
The combat mode was activated, and the entire metal puppet began to deform. The metal shell opened directly, and the originally retracted arms suddenly expanded and extended a level, becoming more slender. A slender gun barrel extended from the center. The back opened, and two huge turrets like cannons were raised. The shoulder mechanism opened and held the two large turrets. The legs deformed and began to connect the whole.

After a moment.

The human puppet, which was originally more than two meters tall, grew half a meter taller and turned into a giant war machine of two and a half meters. Light blue lines lingered around the body, which was filled with violent chakra and began to operate in an overloaded form.

The chakra visible to the naked eye flowed around the body.

Orochimaru, who was not far away, trembled his eyebrows, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Because the amount of chakra circulating has exceeded the general sense of ninjutsu, once this level of chakra explodes, everyone around is very likely to be affected

"Really just a puppet?!"

Danzo's eyes darkened. How could a mere puppet do this?

Even the Sand Village, which was the best at puppetry, didn't have such puppetry technology. Especially since the opponent's puppet could even perform blood limit, which was simply a taboo.

However, Scorpion was obviously not interested in listening to Danzo's nagging. He knew very well how much burden this form had.

Before he solved the loss, this perfect war form would consume durability at an exponential rate.


The four puppets in war mode paused for a few breaths before they started to beat and wreak havoc again. This time, the degree of the artillery fire was obviously several levels stronger than before.

Especially the two cannons on their shoulders


Along with the rotation, visible lightning chakra condensed, and under the blessing of magnetic escape, Yasuo spun madly, the barrel of the turret was a little red, and the thunder moved. After a moment, two beams of light shot towards the position where Danzo was.


The speed was so fast, like thunder falling. I only felt a flash of light in front of my eyes, and two terrifying electromagnetic cannons exploded directly on the ground. The terrifying speed was so fast that Danzo only had time to dodge in an instant, and then he felt a whiteout in front of his eyes, and the violent shock wave took him away.


The explosive shock wave directly shattered the earth, and the violent energy mixed with thunder turned into a shock wave and spread out.

Orochimaru, who was standing aside and ready to move, stopped his steps directly, and his eyes shrank slightly. In the central position.

The wisps of thunder had not yet completely dissipated with the energy.

A deep hole with no visible entrance appeared in front of Orochimaru.

In the central position.

Because of the high temperature, the rocks have become crystallized, and many rocks around have melted into magma. Starting from the center, the area within a radius of 30 meters has turned into flat ground. The thick ice layer that was frozen before has disappeared. The terrifying destructive power makes the surroundings slightly quiet.

Danzo relied on Izanagi to escape the disaster, but his eyes were full of gloom and fear. He looked at the place where he had fought before, which had been completely pierced into nothingness.

If it weren't for Izanagi, he probably wouldn't even have a corpse now.


But soon Danzo could not care about these things, because the other puppet had finished charging, and two electromagnetic cannons were already aimed at him. After a few breaths, two beams of light shot out again, as if they did not intend to give Danzo a chance to resist.

This time Danzo reacted and used his strongest wind escape to spit out two huge wind blades to meet him.


Like tearing a piece of paper, the wind escape technique that Danzo used was directly shattered.


Then there was a violent explosion and energy waves.

From Jue's perspective, it was as if a blue energy bubble suddenly appeared, then burst, and turned into a shock wave that ravaged the entire scene.

The most exaggerated thing was that the four puppets were continuously bombarding with energy, and it seemed that they were not going to give Danzo any chance to breathe.

"What on earth is that thing?!"

White Zetsu couldn't help but express his doubts in his heart. In all these years, he had never seen such an exaggerated puppet.

Black Zetsu remained silent. Although the power of this electromagnetic cannon is terrifying, it is just that in the eyes of Black Zetsu. After all, it is a special ninjutsu based on chakra. No matter how powerful it is, it can't reach another level.

Orochimaru didn't want to intervene in the snatch between Scorpion and Danzo because the risk was too high.

Scorpion's losses were too destructive, and he couldn't intervene at all.

Compared with the one that Danzo got, his eyes have been fixed on Uchiha Shisui. Doesn't the other party have another one in his eyes?

It would be better to snatch it directly from Uchiha Shisui than to snatch it from Scorpion and Danzo.

"Looks like we're going to get serious~"

Orochimaru sneered, glanced at Scorpion who was still using a puppet to suppress him, and used his unfinished ninjutsu. But Scorpion had already played his trump card, so he didn't recommend playing big. He growled hoarsely,"Immortal Reincarnation!"

With a shout from Orochimaru, the ground in front of him cracked, and two coffins were slowly lifted up.

This scene also made Scorpion take a closer look.

Impure World Reincarnation.

This extremely buggy ninjutsu


As the coffin slid down, the first and second generations slowly walked out. Their figures were a little stiff, with cracks all over their bodies from the Impure World Reincarnation. They looked lifeless and filled with a breath of death.

"here it is?"


Senju Tobirama and Senju Hashirama spoke one after another, looking around.

But before they could say a few more words, Orochimaru interrupted them mercilessly:"Sorry to bother you two reminiscing about the past."

But there was no apology in his tone.

As a man who plays with the god of death, no, a snake man.

Playing with souls is just a trick.

He took out two kunai with talismans from his arms and inserted them into the heads of the two people, directly controlling their thoughts.


Orochimaru looked at Uchiha Shisui who activated the second form of Susanoo, and rushed over with the reincarnated Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama.

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