
After a long time, after eating and drinking,

Garp looked at Sean and said,"Let's talk about the previous problem."

Then he looked at Nami and Nokigo who were still eating.

Sean waved his hand and said,"It's okay, I didn't do anything shameful."

The two little ones who were ready to be driven away did not leave after hearing this, and quietly pricked up their ears to listen to the conversation between the two.

"So, why would a man like you join the navy, and you are only a major in the East China Sea? And Ace..."

Before Garp finished speaking, Sean interrupted:"Stop, ask one question at a time."

"First of all, don't be a man like this man. I am just an ordinary person. I hate people who disregard life and do not follow the order."

"Furthermore, I hate the sea trash that kills innocent people and oppresses civilians. Maybe there are pure adventurers in this sea, but I know that they are only as numerous as the possessors of the Domineering Haki."

"I joined the Navy for no other reason than to feel unhappy. As for why I am here now, it's because I was afraid of death."

"I felt that I was not strong enough, so I just developed slowly. Now my strength is almost there, and I have a life-saving skill, so I decided to show my cards and stop pretending."

"I can say with certainty that no one in this ocean can catch me, not even seastone. Are you satisfied with this answer?" The two little ones and Garp were stunned by this answer.

Shouldn't a strong man be tempered in adversity?

And why can this man say that he is afraid of death without any psychological burden?

Originally, everyone thought there was some noble reason, such as clearing up the East China Sea.

Seeing the expressions of several people, Sean understood what they were thinking and said,"Why do you think being afraid of death is a bad thing?"

Garp hesitated and said,"The spirit of the owner of the domineering domineering... It shouldn't be like this."

Sean sneered and said,"Then what do you think? Thinking about fighting for the throne every day is the real reason?"

"Do you think you can reach the top if you ignore life and don't respect it?"

"Not to mention the past, as for my domineering aura, only Shanks can be compared to me in the entire ocean. Do you think he just wants to be the Pirate King?"

"Don't be ridiculous, he just inherited his captain's will, what he wants to do is the same as Roger"

"I am afraid of death, but I am not afraid of trouble, so in the past two years, whenever I encounter scum, I will take action without hesitation."

"I am just more rational. I know that I am not strong enough to go to the New World and I want to live longer. If I had gone out to sea earlier and encountered an accident, can you imagine what the consequences would be for this village under the control of the Arlong Pirates?"

"The best outcome is that they have been doing evil for many years, and other pirates come and defeat them. Will anyone in this village still believe in the navy by then?"

After saying that, he looked at Nami, who shook her head and then looked at Garp.

"Look, do you still think it’s a bad thing to be afraid of death? I respect life!"

Garp's head was already buzzing when Sean mentioned Shanks and Roger.

When Sean stopped talking, he quickly said,"Do you know Roger's purpose?"

Sean stretched out his hand without comment and pointed to the sky.

Just when the two little ones were confused, Garp's face changed drastically.

"So, joining the Navy is your way?"

"Ha, I'm not that great. I just want to do what I can, get married and have two kids in the future, but that requires the ability to protect myself, that's all."

Garp groaned for a moment,"Then let's turn the page. And Ace...what is your purpose towards him?"

Sean knew that this was what Garp was most concerned about.

He touched his chin and said,"Whether you believe it or not, I only knew about Ace by chance."

"You can rest assured that I have no ill will towards him. I just want him to join the navy."

"Alas, you don't understand the inner world of a rebellious teenager at all. He is lonely and confused. I just provided him with a direction."

Garp thought about it, and it seemed so. This man just wanted Ace to be a navy, and Ace asked him to teach him.

So he said with a puzzled look on his face:"Then why did a strong man like you hear that you broke a leg, but you are fine now."

Sean was amused. Of course, he couldn't tell Garp that he was pretending at the time, after all, Garp was not sure of his words. If

Ace knew that he pretended to be lame to fool him, he would probably hate himself for deceiving him so many tears.

So he said earnestly:"I just awakened a kind of ability later, the ability to heal."

After saying that, he raised his hand and waved at Garp. A light yellow light burst out from his body, accompanied by a little starlight.

Garp's minor injuries in the previous battle recovered in the blink of an eye.

Garp was dumbfounded. Doesn't this kid have the Heavy Fruit? How can he still heal?

Seeing Garp's problem, Sean hurriedly said:"Don't look at me, I don't know, maybe this is my innate ability, just like the fish man can control water."

Garp obviously felt that Sean was talking nonsense, but there was nothing he could do. After all, he was too young and too strong.

"So you deliberately created an accident?"

Sean waved his hand:"Hey, you think too much, I just want to see Roger's descendants."

"Accidents are true, but I bet my legs on the new era, um, just like Shanks"

"Shanks lost his arm, so I lost my leg, right? You, a Vice Admiral, actually let your grandson want to become a pirate."

"It would have been great if I had lost my arm earlier. Tsk, what a pity."

"Later, he felt that he might not be strong enough with a missing leg, so he ate the devil fruit, and then he awakened his healing ability."

When Garp heard this, his face turned green. What do you mean it would be great to go and cut off an arm early?

You are just copying Shanks.

When he thought about why this kid knew so many things, he asked Sean what he knew about Shanks.

Sean looked at Garp like a fool, and when Garp felt uncomfortable, he said:

"I heard about your grandson from the villagers. As for Shanks..." He hesitated for a moment and continued:"Don't think that he is just a relatively powerful pirate now. In the past two years,"

"In two years, he will be like the three monsters in the New World, dominating the New World and opposing them on four corners. There won’t be many people or things on his ship, but they are sailing in the same way as Roger, and they are all elites."

After hearing this, Garp looked thoughtful, thinking about the purpose of the man who brought Luffy on the road of pirates.

Although Garp doesn't like to use his brain, he is definitely not stupid.

Since Shanks inherited Roger's will, maybe he wants to do the same thing as Roger.

So in the end he wants to pull Luffy into his camp...

But Luffy is obviously just a kid who can't do anything and has no potential.

Then he threw the question to Sean.

Sean had to say,"Don't worry, Shanks is a rare hero on the sea. He reveres and respects life. Otherwise, they might have died when they were provoked by the bandits for the first time."

"He won't hurt your grandson. Luffy's nerves are consistent with awakening the same ability as Roger. Maybe this is why Shanks gambled his arm."

Hearing this, Garp asked curiously:"What ability?"



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