
Hearing this, Sean was a little confused.

He knew that the main topic of this World Conference was the Revolutionary Army, but the leader of the Revolutionary Army was Dragon.

So he hurriedly asked:"What organization? What leader?"

Kizaru sat down and said helplessly:"You are obviously a vice admiral of the navy, how come you don't even understand so many basic things you must know~"

Seeing Sean fell silent, Kizaru coughed lightly:"By the way, is Clo really that easy to use~"

When this was mentioned, Sean became energetic and immediately lowered his voice and said:"Of course, everyone who has used it said it was good. If you become the marshal, I will ask him to come and help you, how about it?"

So, it was Kizaru's turn to be silent. Sean thought that his ambition was still alive after a few years.

Sean couldn't help but ask again:"So... let's continue the topic just now?"


On the other side, the fifty monarchs representing the member states of the world all sat down. The scene was a little strange for a moment, and no one spoke.

Creaking - the door of the conference room was opened, and an official of the World Government who was responsible for presiding over this meeting came in.

He walked to the conference table with a stack of documents and said:"Welcome everyone to the latest World Conference. The first topic to be discussed is - the Revolutionary Army."

"I believe many of you already know that the power of this rebel army has been expanding in recent years!"

"Some member states of the World Government have already been attacked by them in a coup. Although the scale is not large enough at present, if they are allowed to continue, it will affect all of you present here one day."At the beginning, these kings and monarchs were a little dull, because they roughly guessed that this topic would be brought up.

Some of the neighboring countries that were conquered were fine, because they have truly witnessed this power.

Their strength is not individual strength, but the dangerous ideas that directly launched a war against domestic civilians.

Who can do this? Even if you appeal to the World Government, there is no way, unless you wipe out the entire country.

Otherwise, the civilians of the entire country will pull you down, which is a losing situation.

Some kings are a little disdainful, because they feel that in their own rule.

They are confident that these problems will never happen in their country. They even think that the affected countries have fallen into the hands of them. The face of the allies.

So the whole meeting was roughly divided into three factions. One faction felt that this must be taken seriously, and a maximum wanted notice should be issued to strangle this strange force.

The other faction felt that if the actions of these people were publicized, it would affect their rule and it would not be good for their reputation. They looked down on these rats who incited civilian coups but hid their heads and showed their tails.

Finally, there were a few kings who remained on the sidelines, because the governance policies of their countries were somewhat similar to the ideas incited by the rebels.

Even if these rebels went to their countries to incite the people, they would not achieve any major results.

After the presiding official finished speaking, there was a moment of silence, and finally a king spoke.

"Humph, those stinking ditch rats who hide their heads and show their tails, I really don't know why you are afraid of"

"That is, you want to be embarrassed, but we don’t. Our country will become great!"

"You underestimate this rebel army. If you don't take remedial measures now, one day they will become the sword of Damocles hanging over your heads."

"Oh, they are just a bunch of narrow-minded idiots. There is no need for them to do that. Now they have the power to overthrow a country at any time."


No one could convince anyone else, and some kings even snored like hippos.

This annoyed Cobra, who was taking it seriously, and he immediately scolded:"Valpo! Please respect the kings present here. This is not your home."

After waking up, Valpo wanted to yell back subconsciously, but seeing so many kings looking at him, he could only suppress his anger a little:"Ahaha~ Sorry, sorry, I handled official business too late last night."

Although he said so, these kings were all shrewd people. They didn't believe that a person who governed the country with high pressure would be so diligent.

Valpo had a gloomy face, and he glanced at Cobra vaguely, thinking of finding an opportunity to embarrass him.

Regarding the content of the topic, he also expressed his opinion:"In fact, as long as the lifeline of the people is held, these rebels will not be a problem."

"It's ridiculous, Valpo, they are your own people, and it is your overly high-pressure policies that will give the rebels an opportunity to take advantage of it!"

Cobra had a look of disdain on his face, and he hated this unlearned king the most.

What he had to play now was the role of stirring up the fire. He knew very well that whether it was publicity or blocking the news, it was all good news for the Revolutionary Army. More people would join if the news was publicized.

If the pressure continued to be exerted by blocking the news, once the people saw a little hope, it would burn into a raging fire at a faster speed.

It was a win no matter how you counted it, and he also followed Sean's instructions and pretended not to know that there were people in the Revolutionary Army.

Sure enough, Valpo's face looked a little ugly after being confronted again, and he immediately joined the faction that advocated continuing the high-pressure policy.

The crowd started a new round of quarrels.

After a moment, the representative of the World Government patted the table lightly and said,"Everyone, I believe everyone has some understanding of this rebel army."

"Next, you can take a look at the documents distributed to you. I believe it will deepen your understanding of this force and help you negotiate a better result."

Yes, the representatives of this world government are not unwilling to express their opinions, but as a���The big brother will guide the younger brother to give the answers he wants.

This is also for the face of the world government. On the surface, they are the ones who are discussing.

But all the news of major events are submitted by them, and the content above will only guide these kings to the answers they want.

Otherwise, you are wrong, you are an outlier, and the answer of one plus one can only be equal to two.

Sure enough, the kings who gradually got the documents looked a little ugly.

It is really unexpected that the rebels are not rats in the stinking ditch, but eagles soaring in the sky.

After aiming at the prey, they swoop down and hit the top hunters with one shot.

And...these countries are the prey of the other party.

Only when the data and information were placed in front of them, their quarrels came to an abrupt end.

The first thought in their minds was, what right do they have?

After Cobra took a quick look, he kept paying attention to the representative official with a smile on his lips.

Thinking, you may make money, but we will not lose.


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