There are many unique monsters in Naruto.

The most special ones are the monster Wuliang, the zero-tailed void, and Wu created by the Six Paths Ninja Tool Paradise Box.

In addition, there are some more peculiar places.

For example, the dragon vein with infinite energy, according to the setting of the original work, that thing can actually cause space distortion, time reversal, and travel through the past.

The second is the giant turtle island in the Hidden Cloud Village.

The appearance of these things more or less contains the secrets and deep things of the Naruto world.

To be honest, Scorpion is a little unsure about the dragon vein.

That place is said to contain all the chakra of the earth, belonging to the vein of this world, and it can also cause time to flow backwards, etc.

, which is very strange.

Scorpion is a little suspicious, whether that place is the place where the sacred tree grew and nurtured thousands of years ago.

The original function of the sacred tree was to extract the energy of the entire world and nurture fruits until the entire planet was sucked dry.

""Maybe only those old immortals know about it."

Scorpion thought secretly.

That place was a little unusual anyway. Scorpion was not interested in going there to explore the secrets because his strength was not at the level of the Six Paths.

Although the dragon vein that was said to have endless chakra seemed very tempting, it was also the most dangerous.

He was not interested in going there to gamble his luck.

"The immortals of the three holy places should know, but unfortunately"

Scorpion shook his head and temporarily suppressed this opposition.

The other party knew it, but it was impossible for the other party to tell him the secret of this world for no reason.

Cooperation is based on the fact that the strength of both parties is not much different.

Scorpion didn't think that if he ran over now, the big toad in Myoboku Mountain or the white snake fairy in Ryuchi Cave would tell him the truth of this world.

To a large extent, he would only become a chess piece in the other party's calculations and fall on someone else's chessboard.

At the current stage, it is best not to have too deep contact with these people.

He is not interested in being calculated by others.

"Don't think about it, just follow the plan, step by step, sooner or later you can negotiate with those guys, face to face."

Scorpion said in a low voice, his eyes fell on the"big eyeball" in front of him again, and continued to study.

He recently planned to inject the souls of the monsters into these bodies to see what reaction it would have.

Orochimaru's secret base.

Scorpion's puppet slowly opened his eyes, looked at the busy Orochimaru, and asked calmly:"How much do you know about the Ghost Lantern City?""

""Why did Scorpion suddenly ask this?"

Orochimaru was slightly stunned, and looked at Scorpion's puppet clone with some surprise and curiosity in his narrow snake eyes, and asked back

"I've recently been interested in the ninja tools left behind by the Six Paths Sage, and I happened to check this out. It's rumored that during the Six Paths Sage era, the Kusagakure Village almost got the whole world through a ninja tool, and this ninja tool is called the Box of Bliss. I suspect it's in Kizuna Castle."

Scorpion didn't hide anything and said it directly.

He knew very well that if he didn't say something to arouse Orochimaru's interest, this guy wouldn't tell him some secret information for no reason.

This was also a tacit understanding between Scorpion and Orochimaru.

Both sides should try to say less nonsense, and if you want to get something, you have to pay for it.

A cooperative relationship of equal exchange

"The Six Paths Sage's Ninja Tools? Getting the whole world, Scorpion-kun would actually be interested in such a boring thing. Could it be that he was infected by the leader of the Akatsuki organization? Planning to save the world?"

Orochimaru chuckled and said playfully.

For Orochimaru, this kind of idea of saving the world and getting the world is really boring and boring.

Scorpion did not speak, but looked at Orochimaru calmly, waiting for his reply.

"I was also very interested in the ninja tools of the Six Paths Sage and studied them for a while.

These ninja tools all have some peculiar abilities.

In the final analysis, they are some special sealing techniques.

Using them requires a certain degree of chakra and prerequisites.

In my opinion, they are quite useless.

I lost interest after studying them for a while.

As for the Paradise Box that Scorpion mentioned, I also know about it.

It is rumored that this ninja tool can fulfill the wish of the person who opens the box~"

Orochimaru said this, with a hint of amusement and sneer on his face. He looked at Scorpion and asked,"Scorpion, do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it."

Scorpion replied calmly.

"I don't believe it either, so I lost interest in it. The more rumors about some things, the more disappointing they will be. If that box could really fulfill other people's wishes, the current ninja world would not be like this."

Orochimaru chuckled, seeming to be very disdainful of the so-called Paradise Box and the Six Paths Ninja Tools.

Only some people who don't know the truth will pursue these things.

Sometimes the truth is always quite ridiculous.

"But I am still interested in the Box of Bliss."

Scorpion replied calmly


Orochimaru smiled indifferently and continued,"Hidden Lantern Castle is a prison commissioned by various countries to build the Kusagakure Village to detain ninja offenders. It is located on a small island near the Kusagakure Village and is surrounded by the sea. The island is named after the sour berries called"Hidden Lanterns". The real meaning of this prison is to seal the Paradise Box you mentioned.

The role of the Kusagakure Village is to guard and prevent.

No matter what this Paradise Box will bring, the first place where it will happen is the Land of Grass. The story behind this is also quite interesting.

As for the mayor of the city guarding this Hidden Lantern Castle, he should be called Wuwei. If Scorpion is interested, he can go over and ask for the Paradise Box to study it."

"You know more than I thought."

Scorpion looked at Orochimaru and said slowly


Orochimaru chuckled and said with a hint of amusement:"Because the people from the Hidden Grass Village found me and wanted to cooperate with me, but I refused. You know, I have no interest in this world or its future."

"Got it."

Scorpion was too lazy to discuss this with Orochimaru, so he interrupted Orochimaru's speech and said lightly, then closed his eyes, indicating that he didn't want to communicate with him.

"You ignored me after asking me, you are really ruthless, Scorpion-kun."

Orochimaru gently took a strand of hair from the fat cheek, with a unique feminine charm, and said in a magnetic voice.

Well ~

Orochimaru has not been reincarnated again during this period, and the target is still a woman.

The sequelae brought by this

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