"Hey hey hey?"

"Is this body still suffering from a hidden disease?" Jiang Fan's heart tightened:"I only have three months left to live. It seems that I have to quickly strengthen the power of Akatsuki."

Fujitora, one of the"Three Admirals of the Navy", the top combat power of the Navy Headquarters, possesses the superhuman ability of the"Gravity Fruit".

This existence who stands at the pinnacle of strength in the world of pirates, if put in Naruto, is at least a big figure at the level of Kage.

At the moment of binding the template,

Jiang Fan clearly felt that the meridians in his body beat like a heart.

Then, it seemed that something was slowly ignited.

A huge heat flow appeared out of thin air and quickly spread from Jiang Fan's heart.

This warm heat flow kept washing over his body, helping him to slowly recover his strength.

Not long after, the heat flow completely disappeared, as if it had all merged into the depths of his body.

It was a pity that the hidden disease in the body still could not be repaired.

He secretly decided to push the Akatsuki organization and the Hidden Rain Village to the top of the Naruto world.

Right now, this is the only way to save his life.

Jiang Fan immediately opened the role-playing panel

"Bound template character: Fujitora!"

"Fusion level: 5%"

Jiang Fan glanced at the panel, and a trace of helplessness flashed across his dark eyes.

He was sure that this was not a missing zero, it should be 50.%?

"Since it is a role……"

Jiang Fan said, sitting up with great effort, looking at the full-length mirror on the wall, examining his appearance.

The person in the mirror had sharp eyebrows, bright eyes, clear outlines, and a slender figure.

Both his appearance and figure seemed to have been carefully carved by nature, without any flaws.

In his previous life, he would definitely be a top-tier traffic star.

But the appearance of this body is far from that of Admiral Fujitora.

"This 5% role-playing value is probably given because we are both human beings."

Jiang Fan shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Besides, I don't have any sword or props.……"He took a look at the small room, and suddenly his eyes lit up:"There is a pair of clogs."


The sound of the floor breaking was heard.

Jiang Fan originally planned to use gravity to get the clogs, but he didn't know whether it was because of his low acting skills or because he was not familiar with this force, he accidentally stepped on the floor and cracked it.


Just as Jiang Fan was about to get out of bed, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open.

A woman in a red cloud and black robe walked in.

She had a beautiful face and her signature light blue-purple hair fell to her shoulders.

Her beautiful eyes shrank suddenly when she saw Jiang Fan, and the surprise that could not be concealed was clearly revealed.

""Are you okay?"

The pleasant voice made Jiang Fan breathe a sigh of relief.

The person who came was none other than his partner Xiaonan.

At this moment, Xiaonan could not believe her eyes.

Because Nagato had examined Jiang Fan before and said that his soul and spirit had suffered a great trauma.

Even if he did not die, he might become a vegetable. Unexpectedly, Jiang Fan woke up miraculously.

Yahiko and other partners left her one after another.

The Akatsuki organization, which was once like a big family, now only has Nagato and Xiaonan.

Jiang Fan's awakening undoubtedly brought her some comfort.


Jiang Fan nodded.

After seeing Xiaonan in person, he realized that she was a beautiful woman.

She had delicate features, a slender waist, and her whole body was as perfect as a doll.

Even wearing a loose black robe, it couldn't hide her graceful figure.

"Don't you want to laugh?" Jiang Fan said jokingly

"I'm so glad you're okay.……"

Xiaonan slowly walked to the bedside and sat down.

Her eyes were fixed on Jiang Fan, fearing that all this was just an illusion.

Of course she couldn't laugh.

She hadn't laughed since Yahiko's death.

But her eyes were full of joy.

After a simple greeting,

Jiang Fan realized that Akatsuki had changed a lot during this period.

Yahiko was dead, Nagato was missing, and the era of Pain had arrived.

Akatsuki's clothing had also been uniformly adjusted.

The members all wore black windbreakers embroidered with red clouds, and rings engraved with their code names on their corresponding fingers.

The nails were painted with nail polish, and there was a scratch on the forehead.

After a few words of communication, Xiaonan had an idea in her mind.

She didn't want to lose any more companions. It was already very difficult for Jiang Fan to wake up, let alone continue to fight.

And... with Jiang Fan's current strength, he would not be able to participate in Akatsuki's future plans.

"I'll take you to see Nagato."

Konan sighed,"But... he may not look the same as you remember.……"

At this point, her eyes dimmed.

Jiang Fan didn't ask any more questions, he naturally understood what was going on.

After Yahiko's death,

Nagato used the power of the Samsara Eye to turn Yahiko's body into a puppet.

In the name of Pain, he continued to be the leader of the new Akatsuki organization.

At this time, the Akatsuki organization no longer had Nagato and Yahiko, only Pain, who had clear goals and decisive means, was left.

"Well, I also want to see what Nagato looks like now.

Jiang Fan nodded and tried to stand up.

""Ouch!" Just as he stood up, Jiang Fan's legs softened and he fell forward

, perhaps because his soul had not been completely integrated or because of a hidden illness. Xiaonan, who was standing beside him, stepped forward and supported him. In a hurry, Jiang Fan fell into her arms. Jiang Fan felt as if he had fallen into a holy light, and his eyes were instantly covered. All around him was warmth and softness, and he could smell a faint fragrance at the tip of his nose. In an instant, it seemed as if he had come to a gentle place.


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