
After hearing this, Sean understood. As for what Robin said about the Celestial Dragons, they would not be too presumptuous.

That was easy to understand. A rotten system was one thing, and it was not a big problem that they had no brains.

But the people above them had brains, even if they might be worse than the Four Emperors individually.

But they were definitely top powerhouses at the same level. In the original book, how many Celestial Dragons would provoke those top pirates?

There weren't any, and besides, Tesoro's country was just for the sake of making money, so the service must be top-notch.

For various reasons, it was not surprising that he had a good reputation among the Celestial Dragons. After all, people without some capital would be embarrassed to visit him.

So Sean continued to ask,"What about Yixiao? How is he now, and what about Wano Country???"

"Mr. Yixiao, he is living a good life, but he is also troubled by his fame."

"Too famous?"

"Yeah, he……"

Before Robin finished speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by a commotion. The two looked in the direction of the sound.

"Ah...it's King Cobra. Is there anything he wants from us?"

"I don't know, maybe he came to see Mr. Crocodile? But Mr. Crocodile is not here."

"No, King Cobra is going to attend the World Conference. He is probably just passing by."


As expected, the two saw King Cobra and his daughter Princess Vivi, who were accompanied by a group of guards.

It seemed that his popularity was really high, and he was already deeply loved by the people before being fooled by Crocodile.

But I heard from people nearby that Crocodile didn't seem to be there?

King Cobra on the other side also saw Sean, and hurriedly walked up to him enthusiastically and said to himself:

"Are you Lieutenant General Sean? Are you here to pick me up? I'm so sorry to bother you."

"Oh, by the way, this is my daughter Vivi, Vivi, come and say hello to Vice Admiral Sean, after all, he has come specially to pick us up." Then he pointed to the ten-year-old little loli Vivi beside him.

(Vivi at this time was ten years old, and she was only 16 when she met Luffy and the others. To be honest, I was also confused.)

Vivi really lived up to her status as a princess. At a young age, she greeted gracefully:"Mr. Vice Admiral, I am sorry to bother you on the escort."

Sean just said hello woodenly:"Hello, you guys.You're welcome."

He never thought that he left Clo at the port just because he didn't want to get involved.

In fact, for the escort mission, even if he knew the other party, he still had to go through some cumbersome procedures. This was one of the important reasons why Sean sneaked out alone. It was also a headache to meet such an old and unrepaired king. Although he had a good impression of the king, it did not prevent Sean from disliking him.

So he could only bite the bullet and said far-fetchedly:"Why don't we get on my warship first and then talk. I don't have all kinds of documents and materials with me."

"Is that so? That's fine. Actually, I don't mind. It's just that my lieutenant of the guard is more cautious."King Cobra shrugged and looked at the man in the green cloak beside him.

Gaka said seriously:"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, this is all for your safety."

Then he looked at Sean:"Lieutenant General Sean, for the safety of our king, please take us to the port to complete the handover."

Sean knew this Gaka. He was another person with the ability to eat the dog fruit, but he was a weak one.

Looking at the dark guards behind him, he was also a little confused. Why don't you have such heavy suspicions about Crocodile.

Instead, you have doubts about me, the legitimate and direct navy vice admiral. It would be strange if you were not usurped.

But you don't hit a smiling person, so he smiled and said:"Okay, then everyone come with me. My lieutenant is also at the port."

Then, Sean looked in the direction of Robin, and saw that Robin's face had changed for some reason, becoming more ordinary.

If it weren't for the fact that his clothes and hairstyle hadn't changed, he would have really thought that he had left. He had to sigh that Robin's talent was really good. He had just said casually that he could try to develop his disguise skills.

He didn't expect that he could really do it. He immediately stopped talking and led everyone back.

Robin also followed behind him. Although it was a bit strange, King Cobra and others didn't say anything.

Princess Vivi on the side looked at Robin and Sean curiously, or to be more precise, at Sean.

As a princess of a country, of course she had to keep up with current affairs, so she was also very familiar with all kinds of news on the sea.

Now Sean's name is well-known, and the G5 branch is now known as the navy with an iron wall. base.

No pirate dared to go to that sea area, because usually they would not have a good ending.

It is said that his subordinate Crow is also one of the current supernovas of the navy. He schemed against various pirates and put them in jail.

He probably contributed to the current balance of power among the four emperors of the New World, right?

What the little girl didn't know was that with or without Crow, the New World would still be divided into four parts this year.

It's just that Crow sped up a little bit for revenge, but the difference is not big, and the fight between pirates is inevitable.

Crow is just going with the flow. As for Crow's name, it was also blown up by some failed and unwilling pirates.

It's because they don't want to lose too badly, and the most important thing is to resonate with other pirates, and then attack and kill this despicable villain.


Just like that, the group soon came to the vicinity of the warships in the port, and then saw a scene that made them look a little strange.

It was a man wearing a suit, glasses, and a big backcombed hair. He should have been dressed elegantly, but he was drawing and playing among a group of Kung Fu manatees, looking like a mentally retarded graffiti.

Yes, he was holding a black big-headed pen and helping the Kung Fu manatees draw suits for them. He was the 'Bai Ji' Cloe that Vivi was just a little curious about.

He didn't think about the fact that these Kung Fu manatees would be discolored by the sea water after going into the sea.

Looking at the operation of this cerebral thrombosis, Sean's scalp was numb. How could this thing be compared with Ben Beckman!

So he hurriedly stepped forward and slapped Cloe on the forehead, and asked in a low voice under Cloe's resentful eyes:"You shameless thing, what are you doing here!"


"I'm asking why you're painting suits for these Kung Fu dugongs!!!"

"Because they also want to wear my suit."

Sean's forehead was bulging with veins, and he gritted his teeth and said,"I'll give you a chance to reorganize your words."

Seeing that the stingy boss seemed to be about to lose his temper, he didn't dare to be naughty, so he had to say resentfully,"It's all because of you.…"


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