming that everything was in place,

Scorpion fired a Kotoamatsukami at Ma Buyi.

Scorpion did not cherish Uchiha Shisui's Kotoamatsukami too much.

With the nourishment of Hashirama Senju's living cells, he did not need to care too much about the number of times Kotoamatsukami was used. It can be used again after one or two years.

If it really doesn't work, he can also use the chakra of the Ten Tails to speed up the speed and reduce the CD again.

As Kotoamatsukami takes effect,

Ma Buyi's eyes, which were originally vigilant, were dazed for a moment, and the look he gave Scorpion suddenly became gentle and respectful, with a little complexity at the same time.

Because she knew very clearly what happened, and she also knew that she was controlled by the other party with illusions, and even knew in her heart that the other party was an enemy, but her mind kept reminding her that the person in front of her was the most important person to her, and she would give everything for the other person, even her life.

The most important thing was that she acknowledged this fact in her heart, as if all this was true.

This feeling was very strange and weird.

"Call me master."

Scorpion looked at Ma Buyi, who had a complicated expression on his face. He didn't know if the other god had any effect, so he said tentatively.


After hesitating for a moment, the man in professional attire nodded slightly to Scorpion and called out respectfully.

"It seems to be working. This is the first time I use the Kaleidoscope Eye Technique on someone. Tell me, how does it feel?"

Scorpion looked at the Sackcloth Clothesman in front of him with some curiosity and asked

""My lord, this feeling is very strange. I clearly know that you should be my enemy, and I even know that I may have been under some kind of illusion, but in my heart I am very used to this kind of thing, and even think that all this is natural. In my heart, the master is everything."

Ma Buyi's face with excellent temperament showed a bit of complexity, and he said softly.

Scorpion was not surprised by Ma Buyi's perception. After all, when he used Bie Tianshen, he did not hide his purpose at all, and he used it in front of the opponent.

However, listening to Ma Buyi's words, Scorpion was still a little shocked. This Bie Tianshen was really domineering.

Even if others know that they have been under an illusion and know that all these things have happened, they will still obey the truest will and thoughts in their hearts.

This is outrageous

"Don't move, I'll check your body."

Scorpion thought for a moment, then looked at the girl with a nice figure, and said softly

"Yes, Master."

Ma Buyi said respectfully.

The inspection was over quickly.

Scorpion could not help but sigh at the tyranny and awesomeness of Kotoamatsukami again.

Because there was no sign of illusion on Ma Buyi's body, and even the chakra disorder in his mind was not there. Everything seemed to be extremely normal. He seemed to be in a very good condition.

If Scorpion had not known that he had used Kotoamatsukami, he would not have even noticed this.

"However, the soul of the monster Wuliang has changed, forcing it to destroy part of its soul. Could it be that the effect of the other gods is directly on the soul? If the soul of Ma Buyi is extracted, it is estimated that something wrong will be found."

Scorpion muttered in his heart, but he just thought about it for a while and did not continue to do anything to Ma Buyi.

After all, Ma Buyi is just a manager.

Scorpion did not intend to let Ma Buyi touch any confidential matters. The other party only needed to help him deal with some trivial matters.

Regarding the research on Kotoamatsukami, he could find other people to continue the experiment.

Find a puppet and send Ma Buyi to the Snow Country, and let Ma Buyi deal with those trivial matters on his behalf in the future.

After dealing with these things.

Scorpion set his eyes on what he had harvested. The two cat tails that were like blue flames looked extremely beautiful. The black patterns were very regularly distributed on the tails, revealing a bit of mystery, as if there was a unique regular rhythm.

The tailed beasts were originally split from the Ten Tails.

And the Ten Tails is a sacred tree that absorbs the natural energy of this planet.

So the tailed beasts themselves have some unique abilities.

One-Tail Shukaku: Wind Style, Magnetic Style, Absolute Defense

Two-tailed Matatabi: Fire escape, rumor has it that he has the ability to see the god of death, but we don’t know if it’s true or not, so we need to test it.

Three-tailed Isobu: Water escape, he also has the ability to absorb other people’s chakra, he appeared in the original novel.

Four-tailed Son Goku: Melting escape, burn everything.

Five-tailed Muwang: Boiling escape, and extreme body power.

Six-tailed Rhino: Dissolving escape and water escape.

Seven-tailed Jumei: Flying and scale powder, it evolved from an insect, it seems to represent transformation, such as metamorphosis?

Eight-tailed Gyuki: The ability to regenerate.

Nine-tailed Kurama: Extreme chakra, extremely strong perception, he can even perceive good and evil, and can absorb natural energy, he belongs to the level of the Lesser Ten-tailed.

"My idea should be correct."

Scorpion muttered to himself as he looked at the two beautiful cat tails stripped from Erwei.

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