The breeze was gentle and warm like spring.

On a meadow.

Uchiha Izumi slowly opened her eyes, her dark pupils still a little dazed, and what came into view was the blue sky, the sun was shining, and the white clouds were lazily floating in the air, leisurely and comfortable.

The next moment.

Uchiha Izumi seemed to recall something, blinked, and muttered:"Is it a nightmare?"

She remembered that she seemed to have met a scary masked man last night, and also met the boss who sold music boxes, and that boss actually claimed to be Senju Hashirama, and traded Sharingan with the man who claimed to be Uchiha Madara.

"It really is a nightmare~"

The girl hypnotized herself, rubbed her head, slowly stood up, and soon her expression froze.

She saw the boss who appeared in her nightmare last night sitting in front of her alive. He seemed to find that she was awake, and slowly opened his eyes. His dark eyes were as calm as water as always, looking at her indifferently, as if reminding her that all this was not a dream. He still had that red hair and an incredibly handsome face.

"If you haven't woken up yet, you can continue to sleep for a while~"

Scorpion looked at the self-hypnotized girl calmly and said lightly

"All... all true?!"

Uchiha Izumi was stunned for a moment, then rolled over and stood up, nimbly took out a kunai from her arms, and opened the three-magatama Sharingan. In the sunlight, the three-magatama Sharingan, which should have been scarlet, actually glowed with a hint of purple, unexpectedly beautiful.

But at this moment, her eyes were staring at Scorpion like a little tiger.

"Do you think holding a small toy will do anything?!"

Scorpion looked at the kunai in Uchiha Izumi's hand and the other party's vigilant appearance, as if he was amused. He slowly stood up, patted his clothes, and then, under the other party's gaze, stretched out a finger and pointed it at her.


Uchiha Izumi frowned slightly when he saw Scorpion's finger pointing at him, and the next moment he saw Scorpion's finger spinning like a machine.

Under the gaze of the three-magatama Sharingan, a condensed lightning attribute chakra quickly condensed, and a moment later, a beam of light was instantly ejected, at an extremely fast speed, so fast that she could only barely move her head, and the beam of light passed through her ears, tore a few strands of long hair, and sank into the calm lake behind her.


The calm lake surface was pierced in an instant, and ripples appeared.

The next moment, the lake water was turbulent, and the lake surface exploded. With a roar, the lake water in the center splashed, like a downpour.

Uchiha Izumi looked at this scene dully, the kunai in his hand slowly slipped, and his lips moved slightly:"You are lying, right?"

She couldn't even match one finger of her boss.

She felt that the attack from this finger could kill countless of her.

The eyes are beautiful, but the brain is not working well.

Scorpion commented in his heart. At the age of thirteen, she opened the three-magatama Sharingan. Even in the Uchiha clan, her talent is excellent. It's a pity that she didn't seem to be well trained, otherwise the strength of this girl should not be only at the level of Genin. Her eyesight, combat reaction, and thinking are all quite weak. She can be strangled to death with just a little force.

It shouldn't be that bad.~

"Could it be a mixed-blood child?"

Scorpion looked at Uchiha Izumi's purple Sharingan and muttered in his heart.

The Uchiha clan generally does not marry outsiders, and they marry within the clan to prevent the outflow of blood.

Of course, there will be some boys and girls who pursue so-called love and disregard clan rules and are expelled. The descendants of such people are generally not recognized by the Uchiha clan, and naturally they will not be cultivated.

"Are your parents from the Uchiha clan?"

Scorpion asked softly.

Uchiha Izumi was no fool, and now he realized that he was captured. The boss in front of him was too strong. He was probably not from Konoha, but most likely an enemy from outside the village. Facing this situation, he should first cooperate with the other party to save his own life.

According to what he learned in school, Uchiha Izumi cooperated obediently and said,"My father is not from the Uchiha clan. He died when I was a child. My motherOh, my mother!" She paused halfway through her speech and looked anxiously at Scorpion.

Scorpion also answered her inner question, without any sympathy, and said calmly

"Dead, the Uchiha clan was exterminated last night. Apart from you, there are only two or three people left alive. As for whether your mother was killed by Uchiha Itachi or that guy, I don't know."After all, he arrived a little late.

Uchiha Obito acted too quickly, so his plan to secretly get a few Sharingan was thwarted, and he could only trade directly.

"Impossible! How is it possible!!"

The moment Uchiha Izumi heard this, he looked at Scorpion in shock and anger. His pair of purple three-magatama Sharingan opened again and glared at Scorpion.

"Don't you have the answer in your heart? Otherwise, why are you so angry?"

Scorpion's expression remained calm and he asked back

"Impossible, I don't believe it!"

Uchiha Izumi glared at Scorpion and retorted, as if he didn't want to believe his inner guess.

Everyone has the instinct to escape, only when facing reality

Scorpion looked at the angry Uchiha Izumi, or rather, looked into her eyes, and found that because of her extreme anger, the three magatama in her eyes were slowly rotating, and seemed to be gathering towards the center, and he suddenly felt a little bit subtle. It turns out that mixed-bloods are not too bad in talent~

This girl seems to be able to give him all kinds of unexpected surprises

"Since you don't believe me, I'll take you to see for yourself~"

Scorpion walked to Uchiha Izumi's side, stretched out his hand to grab her collar, and activated the Flying Thunder God technique at the same time.

Before Uchiha Izumi could resist, the scene in front of her suddenly blurred, and it reappeared, and she had appeared under the shade of the trees next to the Uchiha clan's residence.

In the residence not far away, a large number of Konoha Anbu ninjas were dealing with corpses.

One after another, they were neatly placed at the door.

It seemed that they were counting the number of deaths and identities.

There were no less than hundreds of corpses, which made Uchiha Izumi's expression stunned again, especially when she saw a familiar figure. She couldn't help but recognize the familiar clothes. She instinctively opened her mouth and struggled as if she wanted to rush out. The next moment, Scorpion had already grabbed her collar and returned to the grass where she was before.

"Mom! That's my mom!"

Uchiha Izumi seemed to lose his composure and yelled at Scorpion.

"Your mother is dead."

Scorpion said a fact softly.

Uchiha Izumi looked at Scorpion's calm eyes, his body stiffened slightly, his eyes gradually blurred, as if he slowly accepted the reality, and sat on the ground in despair. He seemed to have been played too.

The next moment, tears flowed down like a dam bursting.


The girl cried so miserably and desperately

"No eyes open"

Scorpion's focus was a little different. He had been looking at Uchiha Izumi's Sharingan. When he saw that the eyes had returned to pitch black and had not advanced any further, he was a little disappointed.

Sure enough, someone like Uchiha Obito who could use two magatama to open the Mangekyō was one in a million, a one-of-a-kind existence.

Most people really couldn't reach that level.

Of course, it could also be that the stimulation was not enough.

After all, he was not at the scene, and this was after the fact.

But it didn't matter. He didn't care that much about the Mangekyō Sharingan.

As for the girl being sad and desperate, let her be sad and desperate~

After all, they were not familiar with each other~ It was her luck to be able to survive. Did she still expect him to comfort her? Besides, there was no way to comfort her in this kind of situation, right?

People can only rely on themselves.

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