Chapter 139 Wang Huang split, Soaring General, Yellow King!!

Wang Xianzhi, Huang Chao Da Sheng, the imperial court failed to suppress the rebellion!

The grass army is just east of Xianshan Mountain, rampaging and rampage, gradually expanding its victories!

“Fanzhen, upward and downward effects!”

Zulong sighed faintly, it was difficult to say anything at this time. Even if the imperial court order was correct, it was extremely difficult to carry it out.

Too many maladministrations have been put on hold, and it is already a boat that has accumulated feathers, and it is difficult to recover, and the Great Tang Dynasty has decayed.

Take the response of the Yu Sect, how is it wrong to encircle the five-way festival and strangle the newborn grass army? But from the upper self-section, from the lower pawn, they have their own considerations, and they can never be twisted into a rope.

“What Your Majesty said is correct, Wang Xianzhi and Huang Chao can use the intrigue of the Tang General, toss and turn, and break each one!”

“The team is small and fine, but it has become a winning weapon.”

Wang Yi analyzed lightly. He has seen the development process of so many peasant rebel troops, there are no more than two, one is to fight steadily and build his own foundation!

The second is the style of play of rogues, coming and going like the wind, and running after fighting.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages and applicable environment, and it is undoubtedly the playing style of this rogue that applies to Huang Chao.

“Sweep the snow in front of each door, don’t care about the frost on other people’s tiles!”

“In this way, it is impossible to suppress the rebel army!”

Jia Xu stated. The respective clan towns are arrogant, and they can’t wait to drive the rebel army to other clan towns, so if this doesn’t help, they still expect them to do their best? Have one’s head in the clouds?


Liu Xiu was silent and watched the development of the situation. Wang Xianzhi, Huang Chao transferred to the Central Plains, but the Central Plains is not so good.

Especially Xingyang, Luoyang, can be described as a graveyard of the rebel army!

How many rebels broke their halberds and sank in the sand and buried here? Yellow Nest, will they be a special case?

At the beginning of the war, nothing could be known.

[In the face of Song Wei’s Pinglu army, Wang Xianzhi led the grass army to avoid reality, retreated without fighting, and traveled all the way to the Central Plains! ]

Even Xiayang Zhai, Runan, the army is directly approaching the eastern capital Luoyang!

Especially in the Battle of Runan, Wang Xianzhi led tens of thousands of grass troops 16 fiercely attacked the city, attacked Ruzhou in one fell swoop, killed the Tang general Dong Hanxun, and Liu Chengyao, the attendant of the Criminal Department, captured Ruzhou to assassinate Wang Feng, which can be described as a shock to the whole country.

You must know that Ruzhou is the gateway to Luoyang, and once Ruzhou is lost, Luoyang survives? It is based on “Luoyang was shocked, the capital was in turmoil, and the officials retreated from each other!” ”

The Chang’an court was equally terrified.

Luoyang, which was second only to Chang’an, was threatened, and Emperor Xizong hurriedly dispatched troops to protect Luoyang, with Zhaoyi Jiedu making Cao Xiang lead 5,000 horse infantry to garrison Luoyang, with the scattered cavalry constant attendant Zeng Yuanyu as the envoy, with the Shannan Dongdao Jiedu envoy, Fengning Jiedu envoy Li Kan, and Fengxiang Jiedu made Ling Hu Tao lead the army to form the Luoyang defense line.

It can be said that a net of heaven and earth has been laid to prevent Wang Xianzhi and others from attacking the eastern capital.

However, Wang Xianzhi was very clever, so he couldn’t drill such a big pit, so he immediately turned his gun and swung his division south, attacking Huainan.

All the way, it swept through six states including Luzhou and Shouzhou.

The Great Tang Imperial Court was dumbfounded, never expected Wang Xianzhi to rush forward, how can this be eliminated?

What made the central court even more angry was that those clans and towns in various places looked at each other, only taking money and not doing things, and watching the rebel army grow up.

Especially Wang Xianzhi, Huang Chao’s close comrade-in-arms, Pinglu Jiedu Envoy, Song Wei.

This cargo chased all the way from Shandong to the Central Plains, but never approached the grass army within thirty miles, wandering to see the scenery.

When he arrived in the eastern capital, looking at Zeng Yuanyu who was dumbfounded in the wind, Song Wei felt the same way, and took his hand and said homely: “Xi Pang Xun is destroyed, Kang Chengxun will be offended!” Although I am successful, what is my escape? It is better to keep a thief, unfortunately for the Son of Heaven, I will not lose my meritorious service! ”

Is this still human language? To contact again, this sentence came from the mouth of Song Wei, the commander of the Tang army, and it can be said that he laughed out of his big teeth.

If he doesn’t fight Wang Xianzhi now, when Wang Xianzhi unfortunately becomes the Son of Heaven one day, he can also be a meritorious hero, right?

Zeng Yuanyu touched it and felt that it made sense, so he led a hundred thousand Tang troops to station in the area of northern Hubei to watch the play with Song Wei.

The central imperial court was speechless, Wang Xianzhi’s grass army power was increasing day by day, and his own counterinsurgency army was standing still and helpless, how else could this be done?

In desperation, the imperial court made a big move: surrender!

It just so happened that Wang Xianzhi caught Wang Duo in Runan, don’t look at him as a big official, but his cousin is the prime minister Wang Duo!

Wang Feng, who was in Cao Ying’s heart in Han, constantly encouraged Wang Xianzhi to recruit An, and really moved Wang Xianzhi when he came and went.

In August of the third year of Qianfu, the envoys of the imperial court and the envoys of the grass army secretly communicated endlessly, and for a while they actually died down! 】

Silence, deathly silence, people of all ages grew their mouths.

How to say, there has never been a dynasty to suppress a rebellion to Heisei like this, it is simply hilarious.


Zulong snorted lightly.

Wang Wei also stroked his beard and smiled: “This Zeng Yuanyu is a solicitation envoy, Song Wei is a Pinglu Jiedu envoy, the commander of Pinglu, that’s it?” ”

With a pop, Qunchen covered his stomach with laughter. Fanzhen, fanzhen, really only takes money and does not contribute, very willful.

“Gee, unfortunately for the Son of Heaven, I am not a hero!”

Even the generals who commanded the army held this mentality, what hope did the Great Tang Dynasty have?

“Being in Cao Ying, the heart is in Han!”

Hearing this sentence, King Cao Cao of Wei was very strange, and his intuition was that this sentence seemed to be him. In a trance, he saw Cheng Yu on the side, and suddenly thought of the cause and effect.

Isn’t this what Xu Shu is talking about?

Wang Feng’s person is also really interesting, planning Wang Xianzhi to accept Zhao’an, a great achievement!

“This is really the first time.”

Li Shimin said depressedly, the peace of the imperial court was simply unbearable, and he simply stopped watching it.

“But here, this Wang Xianzhi won’t really agree, right?”

“Be the first to raise the banner of righteousness, dare to serve the world! Wouldn’t you really be confused by the sugar-coated shells of the imperial court, would you? ”

Cheng Yanjin, Wei Chigong and the others were still dumbfounded.

The situation is very good, now is not the time to chase after the victory and dominate the world? Dare to be affectionate, really want to recruit An!

The eight kings Zhang Xianzhong who moved the magic weapon were not so intimidating, and the people really couldn’t beat it before surrendering the official army.

The rest of the people who revolted, isn’t that famous, iron-claded, and stubbornly resisted to the end?

In the curiosity of everyone, the intrigue between the imperial court army and the grass army began!

[Wang Xianzhi was moved by Wang Feng’s words and wanted to recruit An to forcibly change his appearance. ] He fought all the way to Huzhou, and it happened that Shi Pei Wu was the person of Prime Minister Wang Duo, and he simply welcomed Wang Xianzhi into the city after discussion.

A miraculous phenomenon appeared in Huzhou, where the rebel army, which was an anti-thief, actually fought with the imperial court soldiers.

In the atmosphere of laughter, Wang Xianzhi happily signed the draft.

Soon the news of Wang Xianzhi’s recruitment reached Chang’an, which immediately aroused a lot of turmoil, and the imperial court was noisy and quarrelsome.

Prime Minister Wang Duo had a bright face, and naturally supported Wang Xianzhi; However, other prime ministers are firmly opposed to it, and the reason is simple.

“Xian Zhi little thief, non-Pang Xun can be compared, pardon the official, benefit the thief wind!”

Is Wang Xianzhi powerful? Powerful, but not comparable to Pang Xun, who had hundreds of thousands of troops in previous years! Pang Xun was destroyed, and Wang Xianzhi was nothing more than a grasshopper. Can’t be pardoned, pardoned and returned to the official, isn’t that the majesty of the thief?

Reasonable, well-founded, resolutely extinguished for a while the overwhelming advocate of surrender!

Emperor Xizong Li Ru appeared, and asked weakly: If you don’t surrender, how can you eliminate Wang Xianzhi?

Sure enough, the hundred officials were speechless for a while, and they couldn’t say why. After all, it is just brushing on the lips, but in fact, they can’t take Wang Xianzhi at all.

Emperor Li Ru thought about it and felt that it was more reliable to recruit An, and decided to pardon Wang Xianzhi’s sins and appoint him as the commander of the left god strategy army and supervise the imperial history!

What about this official, seven products! It can be seen that the imperial court twisted and pinched, and still did not pay much attention.

Not to mention the high-ranking official Houlu, it is simply not even a sugar-coated shell. However, Wang Xianzhi accepted it happily.

Although the official is small, he can see that the imperial court attaches great importance to him!

His Wang Xianzhi’s efforts were supported by the people, recognized by the imperial court, and valued by the emperor!

Wang Feng and Pei Wu were also very happy, after all, they had made a great achievement! This is everyone’s happiness, happy ending!

However, in the grass army, there is one person who is not happy, that is, Huang Chao!

Why? The imperial court only gave Wang Xianzhi an official, but did not mention anything about him Huang Chao? What does this imperial court mean?

Huang Chao was angry and felt a thick discomfort!

But Wang Xianzhi was so happy that he became an official, and he opened a banquet and prepared to invite everyone to eat.

Huang Chao had a seizure, he rushed into the banquet with a knife, pointed at Wang Xianzhi and scolded: “The founder swears a great oath, rampant in the world!” ”

“Why don’t you take an official to the left army alone and make more than 5,000 people return!?”

As soon as the words were spoken, the atmosphere suddenly changed, and the grass army looked at Wang Xianzhi meaningfully! Yes, I made an appointment to go to the world together, and now that you are going to become an official, what should the brothers do?

Gou rich and noble, never forgetting?

After Huang Chao finished speaking, he was even more excessive, and rushed up to punch and kick Wang Xianzhi, so that Wang Xianzhi’s head was broken and bloody, and his face was full of blood.

Wang Xianzhi was furious, wanted to fight back, looked left and right, and his heart was cold for half a beat! Huang Chao’s brothers don’t say anything, their own brothers are not good-looking.

He realized the seriousness of the matter and quickly said that he was confused and would definitely not surrender!

But the rift is deep, how can it be so easy to repair?

Wang Xianzhi and Huang Chao broke up unhappily in Huzhou and parted ways ever since! Huang Chao led a large part of the people to the east, returned to their hometown, and continued to fight in Qilu.

Wang Xianzhi led his troops to the west and attacked Jingxiang!

But in any case, a farce in Shezhou caused the grass army, which was originally in a good situation, to lose a great opportunity.

The division of itself has also greatly damaged its strength! 】

The imperial court surrendered, the rebel army surrendered, and it was a normal operation! However, the trip to Huzhou made people feel a ridiculous scene.

“Hey, this Wang Xianzhi, it’s not kind!”

“Gou Fugui, no forgetting!”

It is not only the old subordinates of the grass army who are dissatisfied in their hearts, but people of all eras are unfair about it.

They all started up and rebelled, and the leader turned into a petty official of the imperial court! And the group of people below still can’t get anything.

“What did Wang Xianzhi lose?”

“What is lost is that you can’t be royal! The leader cannot share happiness and suffering, and both prosperity and loss, so how can he afford the important position of chief? ”

Liu Xiu stated. This mistake made by Wang Xianzhi is simply not too bad.

“Well, it’s worthy of the Yellow Nest!”

“It’s a clever use of the psychology of subordinates!”

King Cao Cao of Wei sighed that this Huang Chao was really not an ordinary person. Whether it was because the imperial court did not appoint other officials, or because of the struggle to the end, a banquet was very wonderful.

Bai beat Wang Xianzhi, and also took away a considerable part of the elite, very powerful!

“Zhao’an will not end well.”

“Think about that Liangshan good man, how many can enjoy their old age after Zhao’an?”

Daming, many citizens muttered. After the Water Margin came out, the trick of the imperial court to recruit An was really deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but how difficult it was to really end well.

Once you embark on the road of rebellion, you must go all the way to the end, there is no way back!

[As soon as Huang Chao left Qilu, Shandong, and Wang Xianzhi left northern Hubei Anhui, it seemed that his strength was not damaged, but the balance had unknowingly fallen to the side of the Tang army. ]

At the beginning of the fourth year of Qianfu, two years after the army, a rebel army in western Zhejiang was extinguished by the Tang army, the leader Wang Ying was shot, and the great trouble on the side of the imperial court was eliminated.

In the same year, the glorious days of Nanzhao ended and he was climbed down by the Tang court. The general Gao Biao was transferred to Jingnan Jiedu and sat in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River.

But the most harmful thing is the departure of Lord Song Wei, a close comrade-in-arms of the grass army.

During Wang Xianzhi’s re-entry to war, he became even more tired of the continuous war, and he again meant to recruit An.

Wang Xianzhi sent his general Shang Junrang to Chang’an to ask for surrender, but as soon as Song Wei saw Shang Junrang, he immediately detained him, claiming that he had captured the key criminals of the thief army.

The eunuch Yang Daoguang was angry, obviously he had made an appointment to surrender, how did you become a prisoner?

Song Wei couldn’t argue, directly killed Shang Junrang, and there was no proof of death! You say he surrendered, for evidence, you go and ask the dead man for evidence!

Yang Daoguang was extremely angry and impeached Song Wei, but Song Wei was covered by Lu behind him, and it was a battle with the imperial court.

But Wang Xianzhi was angry and rejected the idea of Zhao’an. Shang Junjang, but his brother who first started fighting, died so unclear, how could he not be angry?

He led his troops to storm Gangneung, and the town of Gangneung was lost!

The imperial court was furious, and the hundred officials were unanimous, and all the guilt was attributed to Song Wei, and Lu Hao could not save it.

A close comrade-in-arms of the grass army, Song Wei is off the line!

Replacing Song Wei is the previous Zeng Yuanyu, the rabbit dead fox sad! When Zeng Yuanyu saw Song Wei come down, he didn’t pretend anymore, let’s fight hard!

Immediately afterwards, Zeng Yuanyu led the Tang army to fight Wang Xianzhi one after another!

In the battle of Huangmei, the Tang army beheaded tens of thousands, and Wang Xianzhi, who was bent on recruitment, finally heroed once, and fought to the point of blood drying.

Wang Xianzhi one, a big collapse!

The rest of the troops, led by Shang Rang, marched east without stopping, and did not stop for a moment to join the Yellow Nest.

The rebel army reunited again, and everyone elected Huang Chao as the master!

Huang Chao called the Yellow King, also known as the Soaring General, changed to Yuan: Wang Ba!

However, Wang Xianzhi’s death is an indisputable fact. The grass army has been hit hard, and the yellow nest is already in danger! 】

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