Learning is Endless, Science is Endless

Longguo Academy of Sciences University,
Commonly known as Longke University, it is a university that has only been established in recent decades.
Of course, the background is not as good as Huaqing University and Kyoto University, which have a history of more than 100 years.
However, as an affiliated university of Longguo Academy of Sciences, its academic level and faculty have developed rapidly in the decades since its establishment.
Up to now, it is also one of the top ten universities in Longguo.
You must know that Long University of Science and Technology does not have an undergraduate school, so it is entirely dependent on the graduate school for selection.
It is conceivable that some of the hard core strengths of Longke University!
Dragon University of Science and Technology is located in Zhongguan Village of Yandu, not only Dragon University, but also the headquarters of Kyoto University and Huaqing University.
And most of the other famous schools in Longguo gather here, so Zhongguan Village is also known as the university town of Yandu.
It is even rude to say that many famous top universities in the whole dragon country basically set up their headquarters here!
In the small Zhongguan Village, I don’t know how many well-known big figures have emerged from it!
At this moment, a black Audi car slowly drove to the gate of Longke University.
The security guard at the door recognized at a glance that this was the car of the President of Longke University, and hurriedly raised the limit bar to let it go.
Then the car slowly drove into the huge campus.
inside the car,
Fu Zhiyuan’s face was full of spring breeze, and he smiled like a cunning old fox. Obviously, he was able to pull Tang Zhenli into Longke University, which made him feel very good.
“Xiao Tang, familiarize yourself with the environment on campus!”
Tang Zhenli nodded when he heard the words, tilted his head slightly, and looked at the campus environment of Longke University.
In fact, as a top-ranked university in Longguo, even though Longke University has only a graduate school, its campus environment is not much better than Kyoto University and Huaqing University.
Not only does it cover a wide area, but the layout is also perfect.
After all, it is a top university. When we designed the campus, we hired the top designers from the Dragon Kingdom at that time!
even carBefore driving on the side of a clear artificial lake, the willow branches hanging down by the lake were blown by the breeze, and a romantic beauty came directly.
You must know that this is the capital of Yan, an inch of land and gold, so it is self-evident that the area of ​​an artificial lake means.
Wait until the car slowly stops in front of an apartment building.
Fu Zhiyuan directly pulled Tang Zhenli to point to the apartment that did not look like a student dormitory, and said in a gentle tone,
“Xiao Tang, you will live here in the future!”
Tang Zhenli was stunned for a moment, looking at the number plate under the apartment, it was clearly where the teacher lived.
“Yes, since you are the first specially recruited undergraduate student of Longke University, your status is relatively special, so I have arranged a teacher’s apartment for you, and your situation is not suitable for you to be placed in the dormitory.”
Fu Zhiyuan looked at Tang Zhenli’s wink, and his heart moved, and he explained it. Tang Zhenli pondered for a while, and nodded lightly.
After that, Fu Zhiyuan directly handed him a campus card and continued,
“This campus card allows you to enter and exit all places in Dragon University!”
You must know that Long University of Science and Technology is a high-level scientific research university in the Long Kingdom, and the research institutes in some departments are secret.
For teachers, there are still places where Longke University cannot enter or leave, let alone students.
It can be said that one hand can count all the institutes at Longke University who can enter and leave at will.
But Fu Zhiyuan was still not stingy at all, which undoubtedly gave Tang Zhenli great trust and attention.
Tang Zhenli took the campus card, glanced slightly, and then nodded.
I saw some basic information written on his campus card at the same time.
【Name: Tang Zhenli】
【School: Longguo Academy of Sciences University】
【Age: 21st grade freshman (001) of Dragon University of Science and Technology】
【Professional: None】
When he saw the major, Tang Zhenli raised his brows. Before he came, he was still thinking about what major he should choose.
Unexpectedly, the direct campus card will be ready.
And Fu Zhiyuan is obviously also a master of observing words and feelings. He knew at a glance the surprise in Tang Zhenli’s heart, and continued to solve his doubts.
“You are very special, and there are no restrictions on you. What knowledge you want to learn in the future is up to your own will! This is probably the reason why you still choose to enter the school.”
This is also impossible. With Tang Zhenli’s achievements, even in Longke University, no teacher can teach him.
And Fu Zhiyuan also thought about it seriously, Tang Zhenli chose to enter the school again, there is only one reason, that is, Tang Zhenli is still going to settle down.
Since Tang Zhenli’s ideals have settled down, it is naturally impossible to put Tang Zhenli in teaching. All respect for Tang Zhenli’s autonomy may be the real reason.
Tang Zhenli nodded, very satisfied with this arrangement.
“Okay, Xiao Tang, I won’t bother you for now. You get used to campus life and come to me anytime if you have any questions!”
Afterwards, Fu Zhiyuan stopped talking and said goodbye to Tang Zhenli.
When the black Austrian DI car slowly drove away, Tang Zhenli looked up at the teacher’s apartment.
Immediately, he moved his footsteps and stepped in!
After spending the first night at Longke University, Tang Zhenli got up early the next morning, stood on the balcony, and watched the students come and go in front of him, all with thick study materials in his hands.
Tang Zhenli felt that the environment was completely different from that of the Shanghai Vocational College. The learning atmosphere of Longke University was much stronger than that of the Shanghai Vocational College.
After everything was over, Tang Zhenli poured himself a glass of water, quietly looked at the artificial lake, and watched the students coming and going, showing a faint smile.
The sea reaches the boundless sky as the shore, the mountain climbs to the top man-made peak…
He has always believed this, and he has always thought that he was climbing a mountain.
Life is very short, and there are too many unknowns. He wants to interpret these unknowns and go to the top of the mountain to see the scenery on the top of the mountain.
But, learning is endless, and science is endless. On the road of science, if he wants to get to the top of the mountain, he must put in more effort than others.
This is the reason why he chose to go back to school again and put himself in the right position again.
With thoughts, Tang Zhenli pondered for a while, took out his mobile phone,
Looking at the pitch-black screen, Tang Zhenli was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that he had turned off his phone the day the controllable nuclear fusion device was ignited.
I didn’t expect it to take so long to remember.
Tang Zhenli shook his head with a laugh, and then long-pressed the power button.
Soon the screen lit up, and there was electricity. …
But as soon as the phone was turned on, Tang Zhenli saw several missed calls.
“Wu Shaoying, why are you looking for me?”
Looking at the date, the last call was from yesterday afternoon.
Tang Zhenli thought for a while, and then said to himself.
However, out of courtesy, he still called back……
Emgrand International Hotel,
Every time they go back to Yandu, Wu Shaoying and the other three habitually book a suite in this hotel.
After all, it is one of the four little Huadans, so there must be some platoons.
Presidential Suite,
“Yingying, what do you think of this sunscreen?”
where? Let me see.
At this moment, Wu Shaoying was sitting on the sofa with her legs curled up in a relaxed posture, her straight and slender white thighs were completely reduced to cushions at this moment.
Hearing the girl on the side speak, her body straightened up immediately, and her little head leaned over by herself.
The girl on the side is called Wu Qiudie, and she looks very beautiful.It was Wu Shaoying’s friends and friends who met when he was filming the first scene of his life, and the coincidences in the next few scenes led to their close relationship.
In a year’s time, the two of them have become close friends who can talk about everything.
Moreover, Wu Qiudie is also a student of the Dragon Country Academy of Drama, even two years older than Wu Shaoying. Logically, Wu Shaoying is also called Sister Wu Qiudie Yisheng.
So this also strengthened the friendship between the two.
Just as the two were discussing various skin care products enthusiastically, Wu Shaoying’s cell phone rang suddenly.
The three characters of Tang Zhenli on the screen made Wu Shaoying’s heart tighten slightly, and then a look of joy appeared on her face.
For a while, she didn’t care to explain to Wu Qiudie, and hurriedly walked to the side.

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