After Scorpion reunited with Haku and Karin, they continued to walk forward for a distance. When they were almost in the same position, they found a cave to rest.

Because of her age, little Karin was very tired and fell asleep in her mother's arms. Haku was fine. Although she had only been practicing chakra for a short time, she was considered to be at the level of a Chunin with her own bloodline limit ice escape, so she was not too tired from the journey.

As for Karin's mother, Uzumaki Shina, she could still hold on with the exaggerated physique of the Uzumaki clan without over-consumption.

Especially after everything she had just experienced, she couldn't sleep even if you asked her to rest in peace.

In front of the fire.

Uzumaki Shina gently stroked her daughter's hair. Her dull face was a little more lively than before. She looked at the sleeping little Karin in her arms with gentle eyes. The motivation that kept her alive was her daughter in her arms.

In a place like Kusagakure Village.

She knew that she and her daughter were outsiders. If she didn't pay something, the other party would not take them in.

But she also understood.

Now that she has changed to a new place, she also knows what she needs to pay.

"Sir, how can I cooperate with your research next?"

Uzumaki Xina looked at the young man sitting on the ground with a stern look, lowered her voice and asked softly.

"I didn't lie to you before."

Scorpion raised his head, glanced at Uzumaki Xina, and said softly.

After a pause, he continued

"You don't need to test me. I will do what I promised you. Next, I will escort you to the north, where you can start over. This includes you, Bai. Your personality is not suitable for being a ninja. Just go with them and cooperate with my research."

"Yes, sir~"

Bai was slightly stunned when he heard this, and then responded obediently. He usually would not refute Scorpion's decision.

"Thank you for taking me in."

Uzumaki Shina also looked at Scorpion silently, and after a moment, she said with gratitude.

The atmosphere in the cave instantly became dull again.

Scorpion has already made a plan to send Bai and the mother and daughter directly to the Snow Country, because neither Bai nor the mother and daughter are suitable to be ninjas.

Karin is still young, and can actually be trained, and her personality can be adjusted, but Scorpion is obviously not interested.

He is not a real nanny.

Moreover, even if she is trained, she may not be more obedient or more useful than his puppet.

Send these people over first.

It is not convenient for him to always take a few old, weak, women and children with him. He needs to look back and forth when doing things, which is too troublesome.

The next morning.

Scorpion asked Bai to shave the mother and daughter's heads, because the red hair was too conspicuous, and then the group headed towards the North Country slowly.

Along the way.

Little Karin looked at Scorpion with extremely sad and angry eyes, like a punching bag.

After all, she was bald, and her head was like a boiled egg.

It was several days later that Konoha Village knew what happened in Kusagakure.

The Third Hokage called Nara Shikaku over and handed him the news. He then smoked his pipe in silence. After Nara Shikaku finished reading and put down the materials, he slowly said,"What do you think?"

"Judging from the news, the group that attacked the Kusagakure Village and the group that attacked the Konoha Village used similar methods, both of which were long-range attacks. Moreover, their methods did not look like ninjutsu, but rather like special ninja tools. It is very likely that the two sides are the same group of people. My opinion is to send two teams to investigate."

Nara Shikaku was silent for a while, and expressed his opinion in a deep voice.

The most eye-catching line of news was that the other party's target was the orphan of the Uzumaki clan, and they had successfully taken him away.

This made him doubt whether the other party was related to the Uzumaki clan.

"Do you also suspect that this matter is related to the Uzumaki clan?"

The Third Hokage said slowly, his cloudy eyes revealing no thoughts.

"Judging from the news, the Uzumaki clan is indeed a suspect, but given the current situation of the Uzumaki clan, I don't think they have any reason to attack Konoha."

Nara Shikaku shook his head slightly and expressed his opinion

"I don't think so either. After all, we are allies of Konoha~"

The Third Hokage exhaled a long puff of smoke and said slowly.


Nara Shikaku was silent. He couldn't continue the topic. He was a smart man, so he could understand the meaning of the Third Hokage's words.

If this matter was really related to the Uzumaki clan, then Konoha Village would never recognize them as allies again.

Since they were not allies, they were naturally enemies.

And once they were enemies, then

"Let's think about this matter like this for now. I have sent a small team of Anbu to investigate. As for the Uchiha matter, what do you think~"

The Third Hokage looked at Nara Shikaku, his eyes flickering slightly, and asked.

Compared with the previous matter, this matter is more important to Konoha.

The Third Hokage admired Nara Shikaku very much. On the one hand, it was because of his brain and that he was a smart man. On the other hand, it was because of his prestige among the small families of Konoha.

The three families of Ino, Shika and Chou are of the same blood, and they also have a tacit relationship with other small families.

Nara Shikaku's attitude can represent the attitudes of many small families in Konoha Village. This is why Nara Shikaku's words are also very important among the high-level officials of Konoha.

This is not only about the other party's brain, but also the power behind the other party.

Konoha can be roughly divided into three parts.

The direct line of the Hokage, that is, the group of old things of the Third Hokage Danzo Koharu. The small family faction, similar to the small family alliance of Ino, Shika and

Chou. Then there are the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan.

The Hyuga clan is relatively good.

The main family and the branch family are destined to be disunited internally, and it is easy to control.���

But the Uchiha clan has been quite restless recently, especially with the successive incidents that have made the relationship between the two parties increasingly tense, and it has reached a point where it cannot be ignored.

"It is better to appease them."

Nara Shikaku was silent for a moment, then said slowly.

He still did not want civil strife to occur in the village. This was also the idea of all the big and small families. No one liked civil war.

"Got it~"

The Third Hokage nodded slightly and tapped his pipe gently.

Nara Shikaku stood up and saluted the Third Hokage, then walked out of the house, but he felt a little heavy-hearted, because he knew that if this matter was not handled properly, the whole Konoha would be in chaos.

No one could bear the consequences.

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