In Order To Become A Demon, I Decided To Be A Housekeeper First

Chapter 85 Isn't it common sense that there are four people in the Three Kings of Youhai?

"Big news! Liu Shixiao was defeated by a mysterious young genius in the eight families of the Shendu. Liu Shixiao admitted it himself!"

"It seems that the other party is only seventeen years old, which family is the descendant of?"

"According to the grapevine, it seems to be the Wang family.

"It's terrifying, this generation's Wang family has already produced the Star Witch and that one, and there is another hidden genius, worthy of being the descendant of Saint Yangming.

"I heard that their battle ploughed the back mountain range of Youhai High School bald, is this really something that Sanhuan can do?"

"It's true... I'm a student of Youhai High School. I witnessed the whole process, which is more exciting than the movie."

"Upstairs, no one of you took a video?"

"There are shots, but I don't dare to get too close, only some scenes where the two perform large-scale magic. 55

"[Video file, click to view]"

"I Cao, 66666, awesome. 35

"This motherfucker is Ace vs Blackbeard? Why is the sky half black and half fire? 35

"Although I didn't see the specifics, I knew it was amazing when I saw this scene, and they are indeed the top geniuses of our Xia Kingdom.

"I just came back from a foreign forum, and foreigners are also very interested.

In the early morning, after Su Lun woke up, he did not get up, but held the soft body of the small crystal in one hand and the mobile phone in the other.

One of the largest forums for exchange of magical ways in the Xia Kingdom, "Shendu Night Walk", almost all the forums were discussing the fierce battle between Liu Shixiao and Su Lun yesterday.

This kind of young genius, who is almost certain to become the pillar of the country in the future, has received considerable attention.

Not to mention that this time it wasn't some small lace news, but Liu Shixiao himself admitted that he had lost to a mysterious peer.

This is almost equivalent to confirming that Xia Guo will add another nine-ring powerhouse in the future, which will have a great impact on the international situation.

After a cursory reading, Su Lun found that no one seemed to know that the mysterious genius who defeated Liu Shixiao was him.

Thinking of coming to Liu Shixiao, he should consider that it is not good to disclose his identity without his permission.

After reading the discussion on the Internet, Su Lun was about to turn off his mobile phone, but suddenly came the news of the magic goose group.

The group he currently joined is only one "You Hai Great Health Care".

Yulang Xiaoyinlong: "@Housekeeper of interest, the younger brother of the housekeeper, Liu Shixiao was beaten yesterday, have you heard?"

Jia Haiqingtian: "What's so strange about him being beaten (bbcb), stop talking nonsense, what about today's astringent pictures?"

Bliss Golden Hoop: "You can't say that, isn't the housekeeper brother having a dispute with Liu Shixiao? It's a good thing that he was beaten in our group."

Su Lun saw the three honest IDs, smiled, and typed:

Interested butler: "Well, I called it."

Yulang Xiaoyinlong: "

Jiahai Qingtian Station: ""

Bliss Golden Hoop: ""

"...Grip the grass, are you serious, butler brother."

"Who are you talking about, brother? Fuck you, it's called brother! That's right, brother housekeeper."

"I'm going to call you Mom, Master Guan! Master Guan, do you look at the picture? Look at this, this is so fierce! [Picture]]

"Hey! I have long known that Master Guan is definitely not something in the pool, otherwise how could he enter our group of immortals?"

"We, the Three Kings of Youhai, have been together since then."

"No problem, it is common sense that the Four Heavenly Kings have five people, and the Three Heavenly Kings should naturally have four people."

Su Lun looked at the three live treasures in disbelief, silently clicked and saved a very charming astringent picture posted by Jia Haiqingtian, and then typed:

"I'm afraid I won't be able to join your Three Kings. I may be going to the capital in a while."


If it goes well, he will soon return to the royal family of the God Capital together with Wang Youqing.

After all, You Hai is only a small place. For Wang Youqing and himself, a wider stage is necessary.

The eight families of the gods all have direct descendants who are not inferior to a genius like Liu Shixiao.

The world's top magic associations either have their headquarters stationed in the capital of God, or they have opened a branch in the capital of God. society"

There are also foreign genius exchange students who came to Shendu University from all over the world to study, and even geniuses from other worlds who came to study from thirteen other worlds...

Shendu is a world-class, and even a cross-world-class stage, Su Lun himself is also curious about this thousand-year-old capital.

Yulang Xiaoyinlong: "Oh, sir, do you want to come to Shendu too? That's great, I'm studying at Shendu University now, so I can come to Mianji when I have time."

Bliss Golden Hoop: "It's a pity, I didn't choose Shendu University at that time, I came to the troubled place in the United States, I regret it, I really want to go back..."

Jia Haiqingtian: "I was originally going to Shendu University, but my sister secretly changed her wishes, so I can only accompany her with Maozi, but fortunately Maomei looks good..."

"Didn't you just say that you wanted to see the Ekaterina Academy chosen by Sister Mao? Are you pretending to be your mother here?"

Su Lun was a little surprised by the educational qualifications revealed in the chat of the three live treasures.

The three were actually top students who were qualified to enter Shendu University.

However, he actually had some expectations. From the attitude of the three people when they talked about Liu Shixiao, he knew that they themselves were not simple.

Then Su Lun suddenly had a desire to complain.

...As a result, the three of you have formed a great health care provider in Youhai, known as the Three Kings of Youhai, but in fact none of them are in Youhai?

Interested butler: "Okay, if there is a chance, I would like to meet the three of you."

After typing, Su Lun quit the group chat and turned off his phone.

He gently moved the small crystal from his arms to the side with gravity, stood up and stretched.

Another new day.

Su Lun is preparing breakfast in the kitchen, Liuli is helping, Crystal is doing a disservice.

In the living room, the two eldest ladies of the Wang family had already woken up, and they were both sitting on the sofa, staring at each other in silence. The atmosphere was inexplicably strange.

Feeling a little awkward about this weird atmosphere, Wang Youqing couldn't help but say:

"Why, don't play your "Magic War" today?"

Wang Zhaoxiang shook her head, her face strange.

She just received the news on her cell phone hidden in a mysterious place.

Wang Xuan, the head of the Wang family, has already arrived at Youhai, and the plane has already landed.

At present, the mayor of Youhai City is entertaining him, and he will be here soon.

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