In a daze, not knowing how long it had been, Samui only felt that her whole body was in pain, as if she was torn apart. She couldn't help but groan in pain, opened her eyes in confusion, and slowly regained consciousness. At the same time, the last moment before she fainted appeared in front of her.

She only remembered that she and two teammates received a distress signal and rushed over to support, but it was too late.

When checking the scene, she found a small scroll. After a teammate checked it, he opened it and triggered the mechanism in it. Then a bright white appeared in front of her eyes. She instinctively released the defensive earth escape, and then the surroundings shook violently. The huge shock wave and fire wave directly knocked her unconscious.

When she woke up again, it was now.

A pair of blue-green eyes were slightly dazed, and then gradually became clear.

The severe pain in her body made her grit her teeth.

She tried to move her body, but found that she couldn't even move a finger at this moment, so she had to give up.

Then she looked around.

It turned out that this place was a cave. There was a light falling in from the entrance of the cave in the distance.

Where am I?!

Samui couldn't help muttering in her heart, and at the same time wanted to turn over and look around, but unfortunately she still couldn't do it, so she had to give up.

Fortunately, her movement seemed to have startled someone.

""Girl, wake up~"

A moment later, a hunchbacked old man suddenly came to the bedside, looked into her eyes with a kind smile, and spoke softly.

Samui looked at the other person's clothes and felt relieved, because the other person should not be an enemy. He was wearing civilian clothes, or even worse, more like someone from a small village. Was she rescued?

Where were her teammates?

Samui wanted to speak, but found that she couldn't even speak, and could only move her mouth.

"You are lucky, girl. Your two friends are not as lucky as you. One of them didn't make it, and the other one is in a bad condition. I don't know if he can survive. He is lying there. The old man was picking herbs nearby and came over when he heard the noise. I don't know what happened to you. It was so noisy.

But judging from your clothes, you should be from the Hidden Cloud Village. You are all from the Land of Lightning, so I lent a hand.

Whether you can survive depends on your luck.

The old man's companion has already notified the people of the Hidden Cloud Village. I believe someone will come to pick you up soon."

The old man said softly.

The kind words made Samui feel relieved and completely relieved. He looked at the old man with gratitude.

The old man was also looking at Samui.

Among the three, one died and one was seriously injured. Samui was the least injured, but his condition was not much better. He had large-scale burns all over his body and multiple fractures. If he wanted to recover, he would probably have to lie down for half a year. The seriously injured one broke an arm, and the other injuries were similar to Samui.

As for the dead one, it was probably the unlucky guy who picked up the scroll. At such a close distance, he couldn't even react and escape. He had become a wreckage and died miserably.

"The power is almost estimated~"

After the old man carefully examined the bodies of the three people, he got the data he wanted and nodded with satisfaction.

He was naturally the second Scorpion clone puppet.

This time was naturally a premeditated plan.

The measurement was deliberately reduced to keep the injuries serious, but not fatal. The unlucky ones were naturally another matter.

This saved a few lives and established a relationship.

The only miscalculation was that the power was a bit too strong, and almost killed all three people. After all, it was the first time for him to use this Deidara method and he couldn't estimate the power.

However, with the data of Samui's body, he would have an idea of the next measurement and power.

Science lies in bold attempts~

Looking at Samui who had been tied up like a mummy, Scorpion sighed in his heart

In the evening, a group of Cloud Ninjas hurried over. As soon as they entered, they saw two people lying in the cave and an old man in civilian clothes.

Without even saying hello, everyone gathered around them. Several medical ninjas quickly took action to verify their identities.

""It's Team Samui!"

A medical ninja said in a deep voice.

Suddenly the cave became lively, and the old man Scorpion naturally walked out of the cave obediently, met with his"fellow villager", and stood outside waiting.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Scorpion No. 2 looked at the young man standing outside the house and smiled softly.

"It's okay, we only have a little strength. It's up to you to save people. But this time we saved two ninjas. Can we live in the Hidden Cloud Village in the future?"

The young man's name is Ada. He showed some expectation at this moment and said to Scorpion.

The Land of Lightning is different from the Land of Fire. There are many mountains here, not many plains. All the villages are built on the mountains, so it is extremely difficult to travel between villages.

Among all the villages, the Hidden Cloud Village is naturally the largest and most prosperous. Few people don't want to go in.

But the space is limited, you can't go in if you want.

And this time, they saved two ninjas from the Hidden Cloud Village.

This is no small achievement.

Especially looking at the reactions of those ninjas, it is obvious that the identities of the rescued Cloud Ninjas are somewhat unusual.

"Do you really want to go to the Hidden Cloud Village?"

Scorpion could naturally sense that the Cloud Ninjas in the cave were eavesdropping on their chat, but he was happy to cooperate and pretended not to know, smiling with Ada.

"No, before my father died, he wanted me to go to the Hidden Cloud Village to be a ninja."

Ada said excitedly.

"This might be an opportunity, but it depends on what the adults think. Don't say anything. The old man will say something good for you."

Scorpion said with a cheerful smile.

""Thank you, Yao Lao."

Ada said with a smile on his face.

On the other side, the people in the cave also heard the conversation between Scorpion and Ada clearly. With the treatment, Samui could barely speak. He roughly explained the situation in a hoarse voice, but the content made everyone present look a little ugly.

Such a ruthless character would appear in the territory of the Land of Lightning.

The key point is that until now, they have not even found where the person is, and they have already lost several senior ninjas.

Is the other party from Konoha or the Hidden Rock Village?!

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