It took three days to release several mountain-destroying artillery fires and annihilate several mountaintops.

Scorpion successfully negotiated with several high-level officials of the Ghost Country.

There were also some diehards among them who refused to surrender at first, and were not even afraid of death. They had the intention of dying to prove their will. However, when they saw the scene of Scorpion kicking the head of the monster Wuliang as a ball, they all obeyed obediently, thinking that Scorpion was the god of war sent by heaven to assist the witch in defeating the monster.

After recognizing Scorpion's identity, everything became easy.

Although Scorpion did not understand the brain circuits of these guys.

However, when it comes to issues of faith, ordinary people really cannot understand.

After solving these problems, the fifth clone settled in the Scorpion Country.

On the one hand, it was to control the Ghost Country.

On the other hand, it was to study the body of the monster Wuliang and the toad body of Shima Sennin.

These things are obviously not suitable to be brought to the Snow Country.

It is quite appropriate to put them in the Ghost Country.

At least at this stage, Scorpion does not want to expose the fact that the Snow Country is the base camp.

And according to the fact that Jiraiya went to the Demon Country instead of going directly to the Snow Country, it means that the Great Toad Sage has not figured out where his real body is.

This is good news for Scorpion.

The later the other party knows, the better it is for Scorpion.

As long as his real body is not threatened, even if the Demon Country is destroyed, Scorpion has nothing to fear. At most, he can learn Black Zetsu and plan for a thousand years.

Of course, this is only the last resort.

As a modern young man with dreams, he is eager to seize the day.

Two months passed peacefully. In the Land of Snow, inside the glacier where his main body was located, Scorpion calmly looked at the meteorite in the glass bottle. It was bumpy and not very pretty, and it emitted a strange purple halo. The flesh and chakra affected by the halo were constantly twisting and changing.

This meteorite was naturally brought back by Scorpion from the Star Ninja Village.

There was no master in the other ninja village. Scorpion, who had the Flying Thunder God, did not spend much effort at all, and did not even alarm anyone. He took the thing away directly. When the other party found out that the meteorite was stolen and rushed over, he had already left. The slightly troublesome thing during this period was to determine the location of the Star Ninja Village.

It took Scorpion more than a month to find this place, and he only got this thing recently.

After studying it for half a month.

Scorpion also discovered the magic of this thing.

This meteorite has a unique radioactivity that can activate chakra.

This group of chakra of the residual soul of the monster, which originally had no consciousness, actually showed a single living state under the influence of the star stone, which was a bit similar to the body of the monster that had lost consciousness.

In addition, it is extremely corrosive to the body, that is, the flesh, and will absorb the vitality of the cells.

What on earth is this thing?!

Scorpion has seen some statements on the Internet that this meteorite is related to the Ten-Tails and is part of the Ten-Tails' body.

However, this statement is obviously not true.

Because this meteorite fell on the Star Ninja Village more than two hundred years ago, and the Ten-Tails was sealed a thousand years ago, and it was sealed inside the moon. It is impossible for such a thing to fall.


Scorpion cut off a part of the tissue from the Ten-Tails' body, that is, the Outer Path Demon Statue.

After research.

It was found that the characteristics between the two are very different.

The most important thing is that this thing is a dead thing, just like a piece of stone.

The Ten-Tails will not be petrified. Even if it is dried by the wind, it is still a tree trunk, and it is almost like turning into charcoal.

"Could it be related to the Samsara Eye?"

Scorpion muttered quietly, with some guesses in his mind.

First of all, the timeline. More than two hundred years ago, it coincided with the time period when the branch and main families of the Otsutsuki clan fought on the surface of the moon, and this period of time was exactly when the Samsara Eye appeared.

According to the original records.

The members of the Otsutsuki branch used all the power of the clan to contribute their Byakugan. They merged countless Byakugan into a spherical stone with the Otsutsuki family crest on it, and used this"Samsara Eye" to annihilate the members of the Otsutsuki main family who advocated peace.

During this period, would a part of the Samsara Eye be broken and then fell to the earth?

"The Samsara Eye has a chakra mode, which is very similar to chakra activation."

Scorpion muttered, then shook his head.

Why think so much?

Just try and you'll know.

Even if it's not right, there's no loss.

His mind moved, and after a while, a metal puppet guarding the laboratory appeared in front of Scorpion with a jar, which contained a pair of white eyes with a slight purple halo.

This is a pair of Byakuyan.

With the help of the Ten-Tails chakra and vitality and Hinata's cells.

Takenaka Aoishi and others successfully cloned the Byakuyan last month.

Now the purity of this pair of Byakuyan is terrifying, even not inferior to Hinata's Byakuyan.

After all, this was originally based on Hinata's cells, with the Ten-Tails' vitality and chakra, and the blueprint of the pair of eyes of the branch family.

Scorpion narrowed his eyes, and controlled the puppet to take this pair of pure Byakuyan out of the jar, and then put it into the glass jar containing the Star Stone. Just after it was put in, the purple halo around the floating Star Stone seemed to be a bit thicker. If Scorpion hadn't observed carefully, he wouldn't even be able to detect the difference.

Scorpion was slightly startled, and then he controlled the puppet to stick the pair of white eyes on the star stone.


As the eyes were attached to the star stone, the halo emitted from it became more intense, as if stimulated. The purple halo on it even echoed the purple halo on the white eyes. A broken sphere and a pair of white eyes flickered in response to each other.

Then, under the scorpion's gaze, after a while, it actually showed an extremely slow fusion state.

"It really does matter."

Scorpion was pleasantly surprised. This unexpected surprise really shocked him.

This unexpected surprise came too suddenly.

After all, the Samsara Eye is a real Six Paths-level power, and as long as there are enough Byakugan, a giant Samsara Eye can be"raised".

You knew the fusion method in advance.

Now you have a fragment of the Samsara Eye, and it has the ability to fuse.

This saves countless troubles.

As long as Scorpion clones enough Byakugan, he can create a giant Samsara Eye, and even lay countless Byakugan.

By then, the scene will be so beautiful.

"Sure enough, technology is the primary productive force"

Scorpion thought of the illiterate Otsutsuki clan on the moon, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Suddenly, he understood the arrogance in Orochimaru's heart. Except for a few former teammates, he looked down on almost everyone else. He was so arrogant in his heart, and there was a reason for that.

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