"Hey? Then let me see what you are really capable of!"

Scorpion said with a proud look on his face.

Xiaonan looked solemn, and his body instantly turned into pieces of paper.

‘This woman looks no worse than the third Hokage! '

Konan's ninjutsu made Scorpion's eyes suddenly light up.

The desire to conquer in his heart became stronger and stronger.

At this time, Jiang Fan waved his hand and said,"Konan, let me handle it."

Since the battle with Hanzo, Jiang Fan has received a lot of rewards.

Until now, he has not tested it properly.

And this Scorpion of the Red Sand is just a good target for practice.

"Jiang Fan……"Xiaonan seemed a little hesitant

"If the two of us defeat him together, he won't be convinced even if he follows us back."Jiang Fan said lightly:"I haven't done anything for a year, let me stretch my muscles."

Hearing this, Xiaonan had to step aside obediently, staring at the movements of the two, ready to intervene and help at any time.

At this time, Scorpion of the Red Sand only had a wind shadow puppet wearing a brown cloak and blue hair, and his body had not been transformed.

Compared with the treasure of the Akatsuki organization in the future"Hundred Machines Exercise", the strength is far apart.

After all, as a puppeteer, puppets are his main combat power.

The corners of Scorpion's mouth rose slightly, and he said evilly:"Don't worry, you will be able to meet underground soon"

"It will be your absolute honor to die at the hands of this puppet!"

As he spoke, he crossed his hands and manipulated the chakra lines at his fingertips.


The next moment, a huge blade suddenly stretched out from the sleeve of the Wind Shadow Puppet and swept across Jiang Fan's head.

Jiang Fan knew that Scorpion was not only a genius puppeteer, but also a master of poison.

As long as he was scratched by the puppet's blade, he would most likely die of poisoning.

However, Jiang Fan smiled confidently.

Navy Six Styles - Paper Drawing.

Swish, swish, swish!

The knife light splashed, as if cutting through the air, making bursts of vibrations.

Jiang Fan relaxed his whole body, and with the changes in airflow caused by his opponent's movements, he easily dodged all the attacks of the puppet.

""What a powerful taijutsu!"

Xiaonan whispered softly, her eyes full of admiration.

Unexpectedly, in just one year, Jiang Fan became much stronger.

On the other hand, because of the matter in the Rain Country, his strength improved very slowly.

Jiang Fan seemed to be able to foresee the opponent's attack. He easily avoided those lightning-fast attacks.

It must be mentioned that with the observation Haki plus the paper painting, it is indeed difficult for ordinary physical attacks to touch him.

"Tsk!" Scorpion frowned and said disdainfully:"You really have some skills"

"But can you dodge this trick?"

""Thousands of arms!"

As Scorpion's voice fell, the seal on the left arm of the Wind Shadow Puppet immediately summoned thousands of arms, which quickly pounced on the opponent.

However, Jiang Fan remained calm.

Bang bang bang...

Thousands of arms slammed into the desert, raising several meters of yellow sand.


In an instant, Jiang Fan's figure appeared in another position.

He dodged again.

Scorpion felt a faint anger in his heart.

""Telekinesis?" Scorpion challenged,"Can you only hide?"

Jiang Fan said calmly,"If your toy is only this level, I don't mind breaking it and replacing it with a better one.""

"What did you say?"Xie was furious.

He was a genius puppeteer.

No one had ever dared to say that his puppets were rubbish!

"Blind man! Are you looking for death?"

Scorpion shouted, his finger turned into a shadow.

"Magnetic Release: Iron Sand Rain!"

The Third Kazekage quickly formed the"Wei" seal with both hands!

In an instant, iron sand like a huge wave appeared out of thin air!

The iron sand covered the sky, bringing a heavy sense of oppression.

"I wonder where you can hide!"

Scorpion's eyes flashed with ferocity, wishing to tear Jiang Fan into pieces.

Xiaonan watched quietly.

She knew that Jiang Fan had not really shown his strength so far.

If he used his blood limit, these iron sands would not be able to do anything to him.

And for Xiaonan who possessed the Shiki Paper Dance, Scorpion's physical attack was almost ineffective.

Then, the overwhelming iron sands turned into countless fine needles.

They shot towards the two at a very fast speed. This move had a wide attack range and a long duration, and ordinary people could not avoid it at all.

Facing the metal rain that was about to drown him, Jiang Fan was calm.

This time, he neither dodged nor evaded. He let the black rain pour down.

"Have you given up?" Scorpion laughed grimly:"It must be unpleasant to be killed by the so-called toy you mentioned!"

Seeing the blind swordsman being completely devoured,

Scorpion felt happy.

This abominable guy was finally finished!

He could have one more collection!

"Ha ha ha ha……"The red-haired boy raised his head and laughed.

Not far away, Xiaonan's eyes widened:"Jiang Fan!"

She rushed into the sand iron without hesitation.

According to her guess,

Jiang Fan should use gravity to block the sand iron.



Why not block the sand iron!

Didn't you say you would protect me?

Xiaonan struggled to push away the black sand, her eyes misty like rain.

At this moment, she only wanted to rescue Jiang Fan.

"Jiang Fan...I still have a lot to say to you……"

Endless despair surged into her heart.

Just as she was about to collapse, a familiar and slender figure suddenly hugged her waist.

"A lot of words?"

"I'll spend the rest of my life listening to it, is that enough?"

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