Soon after, Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu arrived in the city.

Then at the designated location, Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu got on the plane and flew towards the space launch base.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the two arrived at the location smoothly.

After arriving at his destination, Liu Cong ran straight to the factory without resting.

He knew that Mr. Zheng must still be discussing research and development matters with a group of people at this time.

Sure enough, after entering, I heard Mr. Zheng loudly discussing the engine problem of the interstellar mining vehicle.

"Is this how you make parts for me?"

"Is this how your teacher taught you how to make molds?" Mr. Zheng puffed his beard and glared angrily.

At this time, a young man in the crowd slowly raised his hand.

"Mr. Zheng, this is what our teacher teaches!"

This sentence completely ignited Mr. Zheng, "Who taught you this? Who asked him to teach you this!"

"If he really taught you this, his professor wouldn't have to do it. Just go to the factory and drive screws."

After saying these words, Mr. Zheng walked back and forth next to the mold machine with his hands on his hips.

Then he looked at these dozen or twenty young people and shook his head helplessly.

"Forget it, you are so young, it is already very good to be able to do this. It is my expectations of you that are too high."

"But I have no choice. You must know that you have a mission, and you must not be careless during the experiment."

"You represent a group, not individuals. If a part in the engine goes wrong, the consequences will not be something you or I can bear."

Although Mr. Zheng looked at these young people and couldn't bear to reprimand them, in the face of scientific research, everyone is equal. Just because you are a young person and you make mistakes, you cannot not be exempted from responsibility.

After everyone heard Mr. Zheng say this, they all lowered their heads.

"Okay, okay, we can't make this mistake again next time."

"If you don't understand anything, you can ask me. I know I will teach you." Mr. Zheng said solemnly.

After listening, everyone nodded unanimously.

"Do you remember the knowledge I just mentioned?"

"I don't want these discarded materials. You can re-select the materials and process them. Show me the processed materials."

Seeing that everyone was still silent, Mr. Zheng said again: "What are you still doing? Why don't you go to work quickly?"

When everyone saw Mr. Zheng's stern face, they immediately became honest and did not dare to show any signs of neglect. They all returned to their jobs.

At this time, someone in the crowd called out to Academician Liu.

Then all eyes turned towards Liu Cong, and everyone saw Liu Cong taking the initiative to say hello.

Everyone's greetings also attracted Mr. Zheng's attention. Mr. Zheng also greeted Liu Cong enthusiastically when he saw him coming.

"Academician Liu, you are back."

With that said, Mr. Zheng came directly to Liu Cong's side.

"Is everything done?"

"Yes, Mr. Zheng, it's all done!" Liu Cong said with a smile.

"The reason why I didn't come back yesterday is because I got up this morning to do something very important. Do you want to listen to me?"

Liu Cong didn't want to hide this matter from Mr. Zheng. Liu Cong would still rely on Mr. Zheng in the future.

Therefore, Mr. Zheng has the right to know as soon as possible.

Mr. Zheng thought for a while and then said, "Is it something very important?"

Liu Cong nodded, "Of course."

"Okay, then you tell me and I listen."

Mr. Zheng was also curious about what Liu Cong would say next.

"Okay, then I'll say it."

"Mr. Zheng, it's like this."

"I allocated a piece of land this morning, about 40 kilometers long, and I plan to build several more aviation bases on this land."

"This request has been sent to the top and will be approved soon."

"The reason is that I want to develop starships and a fleet of starships."

"Because my next plan is to immigrate. As you know, Mr. Zheng, if our Blue Star continues to develop like this, the energy and environmental problems will become more and more serious. In addition, with the increasing population, people's living comfort will also increase." It will go down.”

"The most important reason is that the sun is getting bigger all the time. It is still a yellow giant, but according to my estimation, in the next ten thousand years, there will be huge changes inside the sun, and it will expand and develop in an abnormal way. , then the temperature of Blue Star will get higher and higher, and humans will not be able to survive here." Liu Cong said.

Regarding what Liu Cong said, Mr. Xia only listened to the first half.

Mr. Zheng knew the second half.

"You mean you want to develop an interstellar spacecraft and lead the Chinese people into space to find a new environment to live in?" Mr. Zheng asked.

"Yes, that's what I planned. Before that, my plan had already been announced."

"The purpose of telling you this is that I hope you can help me again when the time comes. You also know that China is too short of talents in this field."

"If you ask me to cultivate it now, even if I can't cultivate it, I can only trouble you!"

Liu Cong's eyes were full of apology.

He knew how difficult this request was for an old man.

Mr. Zheng is already old and the high-intensity work every day has made Mr. Zheng mentally and physically exhausted.

However, Liu Cong had no choice. It was very difficult for Liu Cong to complete such a project alone. He now needed a bright light to illuminate the dark road ahead, and this person was Mr. Zheng.

"Hi! Academician Liu, what are you talking about?"

"It's no trouble. As long as you think this old man is still useful, you can do whatever you want."

"As scientific researchers, there is nothing to do if we don't do scientific research. We eat the country's food and serve the people and the motherland."

"Academician Liu, I agree,"

"After the mission here is completed, I will go with you to the new aviation base to conduct a new round of research and development." Mr. Zheng said decisively.

Liu Cong was very moved when he saw Mr. Zheng's determination in front of him.

"Mr. Zheng, Liu Cong is here to thank you!" Liu Cong said sincerely.

"Thank you for what you said, I still want to thank you."

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to develop a seventh-generation fighter engine. I guess I'm still worried about developing a sixth-generation fighter at this time."

"Your appearance has saved me so much time, I should thank you!"

When Liu Cong saw Mr. Zheng like this, he suddenly didn't know what to say.

Seeing this, Liu Cong had no choice but to say: "Mr. Zheng, no one of us should be polite to anyone else."

"Welcome to join our new group!"

Liu Cong extended his right hand to Mr. Zheng in a friendly manner, and Mr. Zheng quickly took it: "Academician Liu, I look forward to working with you in the future!"

"I'm looking forward to it too!" Liu Cong said with a smile.



A month later, the space launch base.

At this time, Liu Cong was standing in the cold wind wearing the big cotton-padded jacket he wore last year, with white hot breath exhaling from his mouth from time to time.

"Academician Liu, are you nervous now?"

Academician Zhang Bin on the side looked at Liu Cong who curled up his hands in the sleeves of his cotton-padded jacket and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"You must be nervous!"

"This is the first time that the interstellar mining vehicle engine has been tested. It would be false to say that I am not nervous. If this fails, all our research results for several months will be in vain!"

"It's you, aren't you nervous?" Liu Cong asked.

"Of course I'm nervous. Some of the procedures here were done by me personally. If there were any mistakes in this procedure because of me, I won't spare myself." Academician Zhang said resolutely.

After hearing what Academician Zhang said, Liu Cong smiled and shook his head, "No, I believe you."

As he spoke, Liu Cong shifted his gaze to the huge engine in the center of the square.

At this time, the engine's side panels are all fixed with the best special materials, and the bottom of the frame has been reinforced layer by layer, making it look much stronger than the foundation.

Because of the experience of the last engine test failure, Mr. Zheng did not dare to make any mistakes this time.

There is a reactor next to the aerospace engine of the interstellar mining vehicle. This reactor is controlled nuclear fusion.

This engine uses the huge energy generated by the controllable nuclear fusion reaction as power and then runs.

Ten meters away from Liu Cong,

Mr. Zheng stood there very seriously holding a walkie-talkie.

The cold wind blew Mr. Zheng's hair. Even though it was very cold, Mr. Zheng remained motionless, still staring at the aerospace engine in front of him that was about to be tested.

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