In Order To Become A Demon, I Decided To Be A Housekeeper First

Chapter 41 This Is An Order, And It Is To Obey. (Ask For A Flower Evaluation Ticket

In the silence, the girl gracefully poured herself a cup of tea, and added Su Lun's cup by the way.

Then he picked up the teacup, took a sip, and let out a leisurely sigh.

"How about it, take it easy?"

Su Lun also took a sip of tea and smiled.

"Well, thank you, Mr. Curator."

Ning Xiaoya shyly said in a low voice.

At this time, she also came back to her senses, and realized that what she said was actually some seemingly profound words that didn't make much sense.

Magicians are all masters of learning, at least in a certain respect, especially Ning Xiaoya, a genius who has reached the Third Ring Morning Star and opened his own path of magic, the amount of knowledge he possesses is extremely terrifying.

The knowledge here does not refer to the knowledge of mathematical physics that can be understood by logical thinking.

It refers to one's own understanding of the world and the universe that cannot be described in human language.

Also known as "secret knowledge".

This is also the reason why magic books are precious, because they contain endless "secret knowledge".

The cultivation of a magician is the process of constantly understanding and approaching the universe.

To interpret the magic book is to interpret the secret knowledge in the magic book, and it is to constantly understand the universe from the perspective of the writer of the magic book.

As a magician who can understand "secret knowledge", it is indeed a bit embarrassing for Ning Xiaoya to say these superficial questions.

Fortunately, the curator seemed to understand her feelings.

Understand that she simply wants to find someone to vent her thoughts, so as not to be suffocated by the bad things in her heart.

"Anya, although I don't understand what happened to you."

"But looking at your appearance, it doesn't look like you have encountered an external threat, but from internal persecution."

Su Lun raised his chin and said gently.

Although Ning Xiaoya said something in a daze, he still heard some hidden meanings.

Generally speaking, defilements are roughly divided into two types, one comes from outside and the other comes from inside.

External refers to the threat of others, and acts of oppression and persecution by outsiders relying on force and power are collectively referred to as external troubles.

Internally, it comes from the troubles of one's own people, or family members, or friends, who disagree with them, or even get hurt by them, and don't know what to do.

Ning Xiaoya nodded and confirmed Su Lun's statement.

"Since it's this kind of thing, I don't talk too much, but I can also see that you are confused about your own affairs and don't know what to do."

"Some things, if you compromise, you will hurt yourself, if you don't compromise, you will hurt your family. In the end, you will also feel guilty for hurting your family and then hurt yourself. You are just worrying about this. No matter what choice you make, you will end up hurting yourself. No peace."

Su Lun drank tea leisurely, talking about his opinion.

The girl was a little surprised, and there was a hint of admiration in her charming eyes like autumn water.

As expected of the curator, he has easily done what we could not do.

Even though she doesn't know the specifics, she can see where her real troubles lie.

"As expected of you."

she said respectfully.

"Then it's really not that simple, isn't it?"

Su Lun stretched out a finger and smiled.

"Since you have to make a choice, and you can't make a choice yourself, then just leave the choice to someone else."

"what do you mean?"

Ning Xiaoya looked at Su Lun with some doubts, some anticipation, and some trepidation.


Su Lun stood up suddenly, empowered by the authority of the misty world, and an extreme majesty appeared on his body.

There was an unmistakable arrogance in his voice, which made Ning Xiaoya involuntarily stand up and bow her head respectfully:


"Here, I order you in the name of the head of the Magic Dao Library under the Lord of the Mist, and the Deputy Speaker of the Mist Council."

Su Lun's words were like a god, and they were clearly spoken from his mouth, but they sounded like they sounded in the sky, as if the Dao of Heaven came in person and issued an unquestionable order.

"Don't feel lost, this is the path I chose for you, don't feel guilty, this is my order."

"I will take all the responsibilities. What you do in the future is all from my orders, no matter who you hurt, who you offend, or any sin you commit..."

"It's all blamed on me, I'll be responsible for it, you're just simply carrying out my orders."

Afterwards, his voice softened again, and he said with a smile:

"From now on, live for yourself."

Su Lun looked at the girl in front of him.

The way he removed his troubles for Ning Xiaoya was very simple.

Responsibility grafted.

Why can the soldiers raise their butcher knives to face the same kind without any scruples? Are they all hard-hearted, murderous madmen?

No, it is not.

Soldiers are also human, with flesh and blood, and no one can kill the same kind without being indifferent.

But in fact, even a new recruit who has never killed anyone can quickly adapt to the act of killing once he enters the battlefield. Why?

Quite simply, because on the battlefield, the responsibility for the act of killing is not theirs.

At least psychologically, they don't think it's their responsibility.

Responsibility comes from the general who gave the order!

Bai Qi is known as the God of Killing, with a terrifying record of killing 400,000 Zhao troops, but could it be that he killed 400,000 people one by one?

No, it's not the hands of his soldiers, but everyone will blame him for the karma of killing 400,000 Zhao troops!

This is responsibility grafting!

Since Ning Xiaoya feels that making a choice that suits her heart will hurt others, then let her graft the responsibility of hurting people onto him!

It was actually herself who did things, but psychologically, because of Su Lun's order, Ning Xiaoya had a reason to shirk responsibility!

Yes, I did this because of the curator's orders, not because I really wanted to do it myself.

Although this is considered an escape, the saying goes well.

Escape is shameful, but useful.

"From now on, live for yourself."

Ning Xiaoya raised her head slightly and looked at the not tall man in front of her.

The words in his mouth, like an irresistible light, rushed into her heart domineeringly, but it did not make her feel any discomfort.

Her eyes gradually blurred, as if a filter had been added.

The figure that was not very tall, in her eyes at this moment, was even more stalwart than the giant who lifted the sky.

With an almost devout, pilgrimage-like attitude, Ning Xiaoya half-knelt on the ground and put her hand in front of her heart.

The gentle voice in the past was gone, but a trembling, but firm voice, said:

"Anya... as ordered!"

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