

Seeing Cloe squatting and choking on his throat, Sean felt relieved. It was fun to tease Cloe.

Only in this way could Sean feel superior. After all, Cloe was a highly intelligent person. Wouldn't it mean that he was smarter if he was teased by him?

"All right, if you can't vomit it out, get up quickly and bring Robin and Cobra here."

Kro was about to respond when suddenly a surge of power in his body made him move, and his skin began to turn red.

The red skin gradually grew red hair, mixed with some black lines. As his body swayed, the black lines swayed, as if unreal.

Sean squinted and looked at it. The lines that looked like tiger stripes turned out to be wind!

After a moment, Kro finally completed the transformation.

He was a red-haired, black-striped creature about six meters tall at the shoulder, a bit like a dog and a bit like a tiger.

The black vertical pupils exuded Looking at the sharp edge, this is not an illusion, there is really wind in his eyes, and his limbs are also wrapped with black swaying wind, but the magical thing is that these wind-like patterns do not bring up a ripple.

The sharp teeth and slender claws all tell of the power of this fruit!

Sean actually had a vague guess a long time ago that the reason why the fruits of the mythical beasts are rarer than the natural ones is that they can not only enhance themselves.

They even have strong elemental abilities, such as Sengoku's shock wave, Kaido's spit joy and flame cloud, Marco's healing blue flame, etc.

It seems that the special ability of the sickle weasel form is wind. Looking at the sharp claws, Sean knew that this fruit is suitable for Clo.

At the same time, he also vaguely expected what the other fruit would be.

At this time, Clo finally spoke:"Sean, I feel really powerful now. I can even use the wind to take me flying."

Boom— and what responded to Cloe was a force of gravity that instantly pinned him to the ground, unable to move.

Sean said unhappily:"You can't go to the deck to transform, luckily you are not a monster, otherwise my office would have been destroyed by you!"

"Also, you are very weak now. Others can transform into human-animal forms, but what about you? You are just a fool! Hurry up and transform back and call Robin and the others over."


But after waiting for a while, Cloe, who had transformed back into human form, showed no intention of moving.

"Go away, why are you lying here like a corpse?"

Cloe said awkwardly,"I can't get up, can you retract your ability?"

Sean was confused. He used to punish Cloe in this way, but it only lasted for a while, and Cloe would be able to stand up after getting used to it.

So he looked at him in disbelief:"Are you weaker after eating the devil fruit? Weren't you able to stand up by yourself before?"

Hearing this and seeing Sean's expression that didn't seem to be false, Cloe was immediately ashamed and angry. It wasn't very harmful, but it was extremely insulting. Thank you, I was offended.

But he still said,"No, you're using more strength than before!" The heart that had just swelled a little was completely extinguished, and he didn't dare to pretend anymore.

Sean slapped his forehead and said with sudden realization,"I see, it should be that I have become stronger again!"

"Alas, you are too weak. I will give you more practice when you go back, otherwise you will be embarrassed. I guess you are the weakest user of the Mythical Beast Devil Fruit now~"

Hearing Sean sighing and saying the cruel fact that he was weak, Clo was also a little sad and angry.

He left the office without saying a word, thinking to himself that he must impress the other party.

I! Clo, can also be very powerful~


Soon, Chloe came to the office with the confused Cobra and his daughter and the disguised Robin.

When Cobra and Vivi just sat down, Sean almost jumped up with one sentence.

"Um, King Cobra, you have the inheritance of 'Pluto', right?"

Cobra had thought of many reasons why the lieutenant general called him before he came in, but he didn't expect that this man would talk about such a terrible topic. He subconsciously took Weiwei's hand and kept looking at the door.

Although he didn't know where the other party heard the news from, he would never tell the other party any news about Pluto.

Even the historical text that no one could understand would not be told to the other party.

Looking at Cobra's vigilant look, Sean was a little speechless. What's the big deal?

But he still tried to use a kind attitude and said:"Don't care too much, this thing is dispensable to me, I just want to confirm your position."

"As descendants of the king, there is no way you, the Neferulita family, would be reduced to guarding a country full of wind and sand."

"According to the information I received, you have the historical text that records Pluto, but you have not solved it for hundreds of years, so your purpose is intriguing."

When hearing this, Cobra couldn't help it and asked unkindly:"What do you want to say? Your navy has no right to interfere in the affairs of the member states, right?"

Sean sneered:"I am indeed a navy, but I never said that I belong to the World Government, right?"

At this point, how could Cobra, the old politician, not understand that the identity of the navy in front of him was a little unusual.

So he relaxed his mind a little, ready to listen to what the other party wanted to say. After all, judging from the record of the battle between Sean and Kaido, it would be impossible for them to leave by force.

It would be better to relax and wait for the topic.

Seeing that Cobra did not respond, Sean did not care, but said to himself:"O'Hara was destroyed only twenty years ago. If you want, even if there are no documentary records left, you can still decipher the historical text, but your ancestors and even your elders did not do this. I don’t believe that you don’t know what that historical text records. There are many curious people in the past few hundred years."

"If no one tries to analyze it, it means that you happen to know the secret of that historical text, and your country's hero pirate Crocodile happens to be one of them, which means that my inference is correct, you know Pluto!"

Hearing this, Cobra's heart was like a calm lake with a huge rock thrown into it, causing huge waves.

The other party mentioned that Crocodile knew the secret of Pluto, which means... holding a glimmer of luck, he asked:"Crocodile was given the title of hero by the people because of his frequent fights against pirates. What does it have to do with the Pluto you mentioned?"

Even though he knew that Crocodile might want to plot against Pluto, he would not just believe the other party's one-sided words. After all, on this ocean, the navy, as an official agency, is still too cowardly.


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