The relationship has not been determined yet! How to respond!
The current situation is that there is already a lot of trouble on the Internet, but one of the two parties in reality ignores it, and the other… is isolated from the world!
However, this alone obviously cannot satisfy the curiosity of netizens.
Not long after, under the initial exposure post, attentive netizens finally discovered it. A comment came to the top, directly occupying the top of the list, and the number of likes directly exceeded millions.
“Thank you for the invitation, one graduate from Longke University in two years, Longke University does not have an undergraduate degree, please don’t be deceived by the majority of netizens!
And the replies to this comment are even more numerous.
“Isn’t that saying that? The male protagonist’s post was made up? In fact, it’s just for grandstanding?”
“The words upstairs are bad. My home is right next to Longke University. The background of the photo is indeed Longke University. I can see the artificial lake at a glance.
“Is it possible, what is this so-called Tang Zhenli a liar????”
“Proclaiming to be a sophomore student at Longke? Even a liar has to do his homework!”
“Did you lie to Sister Tianxian? It’s really abominable! ! ! ”
“The goddess is so pure
“Official Zhou to explain! @Tiguo Academy of Sciences”
Afterwards, netizens seemed to have discovered a new world, and one after another, Aitelong University of Science and Technology officially came out to explain, “Someone pretended to be your student to cheat money and cheat, and still haven’t come out to take care of it? @龙国科大学大学”
“Dragon University of Science and Technology came out to be beaten! @龙国科技大学”
“It turns out that the final bss is Longke University! (dog head) @龙国科大学”
For a while, a group of netizens seemed to recognize Tang Zhenli as a scumbag who cheated money and sex, and asked Longke University to come out and explain it clearly and maintain justice!
Under the excitement of the crowd, the administrator of the official account of Longke UniversityHe didn’t dare to be neglected, and after layers of reports, this matter ended up on Fu Zhiyuan’s head.
I saw Fu Zhiyuan at this time, sitting at his desk, holding the ins and outs of the incident reported by his subordinates in his right hand, and watching intently.
Especially after seeing the photos of Wu Shaoying and Tang Zhenli, he couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows, and a strange smile appeared on his face, he said to himself.
Mouth “Is this really in love? Or a big star? An old classmate?”
I didn’t expect that a scientific research madman like Tang Zhenli would have the day when he was criticized for falling in love?
Thinking of this, no matter how calm he was, he couldn’t help but secretly laugh in his heart.
Then, Fu Zhiyuan picked up the phone and dialed the account administrator who reported earlier…
Not long after, Longke University released an announcement on the official account of each platform.
Under the guidance of Fu Zhiyuan, the announcement gave some hints without revealing Tang Zhenli’s identity.
“Recently, a group of netizens have objections to our school. Now I want to clarify that Longke University did set up an undergraduate department during last year’s fall enrollment, but this is just an example, and it does not mean that it will officially start recruiting undergraduates in the future. Finally, I would like to thank the netizens for their attention to the announcement of the University of Longguo Academy of Sciences during this period of time!”
As soon as this announcement came out, it immediately sparked a heated discussion. It turns out that Longke University really recruited undergraduates last year, or it was a special recruit. In this way, what Tang Zhenli said is also based on…
However, Tang Zhenli was not mentioned between the lines in Long Ke’s big words, which made many netizens have some incomprehensible meaning.
But in any case, the authenticity of the original post that revealed Tang Zhenli’s identity is very large,
If so,
Doesn’t this mean that…. Sister Tianxian is really in love? ? ? ?
Moreover, it is also possible that he was deceived by a scumbag… No way? ? ? ?
Immediately, the trend on the Internet changed. After going back and forth, the attention of netizens returned to Wu Shaoying, one of the parties! In particular, the emotions of the dead fat house were even more intense, and they ran to Wu Shaoying’s scarf to leave messages.
‘Goddess don’t fall in love! ’
‘Sister Tianxian is waiting for me to marry you, don’t believe that scumbag! ’
Of course, there are also some female netizens who are convinced by Tang Zhenli’s good looks, and they have already begun to understand the fact that the master has not even admitted it.
Boldly send your congratulations!
What’s ‘two golden boys and girls are born to be a pair, when will it be your turn to oppose’ or something like that, … ask for flowers….
People have to sigh, the network world is huge, although there are no wonders.
But there is one thing in common, that is, beauty is justice!
As the saying goes, as long as you look good, the three senses will follow the five senses!
Jinling Bieyuan,
Sister Xia and the assistant brought Ye Yingxin back from the performance outside when they saw Wu Shao who was sitting on the sofa watching TV with a natural expression.
Immediately, Sister Xia frowned, and then she muttered for a while, with a hint of helplessness on her face,
“I’m yo, my little aunt, you have such a big heart, you can still relax!”
Unexpectedly, Wu Shaoying just glanced at her lightly, then turned her head away.
“Yingying, don’t you really want to respond? As long as you respond, I will immediately start the public relations plan. Hundreds of thousands of people are invited to do it!” .00
Sister Xia tilted her head and stared at Wu Shaoying dazedly, as if she wanted to see what she was thinking from her expression. “Don’t respond, this is getting worse and worse
There was a trace of thought on Wu Shaoying’s face, then she lowered her head and said after thinking for a while.
I have just found a way to get along with Tang Zhenli, and I am still a thousand miles away from becoming a lover! Immediately, he whispered in a low voice with a little bit of resentment.
“The relationship has not been determined yet! How to respond!”
Sister Xia and the little assistant could not help but roll their eyes slightly when they heard the words, feeling a little speechless in their hearts.
Having said all that, this is what this eldest lady has been thinking about? ? ?
This is not on the point at all, the focus is obviously skewed, right?
Sister Xia and the assistant looked at Wu Shaoying, whose expression returned to calm, and there was a strange feeling in their hearts.
And the state of the group at this time corresponds to the old saying that the emperor is not in a hurry for the eunuch…
Ye Yingxin on the side was slightly trembling with an unnatural look on her face.
Seeing Wu Shaoying’s state at this time, her heart only felt more and more anxious.
I couldn’t help but let out a long sigh, feeling a little powerless in my heart,
What can I do to save you, my idol! ….Long.

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