In Order To Become A Demon, I Decided To Be A Housekeeper First

Chapter 48: The Wang Family's Old Affairs, Ning Xiaoya's Closeness (Seeking A Flower Evalu

"Big, big brother, is it necessary?"

Panting to catch up with Liu Shixiao, Liu Kevin asked cautiously as he walked.

"That bastard... Wang Youqing is just a waste of a trainee magician. Although I can't compare to you, it's still very easy to deal with her."

Hearing this, Liu Shixiao stopped, so that Liu Kaiwen was caught off guard and was about to hit him.

But then with a bang, when he was about 30 centimeters away from Liu Shixiao's body, it was as if he had hit a transparent wall. He was shocked to the ground with an ouch, and his injuries were stimulated, and he rolled all over the ground in pain.

Not caring about his brother's tragic appearance, Liu Shixiao just said curiously:

"Oh? It seems that you don't know the real identity of that Miss Wang."

Then he muttered to himself:

"Yeah, I also learned about it accidentally because of this. It's not surprising that you don't know."

He turned around and stared at his younger brother, whom he had always looked down on.

Looking at Liu Kaiwen was a little creepy, Qiqi Ai Ai opened his mouth and said:

"Does Wang Youqing have any other identities besides the deceased Liuhuan father?"

He really didn't understand.

That woman, apart from being too beautiful, felt nothing special.

If it weren't for the father of Liuhuan, I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to enter Youhai High School, let alone enter the special class.

Liu Shixiao shook his head and said disappointedly, "You are really a waste."

"If you don't know the specific situation of others, it's okay to provoke them. It's not your fault, it's because the other party is really hiding."

"But you still think so after the accident, what are you holding in your head?"

"Did the 'housekeeper' you met really think he was an ordinary housekeeper just passing by as he said? "

After listening to Liu Kevin, he also felt that something was not right.

Yes, a poor young lady whose family pillar has passed away, where did such a powerful domestic servant come from?

Liu Kevin, who suddenly felt very ashamed of his IQ, shrank his head even lower, ignoring the contempt of his big brother, and hurriedly asked:

"Then who is she?"

Liu Shixiao glanced at him and sat down at random on a railing on the side of the road.

"Because the person you said was Wang Youqing's early appearance was too abrupt, I didn't think it was right, so I went to check it carefully."

"I found some clues by accident."

He took out a cigarette from the cigarette case in his pocket and put it in his mouth. A small golden flame appeared out of thin air on the cigarette and lit automatically.

Slowly exhaling the smoke ring, Liu Shixiao continued:

"A dozen years ago, one of the eight families in the Shendu, the Wang family, the direct descendant of Saint Yangming, had an incident."

Xia people are more used to calling Mr. Yang Ming a "Saint" rather than "Devil God".

Later, the word "saint" was gradually referred to as a demon.

"At that time, the eldest son of the head of the family, Wang Xuan, lost his fertility due to some things."

"Therefore, the task of producing direct descendants was handed over to the second son, Wang Yi, the concubine."

"Wang Yi gave birth to a daughter after marrying Lu Xinrong, the concubine of the Lu family."

"After a few years, I don't know why, Wang Yi suddenly fell out with the Wang family, betrayed the family, and left the south with his daughter."

Liu Kevin was a little unbelievable.

"Big brother, you mean... Wang Youqing is one of the eight families in the gods... the eldest lady of the Wang family!?"

The more he spoke, the more surprised he became, and the whole person was a little confused.

"But isn't her father called Wang Ni?"

"Is it difficult to change the name?"

Liu Shixiao glanced at his brother speechlessly, this idiot.

"The time, place, and surname are all right. You can also think it's a coincidence, do you explain the powerful butler who suddenly appeared in your mouth?"

"A young and powerful expert is willing to become her servant, why do you think it is?"

Liu Kaiwen shut up embarrassingly, but his heart shuddered.

The person who had been bullying outright before, and even almost succeeded...

The person who was ridiculed as the eldest miss turned out to be the real "eldest miss"...

"Then, this, what should I do with this?"

Liu Kevin was in a cold sweat and was frightened.

The eight families of the gods are the pinnacle forces that stand in the entire Xia Kingdom, and even the entire world. They are so terrifying that it is unimaginable. On the surface, each family has at least one Sun-level Nine Rings existence.

The strength and power are both terrifying and unimaginable. They are deeply ingrained in Xia, and they control most of the power in Xia.

Just blowing your breath can easily destroy Liu Kevin's family hundreds of times.

Moreover, it is also a very special Wang family among the eight families...

That is the ethnic group of Saint Yangming, the blood of the Demon God!

Although the Yangming sage cherished the world, he did not stick to the mere inheritance of blood, and he did not give any special treatment to the Wang family.

But that is also a true descendant of saints!

Oneself, after trying to bully a saint?

Thinking of this, Liu Kaiwen wanted to go back to the past and strangle himself to death.

Liu Shixiao snorted softly:

"You know what you're afraid of now? It's time for you to grow your brain too."

"But you don't have to worry too much. Although it is indeed the eldest lady of the Wang family, if the Wang family really supported her, they would have stood up long ago. There should be some special circumstances."

"In short, look at it for yourself. Although I will give you a one-on-one chance with Wang Youqing, you can't get carried away and really have an inseparable hatred with her."

"Of course, according to my expectations, you shouldn't have to... Forget it, it's useless to tell you this."

"I'm really looking forward to it. Are the young masters sent from the Wang family good enough to be my opponents?"

Liu Shixiao muttered to himself expectantly.



Three days later, in the misty world.

Su Lun sat on the stone chair in the courtyard, flipping through the books in his hands.

Ning Xiaoya stood behind him and gently pressed Su Lun's shoulders with her soft and delicate white hands.

She had a soft expression and focused eyes. She didn't have the impatience of doing such a thing as an eldest young lady at all, but rather enjoyed it.

Su Lun was a little uncomfortable with her hospitality at first, but now she's used to it.

People fall down really fast.

While feeling the refreshing feeling coming from his body, he thought happily.

Since he had enlightened Ning Xiaoya last time, the girl had inexplicably respected him from the bottom of her heart, and even felt a little pious as a god.

Although he didn't quite understand what happened to the other party to cause this, Su Lun was always the one who enjoyed the benefits, and there was no reason to refuse.

After all, it is really cool for a beautiful girl with a good face, good figure, good talent, good personality and gentle personality to treat you like this.

While enjoying, Su Lun opened his own system interface.

After three days of accumulation, his strength has changed with each passing day.

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