Betting Street, this place is quite famous in the ninja world, and it is a good place to go for fun. Although the overall environment is a bit messy, the streets are crowded with people and cars coming and going. Compared with the gloomy Rain Village all year round, this place is obviously more lively and lively.

The sun is high and the weather is clear. The vendors push carts and hawk along the street with loud voices. Those who are tired of gambling will come out from time to time to buy some snacks to relieve fatigue.

At such a moment, in a dark alley, Xiaonan frowned and looked unhappy. She thought Jiang Fan was going to do something important, but she found that he just changed his clothes and ran to such a place to gamble?

Having said that, Jiang Fan's change is really a bit puzzling. As a ninja, everyone is usually busy with training and carrying out tasks. The previous Jiang Fan would never set foot in such occasions.

"Is there something to hide?" Xiaonan frowned slightly, her heart full of doubts. She still couldn't believe that Jiang Fan was out for fun. If that was the case, wouldn't he just quit the Akatsuki organization? Why say so many big words.

Besides, she trusted Jiang Fan very much. Although his strength was not top-notch, he always treated his partners sincerely and would try his best to complete what he promised no matter what.

"Jiang Fan……"Xiaonan subconsciously tightened the corner of her clothes, feeling a little uneasy. She was afraid that Jiang Fan had really changed. So, she put on makeup and quietly approached the high-end place not far away, wanting to get closer to the truth.

In the casino, a group of gamblers were shouting happily.

"big big big!"

"Haha, another win! Great!"

""Oh, oh, I'm so sorry, blind man!"

A ragged gambler shouted excitedly. The man in front of him seemed to be the incarnation of the god of luck. His gambling career had never been so smooth in the past ten years, just because his opponent was a blind man. No matter what the points were, the final result was decided by him.

"Kawase, it's almost our turn to play with this blind old man!" A rough voice complained

"Hey, I haven't had enough fun yet."

"Get out of the way, let me do it!" A big man pushed the crowd aside and squeezed to the opposite side of Jiang Fan, with a sly smile on his face,"Blind man, it's my turn to play with you!"

At this time, Jiang Fan was pretending to be Fujitora and gambling. He did not use any perception ability and participated in the gambling purely as a blind man. At first, the gamblers thought he had strayed into this place, but when they heard that this blind man wanted to gamble, they all laughed and rushed to compete with him.

Before long, Jiang Fan's funds had been lost by more than half.

""Big, big, big!" The big man's voice became louder and louder. He suddenly opened the wooden cup. The two dice inside showed 1 and 3.

"Oh, Sato, you actually lost to a blind man!"The people watching nearby laughed.

"What are you talking about?"The big man shouted

"Isn't this obviously big?" He said as he waved his hand suddenly, and in front of everyone, the dice turned into two sixes.

"Hahaha, at least Kawaiki secretly changed the points, so the blind man didn't hear anything. But you blatantly turned the dice over."People can't see, but that doesn't mean they can't hear."

"Damn it, how would he know if I don't do this?" The big man cursed, then smiled at Jiang Fan shamelessly,"Ignore them, they are teasing you, you lost this game, don't try to deny it!"

Jiang Fan didn't care about it, he just said calmly:"Go on"

"Did you hear me? The big man turned around and shouted at the others,"Who cheated? Who cheated? If you keep talking nonsense, I will not be polite and tear your mouths apart!"

At this moment, the onlookers not only felt that the blind man's eyes were not working well, but his brain was also a little confused. Everyone said that he won, so why did he still believe Sato's nonsense?

They didn't know that what Jiang Fan really cared about was not the win or loss itself, but the role-playing value that accumulated slowly.

Although the role-playing value brought by gambling grows slower and slower, it is indeed continuing to rise, and now it is almost reaching fifty-five.

So, Jiang Fan knew it in his heart: after a certain number of times of playing the same role, the added value effect will slowly weaken.

At the empty table on the other side, Xiaonan looked unhappy.

Seeing Jiang Fan being ridiculed and bullied, she wanted to rush up immediately and teach these guys a lesson one by one.

"Forget it."

Xiaonan held her forehead weakly.

Her mission was to protect Jiang Fan. As long as Jiang Fan was not in real danger, she would not have to do anything.

"Since you want to gamble, why do you want to blind yourself?"

Xiao Nan's beautiful eyes reflected Jiang Fan's handsome face.

She felt that Jiang Fan was a little strange now."But, as long as you are happy, it's fine.……"

At this moment, in the corner opposite Jiang Fan, a tall and plump woman with long light yellow hair and the word"gamble" branded on her back raised her head and drank a bowl of wine.

Seeing those gamblers bullying a blind man crazily, she just said coldly:"Idiots."

Then she continued her gambling as if nothing had happened.

Shizune on the side called softly:"Tsunade-sama……"

Tsunade glanced at him calmly and said casually:"Everyone has his own way of living, and the same goes for gambling. He chose the way of entertainment that he thinks is right."

Jiang Fan smiled inexplicably.

It seems that choosing this casino is a win for me.……*

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