
This is the same as the ability of Sugar in the Don Quixote family. They are all fruits with terrifying power but side effects.

This made Sean secretly feel sorry. It was too useless for him. This was simply a fruit that turned himself into a puppet.

Although Sean liked to bully his subordinates, he didn't want them to sacrifice their own thoughts and become slaves to the fruit.

Therefore, this Candice can be slaughtered. However, although he was not sure that the other party would speak the truth, he still had to ask this person what his purpose was in coming to Sky Island.

He didn't believe that the World Government didn't know the existence of Sky Island, so he was very curious why they let a piece of historical text stay on Jaya Island.

So Sean modified his language and asked:"Then what does your Lord Candice want to do by being sent to Sky Island by the World Government?"

Sure enough, after hearing this, Candice was angry:"What nonsense are you talking about? I am the one who was sent here, and Lord Candice will not be inferior to others."

"Really? I don't believe it."Sean looked at him with a questioning look on his face:"Unless you tell me why you came here?"

Candice became his slave. He was not stupid, but in order to maintain the dignity of"Candice", he could only confess.

"Humph! Just let me go to Jaya Island and monitor who will see that historical text, and then report it."

Hearing this, Sean frowned, wondering what the purpose of the World Government was.

First of all, this historical text can be taken away with the power of the World Government, but the purpose of leaving it here must be about the content above.

Then, Sean flipped through the comics that only he could see, and suddenly he was enlightened.

The historical text recorded the location of the Sea King, but Sean understood that the ancient weapon"Sea King" did not refer to an object, but to the mermaid who inherited the power of"Sea King"!

This is something that the World Government cannot kill completely, so it is estimated that they want to use this fishing method to fish out every Sea King?

Regardless of whether the guess is right or not, there is a direction anyway, the direction that the World Government is afraid of.

Just tell Yixiao to take care of Mermaid Island quietly.

And Candice saw that Sean was actually in a daze after he finished speaking, and suddenly felt a little furious.

He shouted angrily:"The masked one! How dare you be distracted and disrespectful to Lord Candice, aren't you afraid of being punished? Lord Candice is omnipotent!!!"

Sean looked at the man on the stage speechlessly. Although his ability was very buggy to ordinary people, in Sean's opinion, he was so weak that he could kill him without even using his hands. The reason why

Sean went out to sea so late was because he was afraid of encountering these strange and weird abilities, which were very scary.

He ignored Candice, turned his head and looked at Yixiao, pointed at the stage and said:"See, don't eat the fruit carelessly, otherwise you see that person, he is schizophrenic, so scary"

"I know, I won't make such a low-level mistake." He smiled and nodded seriously.

But Candice on the stage was very angry, and he turned around and started playing his summer bar music without saying anything.

The ear-piercing music sounded, and Sean and the others heard anger from the sound.

Sure enough, when they looked at the other residents, they all had red eyes and were panting, and their chests rose and fell with their rapid breathing.

At this time, Candice's voice rang out:"These aliens have blasphemed Lord Candice, and now Lord Candice is very angry!!!"

A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the residents below, who were already enduring the anger in their hearts, shouted angrily when they heard the words.

"Kill them! Lord Candice is the greatest!"

"That’s right, only Lady Candice can make us happy!"

"We will never allow anyone who has challenged our king to survive to exist in this world!"


Candice smiled complacently. He would not rush forward to fight with the other party. Candice was submissive, but he was not stupid. He did not believe that the person who could crack his ability would be weak. He wanted to let the cannon fodder test the other party's strength.

Unfortunately, his wish was unfulfilled this time, and his idea was also seen through by Sean.

"Hey, why bother? Can't you just take the consequences yourself?" As soon as the words fell, a scarlet light flashed in Sean's eyes, and a breathtaking aura burst out from his body.

It was like a substantial aura, carrying a gust of wind, sweeping in all directions until it enveloped the entire island.

Candice on the stage woke up in an instant, shaking his body, and his forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat.

He knew that he had kicked the iron plate. This man was not someone he could deal with. He had to escape! Even if he didn't want that thing anymore, he had to escape! He immediately roared at the top of his lungs:"Hurry up, Lord Candice asked you to kill these guys quickly and calm Lord Candice's anger!"

But these residents suddenly shuddered, and the instinct of thinking over the past few years made them want to step forward and launch an attack.

But their bodies were out of their control, and one by one, the residents were like Candice, with trembling legs and sweat even soaking the clothes on their backs.

When the residents in the front took the first step despite their fear, they stumbled and fell, and then the people behind them fell down in groups like wheat being cut.

They were also powerless, and the fear in their bodies prevented them from taking another step forward.

This was also Sean controlling his domineering power, otherwise these people would not be able to open their eyes at all, and even if they did, they would only foam at the mouth and roll their eyes.

He wanted these residents to see clearly the final outcome of Candice.

Looking at Candice who had just turned around and wanted to run on the stage, Sean said faintly:"Did your Lord Candice allow you to escape?��"

After hearing these words that sounded like the death god of the Netherworld, Candice's body immediately froze.

He cursed these people in his heart for being useless, as they couldn't even block a single blow, but he could only slowly turn around and force a smile.

After he ate this fruit, he enjoyed the pleasure of supreme power on this island, which made him unwilling to die. He just wanted to live well. At worst, he could move to another island and continue to be a local tyrant.

So Candice said in a very fawning way,"Your Excellency is joking. Facing a strong man like you, how can Candice be called an Excellency?"

"But I have done some research in recent years, so why not let me present it to you? Is that okay with you?"

Sean looked at the other person with a playful look on his face:"You, want to buy your life?"

…… ps: I feel the performance of the book is getting worse and worse recently. This is my first time writing, and the rhythm is not well controlled, but I will finish it and it will not end badly. As long as you are still reading, please be patient or save it. I bought a new coding tool, which will arrive in a few days, probably next weekend. Starting from next weekend, I will learn to be a tentacle monster! The kind of resignation.

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