In Order To Become A Demon, I Decided To Be A Housekeeper First

Chapter 14 Shine The Spiritual Universe! (Ask For A Flower Evaluation Ticket

Aleister Crowley, as long as you mention the famous people among the existing magicians, you can't avoid them.

Some say he is the most talented magician of all time.

Some say he is the most evil magician in the world.

Some people say that he is the magician closest to the essence of magic in the world...

This man has been showing his amazing talents and ideas since his youth, and his influence radiates to countless fields in the whole world.

He is the only magician who is favored by the original scriptures of the Bible, but he scorns it and scorns the so-called God.

He joined the top modern magic association "Golden Dawn", but eventually turned his back on the leader, McQueen Mathers, and established a brand new magic association "Silver Star Society".

Christians denounced him as "the great demon of the Book of Revelation," but he took pride in it, happily calling himself "the Beast of Revelation 666."

All his life, he was dissolute, sexually free, and maintained inappropriate relationships with many men and women.

He has learned a wide range of schools of magic, including but not limited to "Hermes School", "Kabbalah School", "Tarot System", "Christian Doctrine", "Buddhism"...

Even in the end, he gave up the "mystery department" magic way practice very freely and switched to the "physics department"...

He is also the only magician in history who gave up his original view of the universe without being damaged in the slightest.

There are so many incredible things about this man. He is the most prominent anomaly and genius in modern times, and even in the entire history of magic!

He is also the magician closest to the Demon God in the world. There are even rumors that he can become a Demon God at any time if he wants, but he just doesn't want to take that step.

He has received almost as much praise and slander, but no matter who it is, even people who hate him to the extreme have to admit a fact-

He is the best magician in the world right now.

And such a magician, the most famous book he wrote and the book that best represents him is the Book of Law that Su Lun is reading!

Throughout the entire text of this "Book of Law", we will find that Aleister Crowley is preaching an idea almost all the time - freedom!

The central idea of ​​"Book of Law"——

"Do what you want, and that's all there is to the law."

The Book of Law, Chapter 1, Section 44—

"The will of desire without the slightest utilitarianism, without desire for results, is a pure and flawless will".

The Book of Law, Chapter 3, Subsection 60—

"There is no higher law than 'doing what you want'"!

These are just some of the more representative passages, but they can already make people understand the thoughts of the man Aleister Crowley.

His thought that he was born to be free has deeply influenced his personal view of the universe, which also led him to create his own meditation method - "what you want is your method".

It's called "Do whatever you want" meditation.

Simply put, your cosmology, your spiritual universe, whatever you want, whatever you want, whatever you want!

After he completed the "Do whatever you want meditation method", he generously disclosed it. Naturally, his fame attracted countless people to practice this meditation method one after another, and then...

One counts as one, and they're all insane.

The spiritual universe cultivated using this meditation method is all "waste", not only has no power at all, but also makes people crazy!

Therefore, in the eyes of the world, the book of law and the meditation method of doing whatever you want are Aleister's malicious and harmful works. After that, they were directly banned by various countries and are not allowed to spread.

But Su Lun has a different view.

First of all, the "Book of Law" is a serious magic book recognized by the Magic Dao Library. Anything that can be recorded on it is naturally a serious meditation method.

If this is the case, then others will go mad if they learn it, and they must rashly practice without understanding the true meaning of it.

But he is different. He is proficient in language and can understand Aleister's meditation method 100% perfectly!

This is the most free meditation method in the world, which spans from the "Mystery Department" to the "Physics Department", and is very suitable for him!

Su Lun, who has the Demon God system, learns magic very easily, and he will definitely learn a lot of magic in the future.

And the degree of fit between different magic and the spiritual universe is not the same, which requires a world view that can match all magic and the most free!

And with the library of magic, he will eventually gain knowledge beyond the magic gods. If this knowledge is not coordinated by a free spiritual universe, there will definitely be situations that Su Lun does not want to see!

To sum up, doing whatever you want may not be the strongest meditation, but it is undoubtedly the most suitable meditation for Su Lun!

"What you want is your law..."

A glimmer of enlightenment flashed in Su Lun's eyes, and then he closed his eyes gently and began to meditate for the first time in his life.

According to the method recorded in the Do whatever you want meditation method, you will gradually get better.

The magic of the body and the inner body gradually became active with the operation of the meditation method, and the creation of the "universe" began around the spiritual world of Su Lun.

three hours later.

"It turns out that... this is the so-called spiritual universe."

Su Lun didn't open his eyes, but looked inside his body and sighed.

At this moment, in his senses, his spiritual world, which was originally empty, has now changed a lot.

A spiritual universe with a small body but exuding an extremely mysterious atmosphere has appeared!

In the periphery of this spiritual universe, there is a circle of light like a galaxy that surrounds it, and surrounding it, it emits extremely dazzling starlight, which is beautiful.

Shining Spiritual Universe, One Ring Mage!

The spiritual universe is initially constructed, which can be called a trainee magician.

And around the spiritual universe, a star ring condensed by magic power is wrapped around the spiritual universe, and the spiritual universe is illuminated, which is the official magician, that is, the ring number magician!

The spiritual universe will gradually become stronger in the protection and nourishment of the star ring, and the powerful spiritual universe will also feedback the star ring, and the two complement each other!

If you have a star ring, you are a magician, and so on, until you have nine star rings, you are a magician with nine rings!

Su Lun, just meditating for the first time, entered the ranks of the official mage directly!

(Blowing Aleister like this is considered a bit of private goods, because I like the big bald head in the magic ban very much.)

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