Chapter 0094 – Abyss Golem! A tsundere baby! Hug! The hug you want is coming!!


At the moment when this skyscraper was crushed, the whole city felt a strong tremor.

With skyscrapers as the center, the area within a radius of several kilometers is like a nuclear explosion, in the wind of madness and destruction, windows are shattered, cars are overturned, and countless pedestrians are blown away.

Endless dust rushed up and quickly spread throughout the city in the direction of the air.

All this happened too quickly.

By the time the survivors reacted, it was too late.

The area affected by the explosion has been razed to the ground, like the ruins of war, and the eyes are full of devastation.

The countless dust floating in the air, under the continuous washing of the rain, took nearly ten minutes to disappear.

When a large number of rescue vehicles arrived at the scene.

When people’s vision becomes clear.

I only saw a mysterious black stone statue standing on the foundation of the destroyed skyscraper.

It may not be appropriate to describe it as a stone statue.

But humans really can’t imagine what kind of material it is made of, but the surface color looks like solid rock, so it is called a stone statue.

This black stone statue, about ten meters high, is covered with black lines.

If you look closely, it looks like the shape of a human face, and it looks like an aggregate of multiple faces.

Anyone who sees it for the first time will feel a strange feeling.

At the scene, someone withstood the vast rain and took out a long-range lamp to illuminate the surface of the stone statue, and a surprising scene happened.

“Fear of light, it hurts!”

As if it were alive, the stone statue was covered with a large number of lines trembling, and then there was a whisper similar to that of a human child.

“What is this thing, it can even speak?”

“It reminds me of those giant stone statues on Easter Island, this guy wouldn’t be from there!”

“Monster, this must be a monster!”


In the crowd, some were surprised, some panicked, and some were extremely excited.

Probably in the face of unknown things, human beings only have two emotions: fear 1. and curiosity.

Driven by curiosity, more and more crowds gathered on the spot.

In addition to a large number of medical staff, many people are family members of the injured, as well as stupid and ignorant people, who just can’t help their inner curiosity and rush to the scene from nearby.

In addition to the above people, there are also some media reporters and photographers who are frantically capturing the scene.

And when the long-range lamp falls on the surface of the stone statue, the stone statue speaks.

People knowingly banned all lights on the scene.

After all, this stone statue is full of weirdness, and no one knows if it will suddenly explode in the next second.

But it’s strange.

Under this confrontation, for half an hour, the stone statue no longer reacted.

It seems to have become an ordinary sculpture, standing on the ruins of destruction.

“Would you like to get closer and take a look?” Take clearer pictures so you can sell for a good price!! ”

“Now, any kind of new monster can attract the attention of the world, anyway, humans now have the power to defeat monsters, let’s go over and take a look!”

“Are you crazy? Don’t die! The ruin-like scene in this neighborhood may have been caused by this stone statue! ”


People talk about it.

Finally, a few bold photographers, ignoring the dissuasion of others, found an opportunity to break through the police cordon and came to the inner area near the stone statue.

At this time, even if people want to stop it, it is too late.

Including the police who maintained order at the scene, everyone couldn’t help but poke their curious eyes over, wanting to see what would happen to the few people who approached the stone statue rashly.

Under the gaze of everyone, the distance between these people and the stone statue was still fifty meters.

After making sure that the stone statue did not react at all, they shortened the distance to forty meters, and in this way, the distance was reduced little by little.

Until there were only ten meters left, the stone statue suddenly spoke, and this voice was like thunder, which made the few people closest to it almost lose their souls.

“Oh! Sleepy, sleep! ”

The stone statue said lazily.

Then, it fell silent again.


Hearing these five words, after these people reacted, black lines could not help but appear on their faces.

Is this stone statue so naughty?

It feels like you’re facing a living human being.

It can’t be someone’s prank, right?

Several people couldn’t help but have such thoughts in their hearts.

Then, they looked at each other and saw each other’s thoughts in each other’s eyes, that is, move on!

“Come back soon!”

“Danger, hurry up!”

Behind him, someone shouted anxiously.

Ambulances and sirens, all around.

But these people ignored it.

If someone was close enough to them, they would find that the eyes of these people had become completely dark at some point.

They shielded all perceptions of the outside world, and all their minds were attracted by this black stone statue, and under the traction of an inexplicable force, they gradually entered the abyss.

Seven meters!

Six meters! Four meters!…… One meter—

When the last distance also disappeared, several people were too close to the stone statue.

In the stunned eyes of many people, at this moment, they actually stretched out their hands and touched the bottom of the huge stone statue.

“Oh! Comfortable! Tickle! ”

“Like a human voice, it emanates from inside the stone statue again.”

“Hug! Hug! ”

The emotion contained in this voice seems to be coquettish.

Stone? Coquetry?

This made the faces of many people standing in the distance become strange.

However, there was no time for them to think.

In the next second, the stone statue spoke again.

“Hmph! Who isn’t a baby yet! ”

This can no longer be described as coquettish, more specifically, it should be tsundere If described by a specific meme, it should be like this: o o(^^).

“Hug! Hug! ”

The stone statue said.

Although these people have tried their best to embrace it.

But because its own size is too small compared to the stone statue, it is not so much a hug as a few reptiles attached to the surface of the stone statue.

The hug was never met, which made the stone statue angry.

It said extremely anthropomorphically: “Hmph! I’m angry! ”

“Ate you!”

And then……

The stone statue suddenly opened its mouth, like a Pac-Man, and directly swallowed several people into its body.

“Hug! Hug! ”

The stone statue made a human voice from its mouth, and then, in a jumping posture, rushed towards the distant crowd.




The sudden change caused widespread panic among the crowd.

People fled in a hurry, and the scene became extremely chaotic.

However, the speed of human running is comparable to the speed of the stone statue jumping.

In just a few steps, the stone statue smashed into the middle of the crowd.

“Hug! Hug! ”

The stone statue roared Dao Tron…


I don’t know how long it took, when I was in line of sight, I couldn’t see a person anymore

The stone statue stopped in place and made a strange sound similar to swallowing saliva

Then, it completely fell into stillness.

On the Internet, the image and video materials transmitted from the scene are spreading wildly.

Many people are afraid of the inexplicable power displayed by this monster, but they also have enigmatic confidence.

“What is it? Talking Pac-Man? ”

“Gag! That sentence who is not a tsundere baby simply disgusted me to death! ”

“It’s a little cute! I want to ask a question, is this stone monster suitable for steaming or braised or stir-frying, cold mix? ”

“I feel that the braised braised is more delicious, so hurry up and collect this stone monster personally!” Hehe! How about more monsters come, how many we kill! ”

When the world has the power to fight monsters, the world no longer has a strong fear of monsters.

Because in their eyes, monsters are not unsolvable and have ways to defeat them.

As everyone knows, in fact, they do not despise the qualifications of monsters, because it is not they who hold the power.

At a time when ordinary people are blindly confident.

The real upper echelons of this world, but the atmosphere is somewhat dignified, and even this solemnity is mixed with a trace of fear.

Of course, this fear is not because of the Abyss Golem itself, but 443 is the appearance of the Abyss Golem, the meaning behind it.

This means that the weird source exists, and he can already create A-class monsters.

In other words, that existence, his power broke through again!

How long did it take from the very beginning of the E-level monster to the current A-level monster? That’s just over a month.

Such an amazing speed only makes people feel that their scalp is numb…

“Abyss Golem! This monster has appeared! The power of our Song family’s bloodborne curse has no effect on it at all, even if I go, I can’t escape the fate of being devoured in one gulp!” ”

In the Song family compound, Lao Zu’s tone was a little heavy.

Song Rongmin had woken up a long time ago and was standing beside him respectfully at this moment.

Hearing these words, Song Rongmin couldn’t help but feel puzzled: “Old ancestor, forgive your grandson’s puzzlement, even if it is as strong as you, is it not the opponent of that monster?” ”

“The video of the scene, Sun Er also watched, that monster seems to be a little ordinary except for its strange devouring ability!”

Song Rongmin said honestly.

“It’s enough to have the ability to devour! Because that monster has rare immunity, most of the rules of this world and the power of the elements have no effect on it! The only thing that can kill this monster is time! ”

“Immunity rules and elemental powers? Even if our Song family’s cursed space is completely immune? ”

Song Rongmin was surprised.


The old man smiled bitterly, and he nodded silently, which was regarded as an acknowledgement.

“Then in this world, is there a bloodborne curse involving time?”

Song Rongmin asked curiously.

“Yes, yes! However, that person does not exist in this world with the power of the family, even in the eyes of the major bloodborne cursed families, this person is extremely mysterious, and it is difficult for anyone to find her traces! ”

“Or whether she exists in this world or not, it’s a matter of two things!”

The old man’s tone revealed deep jealousy.

Then, he ignored his grandson’s next question and returned to the room alone.


In South Rhoda.

The city where the Abyss Golem appeared.

After the destruction of the stone statue, it fell into a long silence.

Despite this, no one dared to approach it again.

With it as the center, a radius of one kilometer has a rare vacuum area.

Both vehicles and pedestrians are detouring.

At the moment, in the southern side of the city, Hodgson is accompanying one of his female friends.

To say that it is a female friend is really just a friend.

At his level, he has already lost interest in women.

Women, probably only ordinary people would be interested, right?

For Hodgson, this kind of soul communication is much more interesting than physical collisions.

In front of him, this ordinary looking young girl who was a writer by profession aroused Hodgson’s great interest.

That’s why he came to the city specifically.

It’s just a coincidence that soon after he arrived in the city, the monster appeared

The moment the monster appeared, it caused a violent explosion, because he was far away, so it was not affected.

Even if a full hour has passed since the incident, he can sit leisurely in the café and discuss some humanities and social science topics with the girl.

“Today’s exchange was very pleasant, David Frank is also a mystery fiction writer that I like very much, I hope your future achievements can be not inferior to him!”

Inside the café, Hodgson already had the idea of leaving, he spoke.

“Thank you! You haven’t told me about my profession yet, it feels like a learned gentleman, with great humor! ”

The girl is a little reluctant.

“What about this? Keep it secret first, you’ll find out later! ”

Hodgson smiled mysteriously.

He couldn’t tell the girl that he was the heir to the great Kington family and had powerful Bloodborne Curse powers.

In this way, there is no need to play, after all, the gap between each other is too big.

“Alright! Hope to get along a little longer next time! In addition, the city is a little unsafe, I have plans to leave the city, do you have any places to recommend to me? ”

The girl said.

When she says insecurity, she naturally refers to those monsters that appear frequently.

“Sinis City!”

Hodgson hesitated a little before answering, this is the closest city to his home.

“Okay, I remembered!”

Seeing that Hodgson had gotten up, the girl also stood up politely: “Then! Good bye! As well as good morning, good afternoon, and good night! ”


Hodgson smiled, then turned and left here…

Come outside.

Hodgson took out his mobile phone, and several news items popped up on it, mostly related to the stone statue incident.

After carefully browsing a piece of news, Hodgson whispered: “Last time, after devouring that monster, my cursed mask also increased its strength to a certain extent, this kind of delicacy sent to the door, you can’t miss it!” ”

After that, Hodgson confidently rushed towards the place where the monster was.

Unfortunately, his father Thorpe Sr. is falling into a deep sleep because of the power of the Bloodborne Curse.

Otherwise, he must have warned his son to stay away from this monster at the first time of the incident and not to try to confront it.

But unfortunately, this opportunity is no longer available! Soon after, Hodgson came to the statue.

Although, the large number of strange patterns carved on the stone statue made him feel uncomfortable.

But he imitated the tone of the stone statue and said to the stone statue vividly: Hug! The hug you want is here!

After that, Hodgson put on his cursed mask and wanted to kill the monster in the same way.

At this time, the stone statue responded.

Its tone seemed to be very confused: “Hug? ”

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