[Before I was executed, I developed a controlled nuclear fusion device, can I exempt the death penalty?] 】

“Oh, what to say, my dear academician.”

“From today onwards, your name is Li Si, and the original Zhang San is dead.”

“The father of nuclear fusion, in order to avoid enemy detection, painstakingly studied controlled nuclear fusion in prison for many years, and today he declared success, which is an inspirational example and is going to be a textbook.”



Look around the dark, cold, depressing cell.

Lin Xueming, who was lying on the hard wooden bed, sighed helplessly:

“Hey… It’s really impermanent, I didn’t expect that what happened in the original post really happened to me. ”

This is the case, this scene

Lin Xueming couldn’t help but think of the past a few years ago.

In his first year of high school, he awakened to the “scientific research system”

There is a huge amount of advanced scientific knowledge in the system.

Covering mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography… and many other disciplines.

Controlled nuclear fusion……… Lithography machine……… International Space Station……… Electromagnetic cannon ……… In short, the future of human science and technology is all available.

Since then, Lin Xueming has begun to absorb the scientific knowledge in the system.

His first exposure to controlled nuclear fusion technology was a joke on the Internet that ‘Can the death penalty be exempted from developing controlled nuclear fusion?’

At that time, the post below could be lively, and thousands of netizens followed the comments, full of respect for controlled nuclear fusion.

Since then, Lin Xueming has also known that the controlled nuclear fusion value of his research is very high!


What Lin Xueming never expected was that what had been described in that post had come true to him.

He really got into the game, not a death sentence, but a desperate ten-year sentence.

“No… No way! My ten years of youth can’t just be wasted here! ”

Lin Xueming sat up from the bed with a carp upright.

He quickly picked up a pamphlet on the law at the head of his bed.

Turn to the section related to the commutation of sentence.

Where there is any of the following major meritorious performances, the sentence shall be commuted:

(1) There are inventions or major technological innovations.

(2) Have other major contributions to the country and society.


Lin Xueming looked at these two provisions that could reduce his sentence.

His eyes were full of hope, “The controlled nuclear fusion technology I studied should be regarded as a major invention.” ”

Lin Xueming slowly closed the book, and there were words in his mouth:

“Since I’m in prison, I’ll see if controlled fusion can reduce my sentence.”

Lin Xueming immediately decided to use the controlled nuclear fusion technology he had studied over the years to help him reduce his sentence, and even… Leave the prison.

There is a decision in mind.

Lin Xueming did not delay for a moment and immediately took action.

He reached out and pressed the bell in his cell.

After a few minutes, a prison guard walked up to his door.

The visitor’s name was Li Zhuo, a police officer in charge of guarding Lin Xueming.

“Lin Xueming, do you have anything to do?” Constable Li Zhuo asked.

He was still deeply impressed by the handsome and sunny big boy in front of him.

After reading Lin Xueming’s case, he regretted that Lin Xueming, who was still in college, had such a serious case, and this life was ruined.

“Officer Lee, I would like to apply to write some scientific papers.”

Hearing Lin Xueming say this, Li Zhuo was shocked.

“Ahhh… Do you want to write scientific articles?”

No wonder Li Zhuo was so surprised, he had read Lin Xueming’s information and knew that Lin Xueming was only a specialist student.

For a specialist student with a low amount of knowledge, it is undoubtedly a fool’s dream to write a valuable scientific research article.

Lin Xueming understood Officer Li’s doubts, and he really only went to one specialty.

When he first took the college entrance examination, he was too obsessed with breaking through a technology in controlled nuclear fusion, resulting in missing the comprehensive examination.

In the end, he approached the full score in Chinese, mathematics and English, and the strange score of zero points in science and comprehensive science, and he liked to mention a junior college.

All kinds of unreliable behaviors in the past

I still feel a little sad when I think about it.

Lin Xueming nodded and said, ”

“Yes, I want to try my luck, maybe if I’m lucky enough to write some valuable paper, then I can reduce my sentence and go out early.”

“All right!”

Although Li Zhuo is not optimistic about Lin Xueming, there are regulations in the prison that all prisoners who want to make scientific creations will be approved by the green light, and the prison should provide help within its capabilities.

Li Zhuo took an application form and handed it to Lin Xueming and said:

“You strictly follow the above requirements and write down your personal information and what you need for scientific research and creation.”


Lin Xueming took the list and carefully filled in the required equipment items.

Then it was handed over to Li Zhuo.

Li Zhuo looked at the items in the list and said, “I will help you implement it and come to pick you up tomorrow morning.” ”


It was late at night.

One prisoner after another was asleep.

Lin Xueming lay on the bed, looking at the moonlight shooting in from the window, without the slightest sleepiness.

He recalled his mentor Li Wenji.

That is, the culprit who framed him and imprisoned.

Lin Xueming really did not expect that Li Wenji, who looked polite and polite, had a good wind evaluation.

It would be for a scientific research result.

Extremely despicable means of framing.

At first, Lin Xueming accidentally left a copy of his scientific research results in the office of his mentor Li Wenji.

After Li Wenji found out, he was ecstatic like a pie in the sky, and he did not expect that the student he brought with him was still such a scientific research genius.

He secretly took away the scientific research results and appropriated them for himself, and then reported them to the state for merit and wealth gains.

In order to prevent Lin Xueming from reporting, he also filed a complaint first and reported Lin Xueming stealing state secrets with his backhand.

In this way, Lin Xueming was arrested, convicted of the crime, and sentenced to ten years in prison.

Lin Xueming clenched his teeth and clenched his fists.

“Waiting for me to go out, I will definitely expose your shameless side and let you get the punishment you deserve!”


ps: At this point a future billionaire has thrown flowers into this book!

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