
"Also, I think you can teach Chopper medical skills. He is very interested in medicine, but my ability is limited."

Kuleha was a little surprised:"When did you have the illusion that you have medical ability?"

Hearing this, Siruluk didn't feel embarrassed to be teased. After all, he was used to it. Just as he was about to say something, he heard a sound of glass breaking at the door.

The two turned their heads and saw Chopper standing there with a look of helplessness. There were glass fragments of trays and cups on the floor.

Seeing Chopper's somewhat helpless look, the 133-year-old young and beautiful girl knew immediately that the other party should have been eavesdropping for a while.

Squinting her eyes, she asked in a bad tone:"Little reindeer, you are really naughty. Tell me, how long have you been eavesdropping?"

Originally, she felt embarrassed about being caught eavesdropping, but when she heard Kuleha's question, she didn't care about shame. She mustered up the courage to look directly at the other party:"Since you said that Siruluk only had one year to live, I just wanted to bring you water."

Hearing this, Siruluk was a little confused. He didn't know how to explain it to the other party.

This was definitely a large-scale social death scene.

Seeing that Siruluk didn't speak, Chopper's eyes gradually became misty.

"Doctor, you said you would always be with me. You clearly promised me"

"Why do you still want to lie to me in this situation? Obviously, I am very good, I won't cry or make a fuss."

"Can you keep me by your side, doctor? I will study medicine well and make a panacea for you!"

Siruluk looked at Chopper's sad expression and was a little overwhelmed.

If he kept it a secret from Chopper, he could do whatever he wanted, but now that Chopper had found out, he would be forced to get proper treatment.

Seeing this, Kuleha stopped talking and decided that only the person involved could make the decision.

Just when everyone was silent and could only hear faint sobs, a voice came into the ears of several people from the window.

"Tsk, who says terminal illnesses can't be cured."

Hearing this, several people looked at the open window. After the window was opened, a figure flipped in.

Several people knew that this was the vice admiral!

Sean just took a nap and came to take a look because he was bored.

Now the goal has been achieved, and Chopper also has the ideal of"panacea".

Before Siruluk spoke, Kuleha was a little unhappy:"Hey, do you know that it is very rude to climb through the window into the home of a young and beautiful girl like this? Even if you are a navy!"

"Oh, sorry," Sean scratched his head and walked to the sofa next to Chopper nonchalantly and sat down.

"I was just bored so I came out for a walk, and ended up hearing what you were saying, and I couldn't help but speak out. Next time I eavesdrop I won't comment."

After hearing Sean's apology, several people frowned. Is this really a navy? Why does he look so much like a street urchin?

And Chopper, who was feeling sad, just heard Sean say that it's not that he can't be saved, and his eyes were filled with light again.

He really couldn't imagine how bad his life would become after losing the doctor. As for Kuleha? Chopper temporarily filtered it out.

She took small steps to Sean:"Um, can you save Dr. Siluruka?"

Sean nodded:"I can."

Chopper looked at Sean hopefully, and just as he was about to speak, he saw Sean raised his hand towards Hiruluk.

In an instant, a blue halo emerged from Hiruluk's body.

This sudden change made Chopper hold back what he was about to say.

He recognized this light, which had appeared when he treated him, but it was milky yellow at that time, but now it was azure blue.

This process only lasted for a few seconds, and then Chopper came to Hiruluk eagerly.

"How do you feel? Are you okay?"

Seeing that Chopper still had a worried look on his face, Hiluruk immediately laughed heartily:"Hahaha~ It seems that I, the old man, have encountered a miracle. I feel better than ever before."

Kuleha on the side didn't care about that and directly pulled Hiluruk to the side for examination.

While checking, looking at Sean who was sitting on the sofa smoking a cigar, he suddenly asked:"Did you kill Valpo?"

Sean was looking at the comic about Germa in his hand, and responded without raising his head:"Yeah, what's wrong?"



The two old men really couldn't understand the young man's train of thought. You are a navy, brother, is it really okay for you to just admit it?

How could the navy assassinate the king of another country?

Sean looked up at the two of them, especially when he saw Kuleha's old face that seemed to be constipated, he suddenly felt relieved.

But he still explained:"Aha, I'm kidding, this is just a joke between young people, Doctor Kuleha, you won't take it seriously, right? No way, no way?"

Kuleha heard this and rolled her eyes weirdly and said:"How is it possible! I'm a young and beautiful girl, how could I take it seriously, you are teasing me, are you trying to get the secret of my eternal youth?"

"Oh, it's a pity that you discovered this."

"Even if you say so, I won't give it to you, because you are such an annoying kid."

Hiluluk and Chopper were both speechless, they were all waiting for the result.

Fortunately, Kuleha was reliable, and after a while she finished the inspection, and then said to Hiluluk:

"If you say this is a miracle, it is actually possible. Congratulations, quack doctor, you are really recovered, although it is unbelievable to me."

Upon hearing this, Chopper and Siruluk���Putting down the heavy stone in their hearts, the two of them hugged each other immediately.



Seeing that they were developing in the direction of a Qiong Yao drama, Sean shook his head and left the room.

Seeing this, Kuleha followed him out.

He asked bluntly:"Mr. Lieutenant General, can you tell me why you help these father and son?"


After Sean blew out a smoke ring, he said faintly:"Does the navy need a reason to help civilians?"

"What about Valpo? I don’t believe that bully dares to provoke you. We have heard about your bad temper here~"

Kuleha also picked up her plum wine and took a sip.

Sean glanced at the door and said,"You think too much. Okay, I'm leaving. Please tell them for me."

Then Sean slowly walked out of the door. When he was about to reach the door, Sean paused and said,"That little guy has a talent for medicine. You can teach him with confidence."

After that, he left without looking back.

Looking at Sean's back as he left, the old and beautiful girl smiled, revealing a weird smile that a child would turn pale at.

"What an interesting navy."


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