The finger touched Nami's arm and passed through as if passing through the air.

At this time, Bell-mère was relieved. Since the other party would take out such a rare devil fruit, he would not give up Nami easily.

The two little girls also heard the conversation between the two. Nami immediately became happy, like a child who got a new toy.

She used the cloud in her hand to form various shapes, and then released a cloud with higher density. She stepped on it and played up and down.

But after a while, Nami stopped panting, stuck out her tongue, and quickly ran to the side to pick up the water and drank it.

""It's so strenuous, how can I become stronger?" Nami said slowly.

Then Sean took out the 'precious' potion,"and this, this is something that only I have in the whole ocean."

Then Sean used his observation Haki to sense the surroundings, and then slowly explained. He explained all the wonderful uses of the potion, and finally emphasized once more that this was something that only he had.

Now, Bellmère finally understood why Sean was confident that he could make Nami a top powerhouse.

As long as Nami doesn't slack off and practices well in the next few years, the future is promising. Nojiko was also happy for Nami. After all, her sister had the opportunity to become the top powerhouse in this ocean. She can act tyrannically in the future, hehe.

"Can you only use this kind of white cloud? Can't you make some thunderclouds or something like that?"

Sean looked at Nami with some doubt. This shouldn't be the case. Nami's sensitivity to the weather is at the level of a super genius.

Nami was also a little dumbfounded:"This, I don't know how to do it."

After hearing this, Sean realized that it turned out that Nami's knowledge reserve was not enough.

She didn't even know about cumulonimbus clouds, cumulonimbus bald clouds, noctilucent clouds, cumulonimbus congestus and so on.

But it's not a big problem. According to Robin, O'Hara now has a collection of knowledge books from the Sky Island countries.

Among them are the books from Visalia Island, a country that uses science to study meteorology and weather.

I'll just go find Dr. Kloba and get a set of books later.

So he said to Nami,"It's not a big problem. I'll bring you some books on related knowledge later."

Sean is looking forward to the development of this fruit, and he doesn't know what kind of surprise Nami will bring him in the future.

In the afternoon, after setting up a course for Nami, Sean went to O'Hara and brought back several boxes of books on meteorology.

Bellemeier and Nokigo, who were watching, felt dry mouths, as they were both not fond of studying.

Only Nami's eyes lit up when she saw so many books.

Sean was very pleased with this.

Then it was time to leave, after all, someone was waiting for him at home.

"Then I'll go back first. You should practice well in the next few years. I will come to see you when I have time."

Hearing this, Nami also showed a reluctant expression:"Then remember to come and teach me when you have time, otherwise I'm afraid the learning progress will be too slow."

Nami could only use this lame excuse to make Sean remember her. She really couldn't bear to leave Sean. She never felt that Sean treated her as a tool, saved her family, and gave her the opportunity to become stronger.

As for joining the Four Emperors? Come on, that's a job tailored for her, okay? A job that allows her to travel the sea without restraint.

Sean leaned over and touched his head, and Nami also raised her head and rubbed it.

"Okay, I'll come back to see you when I have time, just wait until I'm done with this period of time."

After saying this, Sean waved to the others, and a burst of white light burst out from Sean's body.

With a whoosh, Sean disappeared.

From beginning to end, no other villagers noticed that Sean had been here.


After returning to Shimotsuki Village, Sean strolled around slowly, greeting the villagers.

Not long after, Sean returned to the dojo and took out the knife he had obtained from the slave market from the system space.

This was for Zoro. Although he couldn't fool this stubborn guy, he was still his junior.

Moreover, Sean felt that the knife was not bad, but he didn't know what kind of knife it was.

When Sean arrived at the training dojo, he heard a burst of uproar coming from inside.

"Wow, these two seniors are so amazing"

"Yes, yes, that's so cool. They actually used bamboo swords to fight with Zoro-senpai, and the bamboo swords were not damaged at all."

"It should be Senior Sean who taught them. After all, they have been following him for two years. It is not surprising that they can do this."

"That's right, I heard from the adults at home that Senior Sean is a super big shot, a super powerful one."

"I'm so envious..."

Sean was listening outside the door and soon understood what was going on. It turned out that Zoro challenged Kuina again.

But Kuina, who had become stronger and naturally learned to be domineering, had skills and strength that were definitely not comparable to Zoro's current strength.

The result was that he was killed instantly. Zoro was not discouraged and turned to challenge Tashigi, but the result was the same.

Despite this, Sean did not plan to give Zoro the gene drug, because with his qualifications, he would reach the top sooner or later. The reason why Zoro in the original work had such a strong personality charm was due to his personal experience.

Whether it was because the little girl was tied up by the navy for several days and nights, Eating, or contributing to the Straw Hat Pirates, and not even afraid of the Celestial Dragons drawing their swords.

Those were Zoro's experiences in becoming a man of integrity. Sean would not rashly force his way forward.

Kuina and Tashigi only got tickets to the 'strongest swordsman', but Zoro was definitely the world's number one swordsman seed.

Seeing Sean come in, the younger brothers all looked at Sean with starry eyes, and Koshiro even showed a satisfied smile.

Zoro, who was still a little dissatisfied, immediately brightened up when he saw Sean. Koshiro only asked him to practice step by step, but he still felt it was too slow. He immediately ran to Sean and said,"Senior! Can you teach me the technique to make the bamboo sword hard? The teacher refused to teach me!""

What Zoro didn't know was that Sean's talent was also unparalleled, unlike Zoro who needed to hone himself.

Before he got the system, Sean had already reached the top level of dual-color domineering at the age of 18, and his swordsmanship was so superb that it could even reach Hawkeye.

Knowing that Zoro's talent would become stronger with each battle, Sean thought for a moment and said,"Everyone's path is different. I am the kind of person who can only practice quietly."

"You are the kind of genius who gets stronger with each battle. Don't worry, believe me, you will become a great swordsman."

Hearing this, Zoro's face fell immediately:"Can I really not learn?"


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