In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 71 Everyone Is Entitled To Know The Truth!

"Today we will make the truth of the world public!! Let people all over the world know what kind of danger humanity is about to face, but the World Government bastards will not let us do what we want and will definitely stop us!! Tell me, are you afraid!!"

Morgans' voice was extremely persuasive. Going against the World Government was something that no media dared to think about or do. Even if the boss had this idea, the employees under him would not be able to execute it, and they might even directly report their own president.

But the group of people under Morgans had been completely brainwashed by Morgans. Now in their eyes, there was no World Government, only the lofty ideals that Morgans had instilled in them for more than a decade.

"Don't be afraid!!!"

"Don't be afraid!! For the ideal!! Oli Ge!!"

"Life is precious!! Love is more precious!! If it's for the ideal, both can be thrown away!!"

The roar like a volcanic eruption continued to sound in the news agency, like a mountain torrent collapse, unstoppable.

Morgans showed a smug look, looking at the open door of the conference room in front of him and behind him, his eyes were burning, as if he was putting something in advance.

"This guy is good." Mihawk leaned on the sofa, his pale yellow eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the group of fanatical news members, and said in amazement.


Rayleigh, with a head full of silver hair, held his worn-out iron wine bottle in his hand, smiled, and then drank a sip of Lin Ming's wine.

"Of course, Morgans has been the leader of the news industry for many years, although his strength is very poor."

"But when it comes to bewitching people and inciting emotions, he is a good hand. I have to say that the adults have a good vision."

Ever since Mo Yi left that day, Rayleigh was disturbed by his words, so after sending his two old friends to the doctor, he followed Mihawk to the news agency.

On the one hand, it is convenient to get the latest news about the Protoss, and on the other hand, it can also protect Morgans, the silly goose.

Gently shaking the wine glass in his hand, the light red wine swayed in the glass, Mihawk looked at the wine in his hand with a bit of confusion.

"Humph! It's just something that can't be put on the table. Only strength is the root of everything~! Jumping clown."

In the words, the disdain for Morgans' behavior was not concealed.

Rayleigh put the wine glass on the table, and the two hands overlapped together. The eyes hidden under the lenses showed a bit of brilliance, and the eyes looking at Mihawk were even more playful.

This look made Mihawk feel uncomfortable all over his body.

"Am I wrong?" Mihawk also drank the red wine in the glass casually and looked into Rayleigh's eyes.

"Hehe~ Why do you think that master would take in the clown you mentioned?"

"This!" Mihawk was speechless for a moment. He wanted to say that it was because Morgans could convey the information that the master wanted to convey at the fastest speed.

But since Rayleigh could ask him such a question, it means that everything is definitely not as simple as he thought.

Mihawk is a smart man. Smart people have one thing in common, that is, they will never easily express their opinions on issues they don't understand.

So, he didn't talk to him, but put on an attitude of "you say, I listen", raised his chin slightly, and the arrogance in his eyebrows also subsided a little.

In the eyes of others, he is the world's number one swordsman (predecessor), but in front of Pluton Rayleigh, he is just a junior with good strength.

"Everyone in this world has their own unique talent. Some people know they can become swordsmen the moment they hold a sword, and some people think of the boundless future when they go out to sea.

"Some people are born to be kings, some become bandits, some are unattainable, and some are as humble as dust. Mihawk, you have a terrible swordsmanship talent, but..."

"If your vision can only see such a one-sided scene, then your swordsmanship will stop here. "

At this point, Rayleigh paused slightly, his mouth curled up, but his tone was extremely serious.

"Everyone in the world has their own talents, but only those who can discover the talents of others and can perfectly control them can be called the 'king'"

"In your eyes, Morgans is useless, but in the hands of the king, he has things that we can't do, so..." Rayleigh tapped his forehead with his finger.

Looking directly at Mihawk's figure, he said slowly.

"The gap between us and him is not only strength, but also a gap that is difficult to cross!"

Mihawk was silent. He had never escaped the swordsman's eyes and seen all this, but at this moment, under Rayleigh's reminder, it was as if he suddenly realized it, and the terrifying sword energy on his body, which was like a sharp blade, began to gradually disappear.

If the previous Mihawk is a sharp sword, so at this moment he is a famous sword in the sheath.

Although the sword is sharp, it is easy to break if it is too hard. Although the famous sword is not sharp, once the sword is out of the sheath, it will kill people and drink blood without turning back.

"Thank you~" Mihawk closed his eyes and felt the changes in his body at this moment. He could feel that his sword will began to undergo a transformation.

"Before that terrifying race wakes up, we must become stronger quickly. I am old, and the world will be ruled by you young people next."

Rayleigh did not doubt Mo Yi's words at all. That terrifying race that was above the emperor level when it was only an adult, and that "heaven" that ruled over hundreds of races in the world, all of this was too shocking.

But since it was said by that person, even if it was incredible.

Then it must be....

It is true...


Morgans on the podium shouted angrily.

"Integrate all the resources of all branches and use all machines to start printing unified news."

"The title of the news is..."

"The legend is revived, the warning of the most ancient king Gilgamesh!!"

"The nightmare of the ancient times, the gods are about to revive, the great crisis of the world!!"

"Ridiculous World government!!! The false gate of justice was blown up by the main move!!!"

"Distribute these news in full!! And..."

A ferocious look appeared on Morgans' face, and a few crazy flashes flashed in his eyes, and his sharp beak opened slightly uncontrollably.

It is obviously an albatross, but his whole body exudes the momentum of an eagle.

The silly goose in Mo Yi's eyes exudes unparalleled ruthlessness.

At this moment, the demeanor of Morgans, the giant of the dark world, is undoubtedly revealed, and every word will completely stir up this seemingly peaceful world

Let Mihawk and Rayleigh in the office look sideways.

"All the following news will be free. Let the news bird throw the newspaper directly to all parts of the world. I want the whole world to know what will happen next within one day!!!!"

In an instant.

The whole news was silent. Even if a needle dropped, it could be heard clearly.

Such a realization...

It was like burning the boats. Even with the financial resources of the World Economic Society, it would be a huge expense to release news to the whole world.

"Ahhh!!!! Master Morgans!!!"

"So dazzling!! Is this the glory of a big man!!!"

"No rest today!! We must make the news~!!!"

Everyone was like chicken blood, roaring wildly, and the fanatical atmosphere continued to spread in the news agency.

Morgans showed a half-smile.

To be able to reach this position today, Morgans himself is a very smart person, in a news newspaper that is like a river of crucian carp.

He can firmly occupy the leading position, and the difficulty of it cannot be told to outsiders.

Although he seems to be stupid and silly, he actually has a very smart mind.

Since he has decided to become the king's subordinate, he will spare no effort to complete the king's tasks, even at the cost of his most important money, to let the king see his value.

There is an invisible scale in his heart. All along, the World government has been suppressing everything on the scale, but with the appearance of Mo Yi.

The scale began to tilt continuously, and finally completely fell under Mo Yi's command.

Whether it is the God Clan or the Hades Clan, Morgans was sensitive to the fact that this world that has been quiet for hundreds of years will usher in a storm that will overturn the world.

In this storm, all forces are like a sailing ship. "Only the most powerful sailing ship has a chance to survive in this storm.

And Mo Yi, who survived the big wave eight hundred years ago, is the well-deserved 'Noah's Ark' in the storm!!

"Ha ha ha ha!!! World government go to hell!! Five Elders go to hell too!!! Let you see the power of news!!!!"

New World...

Whitebeard fleet area...

Edward, who is as big as a hill, exudes a terrifying aura, sitting on a huge chair, with infusion tubes all over his body.

Holding a huge wine bowl in his hand, he poured the wine in the bowl into his mouth frantically.

"Gulala!!!! The wine from my hometown tastes the best!!!"

Edward laughed heartily, ignoring the complaining eyes of the large group of doctors behind him.

"Dad, you should listen to Sister Linda and drink less. "

The captain of the first team, Marco, sat opposite Edward with a helpless look on his face and shrugged his shoulders. Although he knew that he had no way to convince this stubborn old man, he still couldn't help but nag a few words.

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