In Order To Become A Demon, I Decided To Be A Housekeeper First

Chapter 7 The Huge World, The Sign-In Function Is Unlocked (Seeking A Flower Evaluation Ticket

In addition to these, Su Lun also learned a lot of other things.

For example, the emergence of holy stars and magic power not only brought about the magic cultivation system, but also caused great changes to Blue Star itself.

For thousands of years, the Blue Star has been growing bigger and bigger every day under the miraculous influence, and now it is thousands of times its original size. All the amazing animals and plants have brought extremely exaggerated changes to the ecology of the world.

The abundance of resources has also made human beings lose their worries about the depletion of the planet. In addition, the emergence of magic has made the progress of civilization extremely fast. The existing world population has been counted, and it has been more than one trillion.

Youhai City, where Su Lun is located, has a population of more than 500 million.

This was on the earth in his previous life, but a large country can only have the population, but now only a city is enough to accommodate it.

Of course, the influence of the holy star is not all good, there are also bad sides.

The first to bear the brunt is that due to the changes in the laws of the world, the crystal wall system of the world that should have been extremely strong has been shaken, and there are often strange creatures from other worlds suddenly passing through the crystal wall system and appearing on the blue star.

There has even been a war in which the alien demon led the alien creatures to invade, causing great damage to the world.

Nowadays, the twelve devil gods live on the holy star, and a large part of the reason is to block the world crystal wall system and prevent the alien gods from watching.

The time was spent in the acquisition of knowledge, and it soon came to seven o'clock in the evening, which was Wang Youqing's school time.

Before the eldest lady came back, Su Lun had already prepared dinner, and she could enjoy it as soon as she came back.

At this time, Wang Youqing was walking home, her long smooth hair was almost waist-length, but her beautiful face was a bit cloudy.

Just now, she met someone she hates again.

Liu Kaiwen, a man who had tried to pursue her before, was rejected by her on the grounds that she wanted to concentrate on her studies, but she was still entangled. In the end, she could only report it to the teacher and let the school remember him for a small deed.

After that, the other party would always find fault with her in various ways, especially after her father passed away, it became more and more blatant.

Just now, the group of four with each other as the core publicly mocked her after school as always, and Wang Youqing also ignored her as always, but this seemed to anger the other party, and she stated that she wanted to give her a good look on the spot.

If it was before, she would not have taken this level of threat to heart at all. With her father here, and as a special student, Liu Kaiwen would not dare to touch her even if she had ten courage.

But things are different now. My father has passed away, and my backer is not there. If I fail to meet the standard in the monthly exam in a few days, my status as a special student will be withdrawn. If the other party really wants to do something, I am afraid that the school will turn a blind eye. Eye.

Wang Youqing sighed softly.

It's just that he is so unsatisfactory.

Although Liu Kaiwen has a bad personality and is narrow-minded, he is different from her. He is a genuine special student, an official mage who has shone through the spiritual universe, and his strength is far from what she can match now.

Can you only take one step at a time...

Thinking about things, I have entered the door of my own house unknowingly.

Wang Youqing quickly cleaned up her heavy heart, and put on a normal look to Su Lun, who was bowing slightly to greet her.

If you want to have the appearance of a master, you can't let him worry.

"You're back, miss."

"Well, I'm back."


"This is super delicious!!"

The girl put a piece of oily, fragrant and soft braised pork into her mouth, closed her eyes lightly, and said happily.

Seeing that Wang Youqing's satisfaction on the system has increased by another 5%, Su Lun chuckled and tore a piece of steak meat into an easy-to-eat size with both hands wearing disposable gloves, and replied:

"As long as you like it."

He estimated that, with the girl's love for food, perhaps without considering anything else, she could pile up Wang Youqing's satisfaction to 100% directly by using the food pile.

Pushing the very neat and beautiful steak torn in front of Wang Youqing, motioning for the other party to taste it.

"This one is great too! Alan, you are amazing!"

"You flatter me."

Su Lun wiped his hands with a clean towel and smiled.

The housekeeper skills are all-encompassing, and the knowledge about cooking also includes all systems of ancient and modern China and foreign countries, which makes Su Lun have no restrictions on the choice of dishes, and does not have the habit of eating Chinese food without Western food.

And the way of eating is not strict. For example, steak is a dish that requires a knife and fork according to etiquette. However, Su Lun felt that cutting with a knife would destroy the texture of the meat and affect the delicate taste, so he chose to tear it by hand to ensure its quality. Original taste.

If these western gentlemen saw this practice, they would probably yell at him, but Su Lun didn't care, this is his cooking style - freedom.

"You can be more proud... Don't look at me now, I used to be a real eldest lady, just..."

Wang Youqing was in a good mood because of the food, and talked eloquently, but paused when she said that.

"Anyway, your cooking skills are the best among the people I've ever met. You deserve any compliments!"

After speaking, Wang Youqing didn't wait for Su Lun's reply for a long time. She glanced at him strangely, and found that the other party was staring at her in a daze.

The girl looked a little inexplicable, and even blushed a little, just when she couldn't stand it and wanted to remind the other party, Su Lun finally came back to her senses.

"I'm sorry, Miss."

Hearing the other party's apologetic answer, Wang Youqing breathed a sigh of relief, and her racing heart also calmed down.

"'s fine."

Shaking her head, she hurriedly finished the meal, and the girl fled back to her room in a bit of embarrassment.

Seeing Wang Youqing leave, Su Lun hurriedly turned on the system while clearing the table.

Just now, Wang Youqing's satisfaction with him has reached 60%, and he is already ready to submit tasks.

But this is not the reason for Su Lun to be stunned. He has long decided to wait until it reaches 100% to receive a larger reward before clearing the mission.

The reason why he was suddenly stunned was because of the system prompt when his satisfaction reached 60%.

"Ding, it is detected that Wang Youqing's satisfaction has reached the pass line, and the sign-in function is unlocked"

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