Chapter Sixty-Eight The First Program of the Spring Festival Gala, Dragon Kingdom, Announces Entering the Second Level State of Combat Readiness!!

hour hand lock,

The time came to eight o’clock on time.

The countdown on the screen is gone,

Everyone in front of the screen held their breath and waited for the picture to appear.


The picture broadcast by the bib was pitch black, and no picture appeared.

Seeing this scene,

The audience was dumbfounded.

“Sleeper, is my phone broken?” I couldn’t see anything. ”

“It’s not that your phone is broken, and I can’t see anything on my phone.”

“Oh, there’s a problem with the bib, I can’t see the picture.”

“Bib, you’re Nai, I’ve been waiting here all night, and you’ve got me a black screen?!”

Countless people were in a hurry, angrily cursing their necks.

They originally wanted to see the picture in the video for the first time, but the bib made such a show.

By this time the press conference had already begun, and they couldn’t see anything.

Someone quickly asked in the barrage: “Brothers, where can I still watch the press conference?” Tell me quickly, I’m dying! ”

A kind person floated the screen said: “Basically most of the platform websites have fallen, it seems that the comma can still be watched.” ”

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s mood of sinking down was instantly clear.

“Go for a walk, go make a sound!”

Then hundreds of thousands, millions… People quickly poured into the Douyin live broadcast room.

Suddenly, click! Click!

The picture that was still being broadcast normally in the comma live broadcast room suddenly went black.

The number of influxes in a short period of time is too much, directly exceeding the carrying capacity of the comma server,

So the broadcast screen directly exploded.

The comma staff always pays attention to the live broadcast situation, and also understands the origin of the matter for the first time, and immediately released the news.

[Netizens pay attention to the rank 857 order, do not blindly follow others in a flock, jumping back and forth between various platforms. 】

[Comma little assistant, it is recommended that you use TV to watch the conference and reduce the stuttering of the live broadcast platform.] 】

See the official assistant prompt for the comma.

Some netizens were directly angry.

“Hey, where do I go to find the TV to watch, my TV is already broken, put it there as a decoration.”

“Served, a bunch of junk websites, so much traffic can’t stand it.”

“Indeed, I know that designing gifts, letting Internet celebrities play pk circle money, and the server is a mess.”

“No, can you do a good job, I really want to smash your tease!”

It’s not that bibs, commas and other website technology garbage, but they have never picked up such a large amount of traffic,

Take the most trafficking comma.

Usually, tens of millions of people enter a day, and they are entered at different times, so the server can fully withstand it.

But this time is different, the country warms up,

It completely aroused the curiosity of the 1.4 billion people of the Dragon Kingdom.

Basically everyone will watch this conference, and many people open their mobile phones to watch for convenience, so a large number of users are pouring into various platforms.

For a time, the entire network platform fell.

At this point,

The headquarters of this big platform of the bib neck is going crazy.

The bell rings non-stop,

Countless whistleblowing calls came in,

The operator was busy for a while and didn’t know which one to pick up.

A huge order of magnitude of users are stuck in the live broadcast room of the [conference]. The boss of the neck personally sits in command,

He urged, “Quick, enable me to use the standby server, today, even if the 1.4 billion Dragon Nation people come in, our server will have to withstand it.” ”

The same is true of comma, where platforms know it’s a great time to compete for user traffic.

They have started backup servers, hoping to use a good experience to retain this huge number of users.

And on the other side,

The picture on the TV is still going on.

An intellectually majestic woman walked onto the stage.

A lot of people recognize it as soon as they see it.

She is the spokesperson for the Ministry of Information of Dragon Country.

The spokesman stood on the stage, not in a hurry, and said very kindly: “It seems that the warm-up of our conference is a success. ”

“Just now, I received a backstage message, saying that netizens are too enthusiastic, a large number of users gathered, and basically all broadcast platforms have a black screen.”

“They waited so hard, so let’s wait a few minutes together and then share today’s big event together.”

The spokesman came up with a word for the public’s consideration, and five minutes passed in an instant of good feelings.

The servers of the platform, such as the comma and the bib, were finally connected, and the broadcast finally came out of the picture.

“Here it comes!”

“There’s a picture!”

“Ah, the official is actually waiting for us, and the whole thing is moved to tears.”

“Yeah, it’s so heartwarming, I thought we’d miss a lot of content when we came in.”

The spokesman laughed and said, “Well, several major platforms can already see the picture.” ”

“We continue,”

“Good morning, dear friends of the audience!”

“It’s January 16, 2023, 8:10 a.m.”

“Welcome to this significant press conference.”

“I believe many netizens are very curious about what the official said about the big event?”

“Then I’ll get straight to the point.”

The speaker paused.

“A few days ago, an official paper order called a halt to the Spring Festival Gala program.”

“The Spring Festival Gala program is an important part of our cultural content and will naturally not be canceled.”

“And what I am saying here is: the Spring Festival Gala in 2023 will be run by the state itself!” Time starts now until the end of Chinese New Year’s Eve night! ”


The news was like a hurricane sweeping through people’s skirts.

“I guessed it, sure enough… Sure enough, it is related to the Spring Festival Gala! ”

“Spring Festival Gala for so many days? 16-21, a total of six days! ”

“Although it is undertaken by the state, it is not so fanfare, I really can’t understand what tricks can be played by the Spring Festival Gala program?”

“Yes, although I believe in the country, but the literary and artistic things must be professionally done!”

People don’t understand! What can the state perform when it hosts the Spring Festival Gala?

It will not be like the agricultural channel, or the economic channel to explain some aspects of people’s livelihood, so that although close to the people’s livelihood, but in terms of popularity, the reputation will really collapse.

When everyone is confused and even thinks that this conference is a big deal and a bit of an excitement.

The press spokesman said: “Next enter the first program of the Spring Festival Gala. ”

“We have invited our troop leaders to play.”

The crowd watched closely.

A majestic soldier in military uniform walked up to the stage.

Many people noticed his ‘shining’ feats.

“One star, two stars…… Maa, so many, this big guy identity……”

Those who understand have been shocked.

I saw the officer standing on the stage, a pair of sharp eyes looking straight ahead, and his solemn voice spread through the microphone to the whole country.

“On behalf of the military department, I officially announce it.”

“Immediately, the Dragon Kingdom has officially entered the second-level combat readiness!”


The words of the second-level combat readiness state suddenly bombarded people’s hearts and haunted their hearts.

Everyone subconsciously realized that these words were not ordinary, but what they represented was not clear.

Some people quickly picked up their mobile phones,

Starting to enter the browser, what does it mean that Qiandu Dragon Kingdom has entered a second-level combat readiness state?

What does that really mean?! soon

Chito’s entry comes into view.

When a country declares that it has entered a second-level state of readiness, it can only be said that the situation of the country in some respects is already in a special state.

The country already faces a huge threat in terms of technology, military or economy.

In this state, troops at all levels will be fully prepared for war, for example, the tanks, artillery, and missiles stored in the arsenal will be pulled out for full deployment, the opportunity to fill up with fuel and sufficient weapons will be summoned at any time, and the navy’s surface warships and submarines will also depart from the home port to perform combat readiness patrols and monitoring and reconnaissance tasks.

As for the military personnel, the relevant mobilization preparations are carried out simultaneously, as long as the superior orders are issued, each unit will enter the designated area at the first time and respond to various dangerous situations at any time.

Even if the situation is serious, it will be equivalent to a first-level combat readiness situation

Veterans will say “If there is a war, it will be called back!” ”

Keep in mind that for the soldiers, from the moment they first step into the army, they will always be soldiers.

In this period of combat readiness in the Dragon Kingdom, most of the soldiers who still have combat capabilities in our country will be recalled by the army if needed, and continue to join the army after completing the recovery training, in case of emergency.

If this is done, the Dragon Kingdom will have a super army of tens of millions.

And the state of readiness is not just about to start a war.

When major natural and man-made disasters such as floods, tsunamis, volcanoes and so on appear.

The Dragon Kingdom still entered a corresponding state of combat readiness according to the situation, and did its best to protect the lives and property of the people.

After watching the explanation of the second-level combat readiness state of the Dragon Kingdom that came out of Qiandu, the audience was completely dumbfounded.

This……… Does this have any connection?

After the Spring Festival, perform a Spring Festival Gala to be included in the national second-level combat readiness state? As Qiandu Li said,

Although the current international situation is not optimistic, there is no sign of a major war! As for the natural disasters mentioned above, there is none.

Recently there have been no floods, no hailstorms, droughts or anything in the country.

But why did the Dragon Kingdom declare it to be in a second-level combat readiness?! Audience,

Originally Mongolian,

After watching the press conference this time, I was even more confused.

When the crowd was in a state of great confusion,

The lens of National No. 1 Satellite TV has crossed thousands of mountains and rivers to a frontier location in the ice and snow of the northwest region of Long.

Over there

Several simple huts stand.

In front of the cottage,

A hard rod straight into the skyline is erected.

A bright red flag fluttered with the cold wind.

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