In Order To Become A Demon, I Decided To Be A Housekeeper First

Chapter 26: Powerful Curator, Wang Family Demon God! (Ask For A Flower Evaluation Ticket

"No need to be polite... oh? You've advanced."

Su Lun's eyes turned around the two of them, everything in the foggy world could not be concealed from him, and he suddenly found the abnormality on Li Qingyun.

"Thanks to you and His Highness Misty, I was lucky enough to advance to the rank."

Li Qingyun said respectfully.

"It's really humble, even with the help of the knowledge of the magic book, it is impossible to do it in such a short period of time without enough amazing talent..."

Su Lun laughed.

The time difference between the foggy world and the outside world is ten to one. From the time the other party enters the foggy world, the outside world has only passed for half a day. Even if the other party has been staying here and hasn't gone out, it will be at most seven days.

He can be promoted from the third ring to the fourth ring in seven days, even if he has accumulated it before, it is amazing in the entire history of magic.

Although there is the factor of knowledge of magic books, Li Qingyun is obviously a magician with excellent talent.

This makes Su Lun slightly satisfied. The more talented a person is, the faster he learns things, and the faster he gathers the fruits of wisdom.

Among the first batch of nine tool people invited by the mist contract, it was quite lucky to be able to get two top talent tool people, Li Qingyun and Ning Xiaoya.

"Keep working hard~"

Patting Li Qingyun on the shoulder, and nodding to Apu again, Su Lun walked out of the Magic Library.

It wasn't until Su Lun walked out of the library, and after a good while, that Li Qingyun and Apu relaxed their bodies with a sigh of relief.

"Huh... The first time we met, because the pressure left by His Highness Misty was too heavy, I didn't even realize that the curator is also a terrifying figure."

Apu sighed, his face was covered by the gray fog, but it made people feel that he was covered in cold sweat.

"Of course, to be entrusted by His Highness Misty, the curator must also be an unfathomable existence."

"When I was in the third ring, I could faintly perceive the number of star rings of Brother Huan, but now that I have been promoted to the fourth ring, I still can't peep at the slightest bit of the curator. Thinking about it is scary."

Li Qingyun said with admiration.

The Brother Phantom he mentioned was a middle-aged man codenamed "Phantom Wing" among the nine, a Huiyue-level mage who had reached the sixth ring, and the strongest among the nine.

"Although I don't know the specific level of the curator, it must be far more than the sixth ring. At least there must be an eighth ring. It may even be..."

Li Qingyun and Apu glanced at each other, and both noticed the excitement in each other's hearts.

"I feel more and more that our Misty Garden is an amazing place."

"His Royal Highness the Demon King, a curator with at least the eighth ring and possibly the ninth ring, and maybe there is something we still don't know about. This is the configuration of the world's top association!"

"It's great to be selected by His Highness Misty."

After the two sighed, Li Qingyun suddenly changed his face.

"Oops, it's so comfortable to stay in the foggy courtyard, I forgot that the university is still looking for me!"

"I go first!"

In a hurry, Li Qingyun activated the fog mark, which turned into gray fog and dissipated, leaving Apu too late to say goodbye.



On the other hand, Su Lun naturally didn't know that because of his authority as the master of the world, the two tool people felt a lot of pressure, and even if he knew, he would only smile.

After he walked out of the Magic Dao Library, with a direct thought, he teleported to the sky of the misty world, beside the shadow avatar.

Looking at the magic book that was about to be read in the hands of the shadow avatar, Su Lun smiled lightly.

As for how to unlock Miss Wang's true talent, he had already made arrangements.

And this arrangement is in the magic book read by the shadow incarnation.

The title of the book is "The Dogma Shows the Living Beings in the Dragon Field"!

Author: Mr. Yang Ming - Wang Shouren!

In his previous life on Earth, he was known as the first perfect man in the ages, he created the Yangming Mind Study that influenced the whole world, and was listed as a "sage" with Confucius and Mencius!

And in this world, it's even more exaggerated!

Here, Mr. Yang Ming's first half of his life was almost the same as his experience in the original world, and he was not even tempted by the devil's way at all.

Until 1506, because he opposed Liu Jin, a great eunuch who was powerful at that time, he was sentenced to 40 by the court and banished to Longchang, Guizhou, as a postmaster.

However, Mr. Yang Ming was still at ease in the predicament, and he was finally able to calm down and think about what he had learned in his life. So, one night when he was thinking about it in Longchang, he realized it.

"The way of the sage, my nature is self-sufficient, and it is wrong to seek truth from things."

That night, the sky rang and the earth moved, and the holy star above the nine heavens shone brightly, illuminating the whole world as bright as day. Mr. Yang Ming, who had never practiced magic before, stepped into the realm of the nine rings in an instant, shining like a big day!

Historically known as "Dragon Field Enlightenment".

And Mr. Yang Ming, who was enlightened in the dragon field, wrote the first magic book in his life, which is the book "The Dogma Shows the Living Beings in the Dragon Field" in the hands of the shadow incarnation.

After that, Mr. Yang Ming, who has understood his own path, has a heart like a mirror, and the path he walks is unswerving. In just 20 years, he has successfully completed the road of proving the Tao, and achieved the supreme great cause of the devil's path - the devil!

Thirty-seven years of accumulation, an epiphany in the dragon field in one night, and a demon god in twenty years, even more myth than myth!

At that time, it stunned the whole world and attracted countless admirers to bow their heads and bow down.

And Miss Wang Youqing is the descendant of that Mr. Yang Ming!

The half-awakened innate magic "outside the heart" is one of the essences of Mr. Yang Ming's psychology!

According to Su Lun's speculation, Wang Youqing is not a waste at all. On the contrary, she is the descendant closest to Mr. Yangming's bloodline of the devil, and the most talented person in the Wang family since Mr. Yangming!

The reason why she is unable to move like a piece of wood in her practice is all because the natural magic of "unreasonable outside the heart" is too powerful. It has only been seventeen years since she was born, and she has only just awakened halfway!

Most of her talents have been squeezed to awaken the "unreasonable"!

Originally, she should have waited for more than ten years, until she was in her thirties, before she could truly show her brilliance like Mr. Yang Ming back then.

But Su Lun is sure to wake up her natural magic in advance!

The method is in the book "Doctrine of the Life of the Dragon Field" read by the shadow incarnation!

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